True And Fascinating Canadian History
by Scott Fryer, son of Patricia Fryer who is Terry Hoey's youngest sister.
For those of you who don't know me, my name is Scott Fryer, and the son of Patricia Fryer who is Terry Hoey's youngest sister. I feel very honoured to be able to speak on behalf of our family today and share some thoughts about Terry on this, the 50th anniversary of his untimely passing.
You know when Mom first asked me to speak today; I was initially a little worried. What I mean was, besides, Aunt Rita, Aunt Helen Hoey and my Mom, there REALLY were no other people who actually knew Terry. But then I quickly realized that all us cousins "FEEL" like we did know our Uncle Terry through the many stories that our parents, and aunts and uncle's would tell us at holidays, Weddings and other family events that we had celebrated over the years.
On that note, I guess Terry was a very tall, slim, young man, who kept fit and always watched what he ate. But when Aunt Helen Hoey would make her famous runny butter tarts, it was said that, "you took your life in your hands if you tried to take the plate away from him!"
Another story we often heard, was that when Terry would write home from his training days in Regina, all the family use to sit around the table and laugh at his letters ... ESPECIALLY when he would ask all his sisters to send him their nylons, as apparently they were great for shinning his boots and he had a Sergeant who especially loved to see shinny boots!
I use to get a kick out of hearing Mom tell me, how Terry loved to tease his sisters, and how he loved to watch his favourite hockey team (No, Not the Toronto Maple Leafs), but rather the Peterbourgh Petes.
Terry was also very devoted to his church, BUT what I didn't know until just recently, is that Terry was so devoted to his church, that he almost decided to enter into the priesthood. Infact some of the priests were actually his good buddies, and it certainly wasn't out of place to sometimes see 2 or 3 young priest's at the dinner table.
And because of his ties to the church, Terry was happy to actually help in the construction of St. Anne's Church here in Peterborough. Ironically though, Terry's own funeral in 1958 was the first funeral ever to be held at St. Anne's, the church that he helped to build with his own hands. Yet, no matter how many friends he had or what commitments there were; with Terry... his family always came first.
In fact, the entire family was so very proud of Terry when he joined the RCMP; I know my Grandmother Jean Hoey and my Aunt Barb actually traveled to Regina, to be there for his graduation.
After graduation, Terry was now an official RCMP Constable and he was quickly assigned to his very first duty, which of course was in Newfoundland. Many years later, my Mother and Father went back to Botwood Newfoundland, to see the little seaport town where Terry had lost his life. They found it very hard to believe that such a beautiful little place on Canada's east coast, could have been the setting for such violence 50 years ago.
In closing, and on behalf of our entire family here today and for those whom we have lost, we wanted to especially thank Inspector Glenn Hanna and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for setting up this special ceremony to remember and honour Terry. Inspector Hanna, please know that because of your efforts and support in organizing this ceremony, none of us here will ever forget this day, as this ceremony means a great deal to our family.
Also, thank you to all the present day Mounties for coming out to show, not only your respect to Terry, but to honour a fallen brother, we thank you. And now to our entire extended family and friends of Terry, thank you all for taking the time to travel here today so we can celebrate his memory and show our respect on this anniversary.
Now this day would not be complete if we did not recognize and give a special thanks to retired Superintendant Ralph De Groot, a special man, who has tirelessly looked after Terry's gravesite all these many years. On behalf of our family, thank you sir, for your commitment and years of support.
Well, it is very clear to me and to our entire family that The RCMP "always takes care of their own!!!"
Thank you very much.