True and Fascinating Canadian History
Fortieth Anniversary of Women in the RCMP
1974 - 2014
A Very Special Corporal
A Member of 'Depot' Division's Elite Drill Team
The First in RCMP History
Corporal Penny Hermann
by J. J. Healy
A Member of 'Depot' Division's Elite Drill Team
The First in RCMP History
Meteorologists are first and foremost academics. Their expertise is based on years of university study grounded in a broad range of science. Given their education, one would expect them to forecast, analyze and present the weather with a high degree certainty. However, in recent years it seems that Saskatchewan meteorologists have failed to provide Regina residents with a comprehensive overview of what's happening on the prairies.

The weather problem apparently lies with Corporal Penny Hermann -- a member of 'Depot's elite Drill Team. For years, Corporal Hermann has been identified as the cause of thunder, mild earth tremors, billowing storm clouds, high winds and frequent cold fronts -- these most unusual and unsetteling weather patterns are often reported at 6:30AM which is the exact time that Corporal Hermann is in command on the Parade Square.
In the drill environment, Corporal Hermann is a master. Her deportment in uniform is unquestionably needle sharp. Her voice is as loud and distinct as a mine sweeper's warning device. Her eyes dart from one side of the Parade Square to the other like an cougar about to spring. She moves quickly like a sheep dog darting here and there as several Troops respond -- turn and twist to her bark, bark, bark. Three yells or sharp commands in two distinct languages English and French.
The Cadets instinctively know what to do. Or else they'll be caught in the eye of a Penny storm. In the midst of the unpredictable weather which she creates, Corporal Hermann also breeds fear -- it is her responsibility to ensure that recruits hear the angry jargon of the intoxicated prisoner or the mob while they are under her spell. From a distance, she points her Drill Cane at a Cadet. He trembles fully aware that a wrong turn will bring his nose in close proximity to Corporal Hermann's Drill Stick. It's no time for an applied tattoo. One gets shivers while watching her. On the Drill floor she is one of a kind. She makes Drill her business.
But, the Parade Square is not the only place where Corporal Hermann excels and shines -- few, if any people know that her professional expertise extends into other well known Canadian sporting domains -- she is an exceptional person and she is truly a first in the RCMP.
Penny Hermann learned how to swim before she could talk or walk. At the age of nine years, she was accepted into competative swimming and she practised in the pool six days a week for the remainder of her school days. At the age of thirteen years, she progressed into synchronized swimming and she remained in 'synch' thoughout her university years. Her daily exercise regime was punishing -- hours and hours in the pool inconjunction with Certifications in LifeGuard, Bronze Cross Examinations and annual tests for Heart and Stroke and CPR Certification.
Following graduation from university with an Honours degree & a double major in French, French Literature and Psychology, Penny moved to France for her third year of university. This study tour gave her a lifetime opportunity to immerse herself in France's culture and life. Then she set out to learn Spanish.
After thirteen years of specialized studies, years and years of synchronized swimming and coaching, Penny Hermann successfully passed all the manadatory requirements to qualify as a Canadian Judge -- a unique position which is held by very few Canadian sports people. Herexpertise in 'synch' is Technical Merit and Artistic Impression. Presently, she is the National Panel Leader for Syncro Canada's Official Team. It's a first for the RCMP. Penny's next goal is to qualify as a International Judge for Synchronized swimming. 'Why not the Olympics too', I posed?
Penny Hermann was first transferred to Morinville, Alberta after she graduated from 'Depot' in 1996. For several years, she performed Detachment duties which included: break & enters, assaults, thefts and robberies. In the meantime, she volunteered to give schooltalks which centered on Drug and Alcohol Prevention.
School time was an opportunity for the local kids also to learn more about her. She gained a reputation for fairness. She took every opportunity to stop her police cruiser and talk with youth in her patrol zone. She was tagged as 'the cool cop'. Her love of Detachment work eventually allowed her to graduate as a DARE instructor. In 2003, Penny was transferred to Ottawa during which time she worked on Embassy Protection and VIP duties. In 2007, she accepted a promotional opportunity and was transferred back to 'Depot' Division.
It is an honest pleasure to know Corporal Penny Hermann. She has led a life of accomplishments. She is a very dedicated and hard working member of the RCMP. She attributes her success on the Drill floor to her synchro background.
Corporal Hermann is a very busy person. Yet, she maintains a very youthful spirit. Someday she hopes to tackle Business School or Law School. There is no reason in my mind which would prevent her from accomplishing these academic dreams.
Corporal Penny Hermann is an extraordinary person. The RCMP is very fortunate because of the indelible mark she leaves on the Cadets at 'Depot' and among international swim comptetitors in the pool. No one can disagree.
I congratulate her and I wish her every success with her future plans.
Regina's weather will only stabilize after Corporal Hermann has left 'Depot' for other challenges.