True and Fascinating Canadian History

An Indigenous Prayer

I sincerely thank Reverend Jan Jorsgensen for writing the inspirational prayer of peace which follows, and for sharing it on the Internet. The prayer was chosen from the Worship Service on June 18th, 2022 given by Rev. Jan Jorgensen who shares ministry with Robert Patton, a Kanien'kehá:ka Congregational Designated Minister and Elder, and the people of Kahnawake United Church.
"Creator, in love and through love, you have called all things into being. We thank you for mother earth, our home. We thank you for the heavens that watch over us and the starlight that warms and guides us. We thank you for all the plants―for those that are medicine, for those that nourish us, for those that express your delight through their beauty and diversity.
We thank you for all of our fellow creatures; may we share this earth with them in respect, with reverence. We thank you for soil, water, fire, air; for forests, plains, and mountains, deserts and tundra and oceans. And now, when so much of the world is threatened with destruction, help us to walk in humility with gratitude among all these sacred gifts from you.
We thank you for being a God of liberation, for you are ever seeking to bring us into the joy of your salvation; into a just, equitable, and holistic celebration of life.
We thank you for your compassion, which holds each and every one of us. We thank you for coming to us as Jesus, our teacher, brother, and friend―for dying on the cross and breaking the power of death in order to bring us back into harmony with you and all of Creation."
by Rev. Jan Jorgensen. 2022
Reporting from Fort Healy,
J. J. Healy
RCMP Vets. Ottawa, ON.
Ottawa, ON
Aboriginal Day is celebrated on June 21st each year in Canada
All God’s Beloved Children Worship Service for Indigenous Day of Prayer. June 19th, 2022