True and Fascinating Canadian History


Sovereign's Medal For Canadian Volunteers

In Gratitude And In Recognition

of the Members of the Force


The Sovereign's Medal for Canadian Volunteers

The following Ottawa RCMP Volunteers are listed from junior to senior.

The narratives were taken from The Sovereign's Medal for Canadian Volunteer Program
which was held at Rideau Hall, Ottawa, ON on September 7, 2016.


Since the age of six, Evan Collier (above) has dedicated himself to encouraging leadership, well being and safety in others. He has been involved with the RCMP Stetsons & Spurs, the Prevent Alcohol and Risk Related Trauma in Youth (PARTY) Program and the Canadian Cadet Organization. He also assists with local victim services, in addition to speaking with school groups about safety and policing.


A volunteer with the RCMP Veterans' Association since 2004, Brenton MacDonald (above) has helped build the Bruce Denniston Bone Marrow Society over the past 15 years. Serving in various posts, he has expanded the Ottawa Hospital's Blood and Marrow Transplant Program by establishing a Volunteer Courier Service, which has facilitated over 150 transplants, as well as by engaging and training volunteers.


Since 2000, Gary Walkling (above) has volunteered with the RCMP Veterans' Association (Ottawa Division) and the Bruce Denniston Bone Marrow Society, where he currently serves as Webmaster and Treasurer. Through the Society he has been instrumental in establishing a volunteer courier service for the Blood and Marrow Transplant Program at the Ottawa Hospital, which has enabled 150 transplants in Ottawa alone.


Although Joseph Healy (above) has been involved in several community organizations and activities for many years, one of his greatest achievements is the creation and administration of the National RCMP Graves Inspection and Maintenance Information Website. His dedication to this initiative continues to bring honour to the RCMP and to Canada.


For nearly 15 years, Roy Berlinquette (above) has been dedicated to developing and managing the RCMP National Memorial Cemetery within Beechwood Cemetery. He has been instrumental in coordinating the growth and formal recognition of the designated area, in implementing the area's commemorative features, including the Memorial Walk, and in providing a place to honour the memory of RCMP oficers and their families.


'G' Troop 1964. Troopmates Reg.#23694, Roy Berlinquette (L) and Reg.#23685, Joe Healy (R) join
His Excellency Governor General David Johnston (C) at Rideau Hall. September 7, 2016.


The Sovereign's Medal for Canadian Volunteers


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