True and Fascinating Canadian History
Canadian Police Officer Memorials
and War Memorials Worldwide
RCMP Vets. Ottawa, ON
In Canada, there is a long tradition of respect for police officers, the tasks which they perform and the central role which they play in democracy.
Canadian police officers, for the most part, have well earned the admiration of the general public. They can rely on a history of honesty, fair play, impartiality and an appreciative sense of justice and its benefits. In turn, Canadians realize, respect and honour the hundreds of police officers who have given their lives to further protect democratic ideals.
This segment of the website is dedicated especially to the hundreds of Canadian police officers who have lost their lives both in peaceand in war. It is a remarkable and deserving sign that memorials have been built in their honour and in their memory in Canada and around the world.
It is equally remarkable that, down through time, every RCMP Commissioner has insisted that RCMP men and women be allowed to stand and volunteer with Canada's Army, Navy and Air Force in times of national need.
As Canadians reflect on the Memorials on the following pages, it may come as a little surprise to learn about the hundreds of RCMP who have died around the world in Canada's name.
Many of their bodies were never recovered but their names are etched in stone. Hundreds of other RCMP members lie in war cemeteries in far away countries around the world. R. I. P.

Ottawa, ON.

Ottawa, ON.