True and Fascinating Canadian History
Honouring the RCMP's Sesquicentennial: 1873 - 2023

A Vanishing Act
by J. J. Healy,
RCMP Vets Ottawa, ON

It was the largest murder investigation in Canadian history for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the events over the April 18th and 19th, 2020 weekend left all Nova Scotians in anguish, trauma, emotional pain and suffering. Quite frankly, the weekend left all Canadians in agony. After that tragic weekend, I predicted with surprising accuracy that several dozen RCMP members would quit and walk away from the RCMP. There were lots of reasons for RCMP members to vanish, COVID might have been one piece in the puzzle, and sickening trauma may have been another, but individually and collectively the members lost hope. The RCMP Officer Corps in Nova Scotia was a washout, and as a direct result several dozen members soon said bye-bye.
The reasons for each RCMP member to leave the Force at this time in history are very personal, and are not fully known, but after listening to the evidence from several RCMP witnesses at the Mass Casualty Commission (MCC), one can speculate about some very strong possibilities for the member's disgust; broadly speaking and most importantly, after the murders there existed a dreary air of despair, darkness, defeatism and disappointment which hung over all the RCMP members in Nova Scotia like an unexpected dense maritime fog which soaked every member's spirit and would not clear. Understandably, the members suffered from serious emotional and psychological trauma and their overall state of health declined. It would be near impossible to work. Discouraging fallout after the murders clouded every member's mind.

The lack of light and hope in the hearts of the RCMP members was made more pronounced because of the following contributing factors which had an impact on their wholesale exodus; the RCMP admitted the Force failed Nova Scotians, during the weekend of the murders there was an absence of leadership in the field by the Officer Corps, and RCMP constables and NCO's felt abandoned, testimony at the MCC by the Commanding Officer Assistant Commissioner Lee Bergerman was disgraceful, non compelling and unprofessional and she reflected very poorly on the RCMP in Nova Scotia, Commissioner Brenda Lucki and her senior Officers from Ottawa took no interest in visiting the members in Nova Scotia until some years after the 2020 murders, Commissioner Brenda Lucki told the MCC there have been no RCMP reforms since N.S. mass shooting (Mercer: 2022), and the professional integrity and honesty of the Commissioner and all the Officers both in Nova Scotia and Ottawa was called into serious question.
The widely accepted norms upon which Canadian policing was founded going back 150 years ago to the dawn of the North West Mounted Police (NWMP) in 1873 are commitment, dedication, honesty and trustworthiness. RCMP members have just cause to leave the Force when they sense that Officers of the Force fail to follow that which is right and ethical. According to one Canadian survey (Boutilier: 2022), the Officer Corps lost credibility, and they are perceived to a large degree not to be trustworthy. In a Global News report published on September 15, 2022, Journalist Alex Boutilier wrote about the disgrace presently facing the RCMP, Boutilier wrote, "The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is facing declining trust in the force’s performance and questions about the organization’s integrity. That’s according to internal polling reviewed by Global News that suggests the Mounties face an increasingly skeptical public concerned not only with their job performance but with the national police force’s honesty, integrity and transparency." Boutilier's assessment is a damming and very public indictment about the leadership of the Force. Members of the RCMP in Nova Scotia lost faith and respect for the Officer Corps, and the members who quit opted not to have their names associated with a police organization which a large percentage of Canadians perceive to be in a state of disgrace. In summary, journalist Alex Boutlier wrote, "The report noted that, between April 2021 and April 2022, there was a six-point drop in the sentiment that the RCMP acts with integrity, and a five-percentage point drop in the number of Canadians who believe the Mounties are honest". These results are a sad reflection of today's RCMP leadership. The report does not inspire anyone nor do the results gain respect from Canadians or from members of the Force.

A very public dispute between RCMP Commissioner Lucki and Nova Scotia Justice Minister Mr Brad Johns arose during the Mass Casualty Commission (MCC). The conflict in testimony did nothing to enhance the reputation of the RCMP in Nova Scotia, and Canadians do not know who to believe. Commissioner Lucki and Assistant Commissioner Lee Bergerman appeared before the MCC in August, 2022 during which time the two Officers complained of RCMP personnel shortages in Nova Scotia. According to journalist Keith Doucette, "Lucki and retired commander of the Nova Scotia RCMP, Lee Bergerman, told the inquiry that the force will require more resources because the costs of policing continue to rise." (Doucette: 2022). However, complaints about RCMP resources raised by Lucki and Bergerman were not accepted by the Minister of Justice for Nova Scotia Mr Brad Johns who held his own opinion, and he didn't hold back. Mr Johns' side of the story was also reported by journalist Keith Doucette who said, "Nova Scotia's justice minister isn't buying assertions by senior Mounties at the inquiry into the 2020 mass shooting that his province chronically underfunds the RCMP for policing services. Brad Johns told reporters Wednesday that problems within the RCMP that are surfacing in testimony at the inquiry don't involve the province. Mr Johns said, "I think any issues that are there are more around staffing with the RCMP," the minister said. "It's an internal issue." Johns said that any time the RCMP has come forward with concerns around resourcing the province has "stepped up." (Doucette: 2022). Mr Johns wasn't prepared to sit back and say nothing about Commissioner Lucki's testimony and he didn't say in public everything on his mind, however he did lay the blame for personnel shortages squarely at Commissioner Lucki's feet. Mr Johns insinuated the Commissioner ought to solve RCMP problems herself.

In some instances, Commissioner Lucki's testimony before the MCC was not accepted as fully reliable, and it never appears favourable in the public's mind whenever the RCMP Commissioner is contradicted in a public forum. A rebuke by Minister Johns might have been prevented if Commissioner Lucki had prepared herself with the cold, hard statistics which would have bolstered her claims of shortages in Nova Scotia. Commissioner Lucki was not adequately prepared prior to giving testimony before the MCC. In the eyes of Nova Scotians, it appeared that she was diverting attention away from the real causes of ongoing shortages in resources in Nova Scotia, and the failures of the RCMP, and not admitting to the whole story. The truth had more to do with the absence of leadership within the Officer Corps in Nova Scotia which resulted in poor and dismal morale among the RCMP members in Nova Scotia, and this was likely the reason which lead some of them to quit.

In sum, the RCMP Officer Corps in Nova Scotia and Ottawa collapsed and crumpled at a time when the RCMP faced its biggest challenge and Canada's largest murder investigation, and these Officers left their subordinates to sink. The outcome was sad and predictable; the constables and NCO's felt sick by defeatism and negativity, and to be blunt, the Officer Corps both in Nova Scotia and in Ottawa can only blame themselves and be ashamed of how Caandians feel about them. The reasons for so many RCMP to quit their careers in Nova Scotia was not because they went to better jobs or that they were dissatisfied with policing -- they quit because their professional values much like all the RCMP members who ever joined the Force over the past 150 years grounded in sacrifice, dedication, honour, commitment and bravery clashed with an RCMP Officer Corps that was reputed by Canadians, especially Nova Scotians and RCMP subordinates, to be unreliable, incompetent and untrustworthy.
Dozens and dozens of RCMP members quit their careers in the Force in Nova Scotia within two years after the murders on April 18th and 19th, 2020. To prove my hypothesis, statistics were collected over the past four years -- two years of data was collected prior to the murders, and two years of data was compiled after the murders.
Reporting from Fort Healy,
J. J. Healy
November 7, 2022
Chart I cites the (123) RCMP members (includes 14 CM's) who left 2 years after the murders. Chart II will cite the RCMP members who left 2 years prior to the murders.
RCMP (Nova Scotia) who left within two years
after the murders over April 18th and 19th, 2020
Statistics all taken from the Quarterly Index (QI)
All dates are rendered as: DD-MM-YYYY
Roll# | Rank: First Day. Last Day. Years of Service. Pensionable? Quarterly Index (QI) |
1 | Rank: Cst. First day: 23-03-2015 to Last day: 05-06-2021. Years: 6.2. Pension: No. QI: 86(4) |
2 | Rank: Cst. First day: 19-01-2015 to Last day: 22-01-2022. Years: 7.0. Pension: No. QI: 87(3) |
3 | Rank: Cst. First day: 27-07-2009 to Last day: 14-08-2020. Years: 11.0. Pension: No. QI: 86(1) |
4 | Rank: Cst. First day: 30-11-2009 to Last day: 29-04-2021. Years: 11.4. Pension: No. QI: 86(4) |
5 | Rank: Cst. First day: 07-2009 to Last day: 08-05-2021. Years: 11.4. Pension: No. QI: 86(4) |
6 | Rank: Cst. First day: 14-04-2009 to Last day: 10-10-2020. Years: 11.4. Pension: No. QI: 86(2) |
7 | Rank: Cst. First day: 26-11-2009 to Last day: 03-07-2021. Years: 11.6. Pension: No. QI: 87(1) |
8 | Rank: Cst. First day: 23-03-2009 to Last day: 02-03-2021. Years: 11.9. Pension: No. QI: 86(3) |
9 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 12-07-2009 to Last day: 17-07-2021. Years: 12.0. Pension: No. QI: 87(1) |
10 | Rank: Cst. First day: 02-03-2009 to Last day: 02-04-2021. Years: 12.0. Pension: No. QI: 86(4) |
11 | Rank: Cst. First day: 11-08-2008 to Last day: 03-10-2020. Years: 12.1. Pension: No. QI: 86(2) |
12 | Rank: Cst. First day: 14-10-2008 to Last day: 08-05-2021. Years: 12.5. Pension: No. QI: 86(4) |
13 | Rank: Cst. First day: 28-04-2008 to Last day: 02-05-2021. Years: 13.0. Pension: No. QI: 86(4) |
14 | Rank: Cst. First day: 22-12-2008 to Last day: 28-01-2022. Years: 13.1. Pension: No. QI: 87(3) |
15 | Rank: Cst. First day: 09-11-2007 to Last day: 05-01-2021. Years: 13.1. Pension: No. QI: 86(3) |
16 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 11-07-2005 to Last day: 02-05-2020. Years: 14.8. Pension: No. QI: 85(4) |
17 | Rank: Cst. First day: 21-02-2005 to Last day: 02-02-2021. Years: 15.9. Pension: No. QI: 86(3) |
18 | Rank: Cst. First day: 23-08-2004 to Last day: 06-01-2021. Years: 16.3. Pension: No. QI: 86(3) |
19 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 25-07-2005 to Last day: 15-01-2022. Years: 16.4. Pension: No. QI: 87(3) |
20 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 10-14-2003 to Last day: 02-05-2020. Years: 16.5. Pension: No. QI: 85(4) |
21 | Rank: Cst. First day: 17-08-2004 to Last day: 02-04-2021. Years: 16.6. Pension: No. QI: 86(4) |
22 | Rank: Cst. First day: 02-02-2004 to Last day: 22-09-2020. Years: 16.6. Pension: No. QI: 86(1) |
23 | Rank: Cst. First day: 13-04-2004 to Last day: 17-07-2021. Years: 17.2. Pension: No. QI: 87(1) |
24 | Rank: Cst. First day: 01-04-2002 to Last day: 07-07-2020. Years: 18.2.Pension: No. QI: 86(1) |
25 | Rank: Cst. First day: 09-11-2001 to Last day: 02-05-2020. Years: 18.4. Pension: No. QI: 85(4) |
26 | Rank: Cst. First day: 22-10-2001 to Last day: 23-04-2020. Years: 18.5. Pension: No. QI: 85(4) |
27 | Rank: Cst. First day: 15-04-2002 to Last day: 23-06-2021. Years: 19.1. Pension: No. QI: 86(4) |
28 | Rank: Cst. First day: 10-11-2000 to Last day: 09-07-2020. Years: 19.6. Pension: No. QI: 86(1) |
29 | Rank: Cst. First day: 09-11-2001 to Last day: 03-08-2021. Years:19.7. Pension: No. QI: 87(1) |
30 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 30-10-2000 to Last day: 05-09-2020. Years: 19.8. Pension: No. QI: 86(1) |
31 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 04-02-2002 to Last day: 08-02-2022. Years: 20.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(3) |
32 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 24-09-2001 to Last day: 02-10-2021. Years: 20.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(2) |
33 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 27-03-2000 to Last day: 12-05-2020. Years: 20.1. Pension: Yes. QI: 85(4) |
34 | Rank: Cst. First day: 22-02-2001 to Last day: 23-06-2021. Years: 20.3. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(4) |
35 | Rank: Cst. First day: 14-08-2000 to Last day: 09-01-2021. Years: 20.4. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(3) |
36 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 03-01-2001 to Last day: 02-08-2021. Years: 20.5. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(1) |
37 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 02-11-1998 to Last day: 11-08-2020. Years: 21.7. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(1) |
38 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 03-10-1998 to Last day: 05-08-2020. Years: 21.8. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(1) |
39 | Rank: Cst. First day: 15-03-2000 to Last day: 04-03-2022. Years: 21.9. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(3) |
40 | Rank: Insp. First day: 27-04-1998 to Last day: 15-07-2020. Years: 22.2. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(1) |
41 | Rank: Cst. First day: 15-06-1998 to Last day: 09-01-2021. Years: 22.5. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(3) |
42 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 05-01-1998 to Last day: 06-10-2020. Years: 22.7. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(2) |
43 | Rank: Cst. First day: 02-09-1997 to Last day: 05-07-2020. Years: 22.8. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(1) |
44 | Rank: Cst. First day: 04-08-1998 to Last day: 03-07-2021. Years: 22.9. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(1) |
45 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 30-06-1997 to Last day: 06-07-2020. Years: 23.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(1) |
46 | Rank: Cst. First day: 26-05-1997 to Last day: 04-06-2020. Years: 23.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 85(4) |
47 | Rank: Cst. First day: 05-01-1998 to Last day: 03-04-2021. Years: 23.2. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(4) |
48 | Rank: Cst. First day: 06-10-1997 to Last day: 07-01-2021. Years: 23.2. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(3) |
49 | Rank:Cpl. First day: 26-05-1997 to Last day: 03-06-2021. Years: 24.0 Pension: Yes. QI: 86(4) |
50 | Rank: Cst. First day: 29-09-1997 to Last day: 06-10-2021. Years: 24.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(2) |
51 | Rank: Sgt. First day: 01-04-1997 to Last day: 09-04-2021. Years: 24.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(4) |
52 | Rank: Insp. First day: 03-03-1997 to Last day: 01-04-2021. Years: 24.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(4) |
53 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 24-03-1997 to Last day: 03-07-2021. Years: 24.2. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(1) |
54 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 29-07-1996 to Last day: 10-11-2020. Years: 24.2. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(2) |
55 | Rank: S/Sgt. First day: 15-05-1995 to Last day: 13-05-2020. Years: 24.9. Pension: Yes. QI: 85(4) |
56 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 03-06-1996 to Last day: 25-06-2021. Years: 25.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(4) |
57 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 06-11-1995 to Last day: 28-01-2021. Years: 25.2. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(3) |
58 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 22-01-1996 to Last day: 05-06-2021. Years: 25.3. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(4) |
59 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 11-12-1995 to Last day: 13-05-2021. Years: 25.4. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(4) |
60 | Rank: Cst. First day: 24-04-1995 to Last day: 02-12-2020. Years: 25.6. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(2) |
61 | Rank: Sgt. First day: 11-03-1996 to Last day: 05-01-2022. Years: 25.8. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(3) |
62 | Rank: Sgt. First day: 18-12-1995 to Last day: 02-11-2021. Years: 25.8. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(2) |
63 | Rank: Cst. First day: 04-10-1993 to Last day: 03-05-2020. Years: 26.5. Pension: Yes. QI: 85(4) |
64 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 01-05-1993 to Last day: 07-01-2021. Years: 27.6. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(3) |
65 | Rank: Cst. First day: 05-07-1993 to Last day: 03-04-2021. Years: 27.7. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(4) |
66 | Rank: Sgt. First day: 01-09-1993 to Last day: 12-06-2021. Years: 27.7. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(4) |
67 | Rank: S/Sgt. First day: 25-09-1992 to Last day: 03-10-2020. Years: 28.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(2) |
68 | Rank: S/Sgt. First day: 23-03-1992 to Last day: 02-08-2020. Years: 28.3. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(1) |
69 | Rank: Sgt. First day: 12-03-1993 to Last day: 03-08-2021. Years: 28.3. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(1) |
70 | Rank: Cst. First day: 27-01-1992 to Last day: 11-07-2020. Years: 28.4. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(1) |
71 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 01-06-1992 to Last day: 10-07-2021. Years: 29.1. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(1) |
72 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 23-09-1991 to Last day: 02-01-2021. Years: 29.2. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(3) |
73 | Rank: S/Sgt. First day: 16-08-1992 to Last day: 22-01-2022. Years: 29.4. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(3) |
74 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 03-01-1992 to Last day: 21-10-2021. Years: 29.8. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(2) |
75 | Rank: Supt. First day: 01-06-1990 to Last day: 02-05-2020. Years: 29.9. Pension: Yes. QI: 85(4) |
76 | Rank: Sgt. First day: 15-11-1990 to Last day: 03-11-2020. Years: 29.9. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(2) |
77 | Rank: Sgt. First day: 01-12-1991 to Last day: 04-12-2021. Years: 30.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(2) |
78 | Rank: S/Sgt. First day: 10-08-1991 to Last day: 05-09-2021. Years: 30.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(1) |
79 | Rank: S/Sgt. First day: 15-11-1990 to Last day: 14-01-2021. Years: 30.1. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(3) |
80 | Rank: S/Sgt. First day: 21-09-1990 to Last day: 16-01-2021. Years: 30.3. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(3) |
81 | Rank: Cst. First day: 30-04-1990 to Last day: 05-01-2021. Years: 30.6. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(3) |
82 | Rank: Cst. First day: 01-05-1990 to Last day: 17-02-2021. Years: 30.7. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(3) |
83 | Rank: Cst. First day: 18-03-1991 to Last day: 16-01-2022. Years: 30.8. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(3) |
84 | Rank: Sgt. First day: 09-03-1990 to Last day: 14-01-2021. Years: 30.8. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(3) |
85 | Rank: Sgt. First day: 24-09-1990 to Last day: 08-09-2021. Years: 30.9. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(1) |
86 | Rank: Sgt. First day: 07-01-1991 to Last day: 02-02-2022. Years: 31.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(3) |
87 | Rank: Sgt. First day: 08-09-1989 to Last day: 14-11-2020. Years: 31.1. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(2) |
88 | Rank: S/Sgt. First day: 01-05-1990 to Last day: 05-01-2022. Years: 31.6. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(3) |
89 | Rank: Sgt. First day: 18-06-1990 to Last day: 15-03-2022. Years: 31.7. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(3) |
90 | Rank: Sgt. First day: 25-04-1988 to Last day: 07-05-2020. Years: 32.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 85(4) |
91 | Rank: S/Sgt. First day: 01-03-1989 to Last day: 03-07-2021. Years: 32.3. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(1) |
92 | Rank: Sgt. First day: 20-02-1989 to Last day: 03-07-2021. Years: 32.3. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(1) |
93 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 06-01-1989 to Last day: 22-07-2021. Years: 32.5. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(1) |
94 | Rank: S/Sgt. First day: 12-06-1987 to Last day: 02-06-2020. Years: 32.9. Pension: Yes. QI: 85(4) |
95 | Rank: Sgt. First day: 15-08-1988 to Last day: 10-03-2022. Years: 33.5. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(3) |
96 | Rank: Cst. First day: 23-01-1987 to Last day: 02-03-2021. Years: 34.1. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(3) |
97 | Rank: S/Sgt. First day: 04-03-1986 to Last day: 04-06-2020. Years: 34.2. Pension: Yes. QI: 85(4) |
98 | Rank: Cpl. First day: 06-06-1986 to Last day: 21-10-2020. Years: 34.3. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(2) |
99 | Rank: Sgt. First day: 30-05-1986 to Last day: 09-04-2021. Years: 34.8. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(4) |
100 | Rank: Sgt. First day: 20-03-1987 to Last day: 02-03-2022. Years: 34.9. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(3) |
101 | Rank: Sgt. First day: 02-05-1986 to Last day: 03-05-2021. Years: 35.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(4) |
102 | Rank: S/Sgt. First day: 30-05-1986 to Last day: 12-06-2021. Years: 35.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(4) |
103 | Rank: S/Sgt. First day: 19-09-1986 to Last day: 05-11-2021. Years: 35.1. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(2) |
104 | Rank: Supt. First day: 14-02-1986 to Last day: 10-04-2021. Years: 35.1. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(4) |
105 | Rank: S/Sgt. First day: 08-07-1986 to Last day: 05-10-2021. Years: 35.2. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(2) |
106 | Rank: S/Sgt. First day: 30-05-1986 to Last day: 28-08-2021. Years: 35.2. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(1) |
107 | Rank: A/Comm'r. First day: 21-02-1986 to Last day: 09-03-2022. Years: 36.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 87(3) |
108 | Rank: S/Sgt. First day: 29-05-1980 to Last day: 07-11-2020. Years: 40.4. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(2) |
109 | Rank: S/Sgt. First day: 25-09-1978 to Last day: 25-06-2020. Years: 41.7. Pension: Yes. QI: 85(4) |
110 | Rank: CM: Last day: 21-02-22. N/A N/A. QI: 87(3) |
111 | Rank: CM: Last day: 11-01-22. N/A N/A. QI: 87(3) |
112 | Rank: CM: Last day: 22-02-22. N/A N/A. QI: 87(3) |
113 | Rank: CM: Last day: 05-01-22. N/A N/A. QI: 87(3) |
114 | Rank: CM: Last day: 20-01-22. N/A N/A. QI: 87(3) |
115 | Rank: CM: First day: 01-04-2001 to Last day: 08-08-2020. Years: 20.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 86(1) |
116 | Rank: CM: First day: 01-04-2016 to Last day: 06-02-21. Years: 5.0. Pension: No. QI: 86(3) |
117 | Rank: CM: Last day: 05-01-21. N/A N/A. QI: 86(3) |
118 | Rank: CM: Last day: 09-02-21. N/A N/A. QI: 86(3) |
119 | Rank: CM: Last day: 01-04-21. N/A N/A. QI: 86(4) |
120 | Rank: CM: Last day: 05-06-21. N/A N/A. QI: 86(4) |
121 | Rank: CM: Last day: 01-04-21. N/A N/A. QI: 86(4) |
122 | Rank: CM: First day: 01-04-01 to Last day: 02-05-20. Years: 20.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 85(4) |
123 | Rank: CM: First day: 01-04-01 to Last day: 02-05-20. Years: 20.0. Pension: Yes. QI: 85(4) |
Boutilier, Alex. (2022). RCMP internal polling shows declining trust, confidence in national police force.Global News. September 15, 2022.
Doucette, Keith. (2022). Nova Scotia justice minister dismisses RCMP assertion of chronic underfunding. The Canadian Press. August 24, 2022.
Mercer, Greg. (2022). Commissioner Brenda Lucki says there have been no RCMP reforms since N.S. mass shooting The Globe and Mail. August 24, 2022.