True and Fascinating Canadian History

Vet of the Month: May, 2020
Reg.#45161, Constable Heidi Stevenson
RCMP Vets. Ottawa, ON

Constable Heidi Stevenson was reputed to be a polite, highly educated, socially skilled and caring police officer. She was also a mother of two school age children. Her smile was quick and warm. She was a native of Antigonish where her mother was employed at St. Francis Xavier University. Heidi's heart strings were in the Maritimes and her family spent their summers at their cottage on Prince Edward Island.

From a young age Heidi was taught by her parents to be an independent, critical thinker and these attributes led her from high school to university. Her transition to university life was easy and natural. In spite of having to spend hundreds of hours with lab assignments and an overall rigorous academic program, Heidi was also deeply involved in sports.
Her success in rugby led her to qualify as a coach, and her dedication to sports and her commitment caused other young women to look to Heidi as a source of inspiration. Heidi was not only a young, unique Canadian woman but she also mastered the ability to successfully juggle three priorities all at the same time; science, coaching and an active social and family life.

In the meantime, Heidi mulled over the possibility of a career in law enforcement. While at university, she took the first step by enrolling in Acadia's Campus Safety and Security Program. The program taught her how to care for other students especially those in distress or in need of extra help. Over the years, these somewhat urgent crisis experiences only confirmed her intuition to follow her dream to join the RCMP. In 1993, she graduated from Acadia with a Bachelor of Science degree, but it was no time to stop, for she knew of the challenges which faced her ahead.
Heidi joined the RCMP in early 1996 and then she was shipped off to Regina for Basic Recruit Training. The six months at 'Depot' were demanding; from early morning till lights out every cadet has not a free moment. Every day requires one to be fast afoot, clear thinking, and to work in cooperation with like minded peers. Heidi's Troop mates described her as having an incredible work ethic, a driven personality and a resilient nature. Heidi was truly a rare person instilled with two very rare personality traits -- she was always considerate of others and she was always focused on success.

Heidi's career in the RCMP was long, varied and successful. She was proud to have been selected for the world famous Musical Ride and she had the unusual opportunity to tour North America. After the Musical Ride, Heidi worked as a understudy at RCMP Headquarters in the area of drug recognition.
Her university training and her expertise in science was of a great help. She was highly complimented by the judiciary for her professionalism. To be favourably recognized by the court is a very unusual compliment in the life of any police officer, but it demonstrated Heidi's commitment to be fair, fully honest and unbiased in the presentation of her evidence.
Heidi was transferred to Nova Scotia and it is here that she met her future husband Dean. They met while she was a School Liaison Officer in Cole Harbour, and after they were introduced, Dean was overheard to say that he was bowled over by Heidi's immediate and welcoming smile. It was said their marriage was filled with love, laughter and adventure.

Soon their two children Connor and Ava came into their lives and added to Heidi and Dean's happiness. Marriage took on a whole new level of adventure -- husband, kids, holidays on PEI, and long walks along the Island's beaches.
Heidi's life was filled with her family, being a friendly neighbour, and someone who was always willing to help whether it was supervising other children, delivering food to those in need and early morning hockey games. In addition to a full work schedule, she had little time to spare. It's the way and the manner that her life had always been -- Mom, spouse and a highly professional police officer.
Constable Heidi Stevenson was killed on duty on April 19th, 2020. She will be remembered as being a remarkable young woman and a remarkable police officer whom all Canadians can justifiably be extremely proud. Every Detachment Commander would want her on their roster because of her dependability and for the credit she brought to the RCMP. Now however, the RCMP is left lonely by her loss.
Heidi's presence will be felt by many people for many years and it will be very difficult to match all that she offered; to life, to friends and family, to the RCMP and for all that she accomplished. One wishes to whisper, "Good-bye dear friend."
Themes for this piece about Heidi's life and career were taken from her obituary.
Reporting from Fort Healy,
J. J. Healy
May 23, 2020