True and Fascinating Canadian History
Serre Road Cemetery No.2
Somme, France
In Memory of:
Somme, France
In Memory of:

In Memory of:
Edwin Emslie Brown. WWI. KIA
"Chauny is a commune 35 kilometres west of Laon. Chauny Communal Cemetery British Extension can be reached from the direction of Ham following the D937, Ham to Chauny road.
It is necessary to cross a major road, the N32. Shortly after the junction the approach to Chauny is via a roundabout and a small industrial estate. After several hundred metres a left turn must be made at the first set of traffic lights, following the CWGC sign.
Chauny Communal Cemetery British Extension will be found 300 metres after the junction on the right side of the road.
The Extension was made after the Armistice for the burial of remains brought in from the battlefields of the Aisne and from the following "maller cemeteries in the surrounding countryside."
The Cemetery Extension covers an area of 3,729 square metres.
The description above was quoted from the website
"701195 Private (16th Battalion, Manitoba Regiment) Edwin Emslie Brown (b.1886) of Saskatoon was KIA 19160928 and is buried at Serre Road cemetery No. 2 north of Albert, Somme, France.
Edwin was born at Morris, Manitoba, served a year in the RNWMP, and enlisted at Winnipeg early in 1916."
Source of quote above was taken from website
Notes & Appreciation to: Serre Road Cemetery. Somme, France
Commonwealth War Dead.,%20EDWIN%20EMSLIE
Serre Road Cemetery No.2. Somme, France
Source for notes about Constable Edwin Emslie Brown's participation in WWI.
The Saskatchewan Virtual War Memorial.