True and Fascinating Canadian History

RCMP Graves 'Depot' Division Cemetery
Beginning about 1885, when the NWMP first moved its Headquarters to Regina, SK. a sufficient track of land was set aside for future generations of the Force on the north side of 'Depot' Divison and for a cemetery which has served as the final resting place for hundreds of NWMP, RNWMP and RCMP.

In addition to being a place of serenity and peace, the Cemetery at 'Depot' has consistenty been well maintained, and in the last twenty years or so vast improvements have been made to a new and architecturally designed Main Entrance as well as to include new pathways, new benches, new lighting, several new columbarium mounts (on either side of the pathway just inside the Main Entrance) as well as new sand and sod.
Money has been set aside every year for annual improvements which continue to make the Cemetery at 'Depot' attractive and uplifting. The Maintenance Staff at 'Depot' Division have done a noteworthy and very impressive job of caring for the RCMP Cemetery at 'Depot'.

The Cemetery holds a deep and meaningful sense of Force history, and many of the earliest members of the NWMP were once buried at 'Depot' Division including; O.57 Assistant Commissioner A. E. Cuthbert, O.88 Medical Surgeon Henry Dodd, and Reg.#177 Staff Sergeant Isaac Janeson Forbes who was widely known for the all time record of 62 consecutive Force Christmas dinners which he enjoyed over many, many years.
Other deceased 'ole timers include: Special Constable E. Harding, Reg.#308 Staff Sergeant Henry Harry Walker, and Mary Helen Herchmer (d:1899), spouse of Lawrence William Herchmer, the fifth Commissioner of the Force who incidently died in 1915 and who was buried in Mountain View Cemetery in Vancouver, BC.
In the early days of the Cemetery, burial plots from # 1 #125 were arranged by the NWMP in a systematic way in an area designated as Block 'A'.
Over the subsequent years, new burial plots from #126 to #269 were opened in an area designated as Block 'B' and other plots have been opened from #270 to #450 in Block 'C'. In the most recent years, other new plots have also been opened in an expanded area and in conjunction with the overall fresh construction and a new Cemetery design.
Records released by the RCMP show that in the early days of the 'Depot' Cemetery, about twenty people were buried but their names are not known. Throughout the late 1800's, the harsh weather and its deteriating effect on wood caused the original crosses on these particular twenty graves to fall apart, and today new white crossses mark their places. Whether or not these twenty unidentified deceased were members of the NWMP is not known -- they might have been family of NWMP members or perhaps other persons in the employ of the NWMP.

Over the years, several children including baby Jean Campbell MacDonell were buried in the Cemetery at 'Depot' and their stone markers are very well preserved.

The following RCMP were killed on duty.
They are listed on the RCMP Honour Roll and they are buried at 'Depot'.
(Listed by Reg.#)
Reg.6252, Lorne James Sampson. Honour Roll #54
Reg.#7606, Arthur Julian Barker. Honour Roll #64
Reg.#10294, David james McCombe. Honour Roll #90
Reg.#10655, Harry Gilbert Rapeer. Honour Roll #66
Reg.#14694, Roy Eldon Laird. Honour Roll #110
Reg.#14757, Hershel Taylor Wood. Honour Roll #107
Reg.#14819, Joseph Kasimir Sander. Honour Roll #87
Reg.#15190, James Aldridge O'Malley. Honour Roll #143
Reg.#15445, Robert James Schrader. Honour Roll #141
Reg.#20598, David Brian Robinson. Honour Roll #129
Reg.#21129, Douglas Bernard Anson. Honour Roll #142
Reg.#25876, Ole Roust Larsen. Honour Roll #167
Reg.#26498, Richard Allan Bourgoin. Honour Roll #175
Reg.#29984, Roger Emile Pierlet. Honour Roll #147
Reg.#31915, Thomas Brian King. Honour Roll #156
Reg.#37348, Graeme Charles Cumming. Honour Roll #194
Reg.#40876, Josep Leo Ghislain Maurice. Honour Roll #202
Reg.#45194, Jinny Ng. Honour Roll #201
Reg.#48100, Marc Joseph Denis Bourdages. Honour Roll #213
Reg.#48568, Lionide Nicholas Johnston. Honour Roll #207
Reg.#57912, David Matthew Wynn. Honour Roll #236
R. I. P.

Honour Roll #64
'Depot' Division Cemetery