True and Fascinating Canadian History

A & B Squadrons. WWI
RCMP Veterans BC. 2017
The generally-accepted terminology for the names of the two Squadrons, as I understand it, is as follows:
Many of the RNWMP members were recruited specifically for the Squadrons; and when they returned to Canada, were discharged as, "not being desirous of further service."
It is doubtful one would ever be able to determine, with any amount of certainty, the exact number of members who served in each of the Squadrons. Sources for the data of each Squadron is provided below:
"The following officers having been commissioned in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, and the following non-commissioned Officers and Constables having been permitted to enlist in the Royal North West Mounted Police Overseas Cavalry Draft, are granted leave of absence, without pay, from 15th May 1918 until discharged from the Canadian Expeditionary Force ..."
What followed was a list of:
Officers: 12 and
Other ranks: 773
Source: RNWMP General Order, dated May 13, 1918
However, a different total of RNWMP was cited in the following report...
"... The total strength of the R.N.W.M.P. draft ... on leaving Halifax was:
Officers 16,
N.C.O's: 71;
Ptes: 612;
Total all ranks: 699."
Source: Regina, Sask. July 7th, 1919. Report on R.N.W.M.P. Overseas Cavalry Draft and R.N.W.M.P. Special Squadron, France.
In summary, the totals for 'A' Squadron as cited in the two reports above do not match. The same confusion about total numbers exists for 'B' Squadron as cited below.
Advance Party:
"On the seventh of October, [1918] an Advance Party, consisting of Captain Duffus and twenty other ranks, left Regina for Vancouver, enroute to Vladisvostock, Siberia."
The Department of Militia and Defence authorized the organization of a Squadron of Cavalry, for service in Siberia, to be designated "B" Squadron, R.N.W.M. Police, Siberia, with the following establishment:
Officers: 6
Other ranks: 154
Total: 160
Establishment Increase:
Authority from Militia Headquarters to recruit an additional thirty men was received, making the establishment:
Officers: 6
Other ranks: 184
Total: 190
At Vancouver:
"... We heard on arrival that Trooper Kennedy had died from Influenza, he having been one of the advance party. A number of men were admitted to Hospital at Vancouver and were left behind when we sailed.
On the 17th of November, the Squadron embarked on the Canadian Pacific Ocean Steamship "Monteagle," consisting of:
Officers: 4, and
Other ranks: 141 ..."
Source: From the book C S E F / Canada's Soldiers in Siberia / 1918-19 by John Skuce; p. 129
Source: The RNWMP Annual Report for year ending Sept. 1, 1919, provided no numbers.
One list I have showed a total of:
190 officers and men.
But, Major Worsley reported the following number...
Strength of "B" Squadron, R.N.W.M.P., C.S.E.F.
Officers: 6
Other ranks: 166
Source: The war diary of Major Worsley, dated January 31, 1919
In conclusion, by comparing one report to another one can see the problem with trying to nail down the exact totals for both 'A' Squadron and 'B' Squadron.
by Don Klancher, Historian
Vets BC. 2017