True and Fascinating Canadian History

Honour Roll #1
Union Cemetery, Fort MacLeod, Alberta
RCMP Graves Alberta

Auxillary Constable F. A. Abel was killed on duty in a motor vehicle accident, on Highway 3, near Lethbridge, AB. Constable Abel was buried in Lethbridge, AB. He is also listed on the 'K' Division Wall of Honour.
Over many, many years the success for locating RCMP graves in Alberta lays to a very large extent with Edmonton, AB Veteran AJH 'Joe' Collinson and with Calgary, AB Friend of the Force Mr. Reg Keatley. As well, Mr. Collinson & Mr. Keatley have photographed a large percentage of the Alberta graves and they have also reported annually on the overall condition of RCMP graves within AB.

The vast number of Alberta graves lie in the larger cemeteries of Edmonton such as; Beechmont, Evergreen, the Edmonton Cemetery and the 107th Ave Cemetery, and also in the larger cemeteries of Calgary such as; the Union, the Burnsland and Queen's Park.
During WWII, Constable Clifton Llewellyn Andrew (photo right) volunteered as an RCAF Flying Officer. He was Constable Andrews was buried in the Blairmore Union Cemetery, Blairmore, AB.
Another RCMP member, Reg.#14126, Constable Neil J. Armstrong also joined WWII as an RCAF pilot. After WWII, he returned safely to Canada, but on November 1, 1996, he too was killed while flying over Antarctica. His grave, thought to be in Alberta, has not yet been found.

On April 23, 1913, Reg.#4968, Corporal Maxwell George Bailey (photo left of his horse) was killed at Grassy Lake, 40 miles west of Edmonton, AB while attempting to apprehend a suspected mental patient.
Corporal Bailey is listed on the RCMP Honour Roll #39. His name also lies on the 'K' Division Wall of Honour.
Bailey Boulevard at the Canadian Police College in Ottawa, ON was named after Corporal Maxwell G. Bailey and Bailey Court at 'Depot' Division was also named after him.
Corporal Bailey was buried in the 16th Ave Cemetery, Edmonton, AB.
Reg.#2, Sergeant Major John Henry Gresham Bray (grave photo right) was born on January 24, 1840 in Herefordshire, Worcestershire. England. He joined the Force in Toronto, ON on November 3, 1873 and he was one of the Originals on the March West.
He was also one of the first NWMP to get married in the North West Territories after he had met one of the McKay sisters at Fort Walsh, SK.
Sergeant Major Bray died in 1923. He was buried in Kin Coulee Cemetery in Medicine Ht, AB.
According to Mr. Reg Keatley, all the graves in Kin Coulee Cemetery are well maintained -- the work in the Cemetery is done by the City of Medicine Hat, AB.
The following RCMP were killed on duty.
They are listed on the RCMP Honour Roll and they are buried in AB.
(Listed by Reg.#)
Reg.#S/1550, Gordon Zigmund Kowalczyk. Honour Roll #185
Reg.#o135, John D. Nash. Honour Roll #1
Reg.#S/1969, Vincent Norman Timms. Honour Roll #215
Reg.#181, Claudius Shaw 'Charles' Hooley. Honour Roll #4
Reg.#857, William Brock Wilde. Honour Roll #21
Reg.#913, Reddy James Herron. Honour Roll #18
Reg.#979, George Henry Leopold Bossange. Honour Roll #42
Reg.#1102, Arthur Frederick Montford Brooke. Honour Roll #27
Reg.#2086, William Tyrrell Reading. Honour Roll #17
Reg.#2181, Alfred Perry. Honour Roll #136
Reg.#4584, George Ernest Wilmett. Honour Roll #32
Reg.#4537, Frank Walter Davies. Honour Roll #38
Reg.#4968, Maxwell George Bailey. Honour Roll #39
Reg.#5816, Alexander Gamman. Honour Roll #66
Reg.#6096, Ernest Usher. Honour Roll #43
Reg.#9669, Newt Edgar Millen. Honour Roll #51
Reg.#10399, Donald Ross Macdonnell. Honour Roll #50
Reg.#10945, George Campbell Harrison. Honour Roll #57
Reg.#11296, Gordon Frederick Counsell. Honour Roll #65
Reg.#11326, Thomas Sellar Wallace. Honour Roll #58
R. I. P.

Edmonton Cemetery. Edmonton, AB

Honour Roll #123.
Mountain View Cemetery. Lethbridge, AB.