True and Fascinating Canadian History

In Memory of Reg.#474,
Constable Joseph Louis Chabot
1889 - 1927
"Chabot Park provides views of the North Saskatchewan River including the concrete remnants of the old bridge that allowed trains and cars across the river on their way to downtown Fort Saskatchewan.
Running along the top of the river bank between 89 ST and 79 ST, Chabot Park is park of our 30 km multi-use trail system.
Joseph ("Joe") Louis Chabot was born in Montreal about 1859.

He enlisted in the North-West Mounted Police in 1880, and he came west to Fort Walsh in the same year. Following a brief posting at Battleford, he was stationed at Fort Saskatchewan in 1881, where he became the bugler.
During the 1885 Riel Rebellion, he served as trumpeter under the command of Major S. B. ("Sam ") Steele.
From 1886 to 1888, Joe Chabot managed the Half Way House at Oliver on the Fort Trail. Around the turn of the century, he farmed for a few years before accepting the position of Town Constable in 1905, an office he held until 1912.
He also served as engineer of the Fire Hall's chemical engine, and he played in the Fort Fire Brigade Band. He enlisted in the army in 1916 and he served in World War I until his discharge in 1918.
He and he wife, Elizabeth Margaret (Maggie") Turner, raised seven children. He died on May 17th, 1927, and he was buried in the NWMP plot at the Fort Saskatchewan Cemetery."
Source: file:///C:/Users/Joseph/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.

Constable Joseph Louis Chabot
Hi Joe,
I came across this story about Chabot Park during a visit to Alberta a number of years ago. He's not a close relative but he has the same ancestry as mine -- the Chabots came to New France in 1659 - 60.
From what I read, Joe Chabot was no angel.
Marc Chabot,
Vets Ottawa, ON. 2016