True and Fascinating Canadian History

17 Troop
40th Anniversary of Women in the RCMP
1975 to 2015
RCMP Vets Vancouver, BC

Toward the end of 2014, the Vancouver RCMP Veterans’ Association was approached by a committee of members from “E” Division, RCMP Headquarters, who had been tasked with organizing events to celebrate the 40th anniversary of women in the RCMP. The committee asked if the Veterans’ Association would be interested in co-hosting a special event.
The idea was to bring the year-long commemoration of women in the Force to an end with a Wine and Cheese Celebration that would coincide with the graduation of Troop # 17, the first female troop, from the RCMP Training Academy at “Depot” Division on March 3, 1975.
Part of the evening would be a silent auction in support of Honour House which provides a temporary home for members of the RCMP, Canadian Forces, Veterans and Emergency Personnel, as well as their families, while they travel to receive medical care and treatment in the Metro Vancouver area. Honour House receives no direct funding and relies heavily on the fundraising efforts of its Board members, volunteers and generous donations from the business community, public and private organizations, and the general public. In order to be able to solicit items for the silent auction, the Force sought our support.

Although the event did not quite meet with Troop # 17’s graduation, members of the “E” Division RCMP and the Vancouver RCMP Veterans' Association hosted the celebration at the Combined NCOs' Mess at the Green Timbers HQ’s building on Saturday, April 18, 2015.
The event exceeded all expectations. Over 200 individuals attended, including 5 women from the original Troop # 17 and a number of Canadian Women of Influence from inside and outside the RCMP. Commissioner Busson (Ret'd) was the star at the event as everyone wanted to have a word with her and have their picture taken with her.....she was very gracious and did a terrific job and tried to oblige everyone. Bravo Zulu, Bev!
The celebration was an opportunity for attendees to socialize with our special guests and the silent auction was held with all proceeds going to support Honour House. The items generously donated helped support the silent auction and organizers were happy to announce that they had raised $3,806.00. A cheque for that amount was subsequently presented to Honour House.

The Vancouver RCMP Veterans’ Association has a long tradition of working closely in support of the communities we have been honoured to serve. We would like to thank the "E" Division RCMP for allowing us to not only assist in the recognition of forty years of women in the Force but also in the organizing of this special event in support of Honour House.
Congratulations to Troop 17 and to all Women in Policing
Ric Hall
Vets Vancouver, BC
March. 2015