True and Fascinating Canadian History

Vet of the Month: January, 2020
Reg.#18755, Constable John Pebbles Shaw 'Scotty' Thomson
RCMP Vets. Ottawa, ON

I received wonderful help for this short story from Constable Thomson's daughter, Diane, who lives in Albany, New York, USA and also from his wife, Eleanor. I am also appreciative to them for the wonderful photos and newspaper clips which are included in this memorial piece.
From the time he was a little boy in Scotland, John 'Scotty' Thomson dreamed of joining the RCMP. And that was precisely the life which he eventually chose. But, his life ended very sadly because Constable John Pebbles Shaw 'Scotty' Thomson only served for two years in the Force, and five years later he was killed in a motor vehicle accident. He left his wife, their daughter, Diane and their two small sons, Allen and Brian to mourn his death.
As previously mentioned, John Pebbles Shaw Thomson was born in Scotland on June 23, 1935. He immigrated to Canada at the age of seventeen but he was underage to serve in the regular RCMP as a full police officer, so he worked for the RCMP in Ottawa as a Civilian Member. His job was administrative in nature but it put him in very close contact with the RCMP, and he was considered a very popular employee. He said he intended to join the RCMP as a Constable when he turned 19 years of age.
'Scotty' Thomson joined the RCMP in March, 1954 and he was sent to 'Depot' Division in Regina, SK for his Basic Recruit Training. He was squaded in E Troop, 1954. A favorite family photo (upper right) shows John Thomson at his graduation from 'Depot' in late 1954.
After Basic Recruit Training, Constable Thomson was transferred to Banff, AB., however after a year or so, he decided to 'purchased' his discharge. His last day in the RCMP was April 30, 1956. He and his wife moved to Abbotsford, BC to find employment. They also started their family.
'Scotty' Thomson's education background was in book keeping and accountancy, and he returned to the same occupation after they relocated to Abbotsford, BC.

On June 25th, 1961 'Scotty' Thomson was involved in a single car upset which rolled over and finally came to a rest against a concrete abutment. He was taken to the hospital, but his injuries were so severe that he died after only four hours in the intensive care unit.
Scotty's cause of death was listed as, "...shock and internal injuries due to crushed chest and broken ribs perforating lung right side." He died on June 25, 1961 only 2 days after his twenty-sixth birthday.
I want to thank Scotty Thomson's daughter, Diane in Albany, New York and Scotty's wife, Eleanor again for all their help with this short memorial to Reg.#18577, RCMP Constable John Pebbles Shaw 'Scotty' Thomson.

in Hazelwood Cemetery in Abbotsford, BC

Brian Thomson (right) was the son of 'Scotty' and Eleanor Thomson, and he was also a long time member of the Metro Toronto Police Service (MTPS).
After his retirement from the MTPS, Brian died on December 13, 2019 in Owen Sound, ON.
In the near future, Brian's ashes will be buried (2020) in his Dad’s grave in Abbottsford, BC.
xR. I. P.
Reporting from Fort Healy,
J. J. Healy
January 23, 2020