True and Fascinating Canadian History
Dawson, YT
RCMP Graves Yukon
by Jules Leblanc. Vets YT.
Dear Joe;
In May 2012 my wife Beverley and I moved to Whitehorse to be closer to our grandchildren. At the September meeting of the Yukon Vets Association I learned that the Vets had considered a Gravesite Inspection program several years ago however nothing had come of it. I offered to make contact with the NB Vets Association to get details on their program and to see if such a program could be implemented here in the Yukon.
Having known Dan MacNeil (NB Gravesite coordinator) for numerous years I was able to get from him a wealth of information on the NB program as well as being introduced to the RCMPGRAVEs site. Dan was kind enough to also get me in contact with Dick Pulsifer, NS Vet Association who also provided valuable information on their gravesite program.

In November I was able to compile a list of buried members in the Yukon from RCMPGRAVES site as well as the City of Whitehorse (they are the record keepers for the graves in Whitehorse). This list was distributed at our November Association meeting. The Association noted their interest to continue the effort to compile a list of all buried members in the Yukon as well as trying to enter into a contract with "M" Division for the upkeep of members gravesite.
In Early January 2013 our President was able to meet with the C.O. "M" Division. As a result of that meeting another meeting was held between our President, myself and S/M Al Hudley who provided us with a list of the Force's records of graves in the Yukon. We also learned that the Force along with Park Canada are undertaking a major restoration of the Dawson City Police Cemetery during the summer of 2013.
In March I was able to compile an accurate list of 57 members buried in the Yukon. With the assistance of Bill Pringle of our association we were able to update the members dates of service and correct numerous records on the National website.
It is the Associations intentions to add the names of our buried members on our recently updated website ( We also intend to continue discussions with "M" Division with the hope of entering into a contract to care for the upkeep of our member's graves.
During the summer of 2013 we intend to photograph the graves in the Whitehorse cemeteries and document the GPS coordinates. We also hope within the next two to three years to travel to all the remote sites of the known graves, photograph and document the GPS coordinates.
I continue to search the files at the Yukon Archives with the hope of finding additional buried members.
Jules LeBlanc,
RCMP Vets Yukon

Grey Mountain Cemetery. Whitehorse, YT.
Honour Roll #41Old Cemetery. Herschel Island, YT.