True and Fascinating Canadian History
Fortieth Anniversary of Women in the RCMP
1974 - 2014
A Very Special Corporal
The First on the RCMP's Musical Ride
Corporal C. E. (Christine) Windover
by J. J. Healy
than the outside of a horse'.
Sir Winston Churchill.
During times of public controversy over some aspect of RCMP law enforcement, surely members of the Force must feel depressed. In recent years, the reputation of the Force has been subject to battering storms much like a massive hurricane which had pounced on Canada leaving flood victims with constant reminders of destruction, havoc and potential disease.
But, the RCMP's Musical Ride has worked wonders and it has always made all Canadians feel proud. Without any doubt, the world class Ride has been one aspect of the Force which has provided rapid relief from whatever media storms appear on TV and, the Ride continues today to reinvigorate Canadians as well as all members of the Force. Check your pulse. The Ride will cause a person's heart to skip a throb or two unless one's heart is bypassed and connected direct to a hospital fib.
The original nub for the Musical Ride harkens back to about the earliest days of the North West Mounted Police in 1873. From that time and up to about thirty years ago, only men had access to the thirty two saddles which link the Ride much like a strand of knotted rope. However, history nearly shook the shoes off the entire stable of Ride mounts about 1980 when [then] Constable Christine Windover became one of the first of two female members of the Force to qualify as riders.
Constable Windover began her police career as a pioneer in the RCMP. As a fresh recruit, Christine was one of the earliest original women in Troop 36 in 1974 [Troop 17 was the first all woman's class] and, upon her engagement into the Force, Christine was already a highly accomplished and expert equestrienne.
After successfully graduating from 'Depot' in Regina, SK., Christine was transferred to patrol duties in Burnaby, BC. She was one of the first of two woman to be posted to Burnaby Detachment.
A few years later, it came as a shock for her to learn that women were not allowed on the Ride. It was about five years later that Force policy was revised thus allowing Christine to challenge Canadian history and to 'make the Ride'.
Success at gaining entry on to the Ride was the easy part for Christine Windover. She had to face other problems including a widely held perception that the job was too tough for the majority of Canadian women. Christine hoped to change the traditional view of women in the workplace by being persistent with her dreams. Her experience with horses over many years and her qualifications as an expert rider lended her confidence to nix the status quo.
Christine recalled the 'ole days on the Ride during an interview with the Burnaby, BC NewsLeader. Christine said, "...Breaking into the boys' club wasn't easy ... There was so much pressure for us it was unbelievable, ... We were watched constantly for any signs of weakness and everyone expected we should fail." In those early years, there were times, no doubt, that Christine wanted to toss the horse idea away. But, she put negative thoughts aside. The RCMP Musical Ride was the only long held goal in Christine Windover's life.
The 'Ride', as it has always been affectionally tagged, was originally designed to challenge the skills of rider and horse. The intricate maneuvers which the 'Ride' performs such as The Maze and The Dome have changed little for the past one hundred years or more.
Very few Canadians grasp the difficult, painful and strenous training which prepares rider and horse for a Ride public performance. Sure, the horses are majestic and as black as a skunk's under belly, the Shabracks, [the colourful blanket under the rider's saddle] the bridles, the harness and the Red Serge all lend colour to the performance. But, there is also a very, very dangerous aspect to the Ride which is of constant concern to the Instructors, the riders and the RCMP. There have always been injuries after a rider has lost his or her seat.
Consider that a horse posted to the Musical Ride weighs, let's say, about 1,500 lbs. The horse's weight is one aspect of the danger, but the spirited personality of the horses is truly unique. It is an extreme challenge for the rider to maintain unrelenting concentration and to control the horse during a public performance.
Thus far, no one has ever been able to provide a vivid description of a rider mounted on an RCMP horse -- but, just imagine thirty two teenage grasshoppers wearing English saddles, hopping two by two's for about thirty minutes over a string of sizzling Bunsen burners after eating a breakfast of chopped up glass mixed with nitroglycerin. In short, an RCMP horse grasps at every second for the chance to propel its rider into the air like a wasted NASA booster rocket. Once in awhile, a person sized rocket dressed in Red Serge will give the audience a scare during the performance. Relief from the spill only comes after the rider stands upright to an applause.
To ride an RCMP horse of that high and energized quality was one more challenge which faced Christine Windover about thirty years ago. She not only excelled as a full member of the Ride for several years, but later, Christine was chosen by peer review to return to the Ride as the first RCMP woman Instructor. Christine's dreams were surpassed on the Musical Ride and today much of the pain she experienced has faded into the past. About half of the thirty two riders on the Musical Ride are women today.
Corporal Christine Windover is a remarkable and very determined woman. She is to be commended for all the pioneer challenges within the RCMP which she so ably overcame. Christine has remained a loyal friend since 'Depot' days in 1974 and it has always been an honour to count her as one of the true Firsts in RCMP history. The RCMP is very, very proud of Corporal Christine Windover.
Source & Appreciation: Photo top left & quote. Burnaby Newleader.
Photos of Musical Ride: The Maze & the Dome: RCMP Musical Ride Photo Album.