True and Fascinating Canadian History
Fortieth Anniversary of Women in the RCMP
1974 - 2014
A Very Special Sergeant Major
The First in RCMP History at 'Depot'
SM T. L. (Tammy) Patterson
by J. J. Healy
A Very Special Sergeant Major
The First in RCMP History at 'Depot'
SM T. L. (Tammy) Patterson
by J. J. Healy
In recent months, the RCMP made history when Commissioner R. W. Paulson announced the appointment of T. L. Patterson to the positionof RCMP Sergeant Major -- the sole position in the Force at 'Depot' with its unique rank of SM and the first time in one hundred and forty years that the Sergeant's Major role at 'Depot' has been occupied by a woman.
The RCMP congratulates a very, very special Sergeant Major Tammy Patterson.
The role of the Sergeant Major harkens back to the earliest days of the North West Mounted Police. In the beginning years, the SMwas the right hand to the Senior Officer in Command. He was the hinge between the Constables and NCO's and the Officers. The idea of the SM was to keep the men occupied, out of trouble and therefore ensure the Officers could relax. Essentially, the SM counted off good days if he could quell any outbreak of fire [complaints] before they reached the Officers.
The SM was always reputed to be a strong disciplinarian and even today the SM is guided by a simple trilogy; act decisively, judge prudently and allow for no appeals. But, who would dare appeal? Word around 'Depot' is that a Cadet stands in a tornado's path if the SM's decision is questioned. And besides, who needs more trouble at 'Depot'? Hers is a demanding role and SM Patterson, in my view, was chosen well.
Some days, it might appear that one of the SM's shoulders is slightly lower than the other. It's not permanent. The off-side is because the entire population of 'Depot' tends to lean on her. SM Patterson works closely in conjunction with the Commanding Officer at 'Depot' in Regina, Saskatchewan. As well, the SM is a key member of the Academy Executive Committee and it is known that few critical decisions are made without the SM's consultation and approval. That's the way it's suppose to be.

In addition to her administrative responsibilities, the SM is present for all public functions, ceremonies and parades at 'Depot'. Herbrain must retain the equivalant of several policy manuals, several dress, uniform and deportment binders, several parade instruction manuals and hundreds of marching and drill commands. As well, the SM is expected to propose fresh ideas to senior Officers on a regular basis and be ready to read the minds of all one hundred plus subordinate ranks under her command. By doing so, the SM eliminates surprises.
SM Patterson is comfortable in both Official Languages. She is the sole planet around which everything else at 'Depot' revolves. Although her day might begin with a cuppa, it is hardly possible for the SM to relax for a moment. Her job is such that she cannot sit.
In 1995, SM T. L. Patterson and Constable Keith Jones received Official Commendations in the field after disarming a dangerous suicidal person. Add courage to SM Patterson's qualifications.
I wish SM Tammy Patterson every good praise for her future at 'Depot' and for her RCMP career. She is a tremendous, energentic, articulate, good person whom I was very, very pleased to meet. She is truly one of a kind and the RCMP is very fortunate to have SM Patterson within their ranks. Congratulations Madam, once again!
*My appreciation to Corporal Daniel Toppings, Visits & Events Management Services at 'Depot' for the official photographs of SM Patterson.