True and Fascinating Canadian History

In Memory of RCMP Members Who Are Buried in Russia
Churkin Russian Naval Cemetery

The Russian Churkin Naval Cemetery, Vladivostok is on the Churkin Peninsula and it was used by British, French, American and Czechoslovak troops. However, the Canadian Government erected a central Monument in the British plot; and on this, the Vladivostok Memorial, are inscribed the names of the 13 British soldiers whose graves are in other parts of Siberia.
The Siberian Expeditionary Force was mainly Canadian, and it included the No. II Canadian Stationary Hospital and the No. 16 Canadian Field Ambulance. It left the graves of 14 Canadian soldiers and 14 from the United Kingdom in the Churkin Russian Naval Cemetery; those of seven sailors of the Royal Navy, one Marine and one United Kingdom soldier in the Lutheran part of Pokrovskaya Cemetery; and those of ten soldiers from the United Kingdom and three from Canada at other places in Siberia.