True and Fascinating Canadian History
The Reg.#5611, RCMP Sergeant
R. H. Nicholson Memorial
R. H. Nicholson Memorial
Lac Du Bonnet Municipalilty. Manitoba. Canada
Killed while conducting a search
for illicit liquor,
on December 31ST, 1928
at Molson, Manitoba
Dedicated by the Lac Du Bonnet
Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee
The "D" Division RCMP"

RCMP Sgt. R. H. Nicholson, accompanied by a Manitoba Provincial Police Constable, was searching for an illicit still in the bush near Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba.
Sgt. Nicholson was the first to come upon the still which was in full operation. Suddenly, the suspect grabbed his rifle which was nearby. Sgt Nicholson and the suspect struggled and the suspect's rifle discharged hitting Sgt. Nicholson in the thigh which resulted in excessive blood loss.
The MPP constable tried to save Sgt. Nicholson's life by using his shirt to stop the bleeding. But to no avail. Sgt. Nicholson died within a short time.
The weather conditions were absolutely fierce at -29C.
It was December 31, 1928.