True and Fascinating Canadian History
Fortieth Anniversary of Women in the RCMP
1974 - 2014
A Very Special Constable
The First in RCMP History
Della Sonya Beyak
by J. J. Healy
The First in RCMP History
Della Sonya Beyak was born in Winnipegosis, MB., in 1967. She pursued post secondary education at the University of Manitoba where she graduated with a Degree in Criminology.
She worked in various security jobs while at university and she had also been selected as a Summer Student with the RCMP in Manitoba. She joined the Force in Regina, Saskatchewan in 1988.
At 'Depot', Della was described as having been very mature. Her Instructors recalled that she was extremely deligent to her studies. At the same time, they noted that she was also agreeable to help anyone in her Troop who was struggling under their workload. She thrived in 'Depot's learning environment.
Della made no secret of the fact that it had been her dream to join the RCMP and that she intended to pursue a long, long career in the Force.

On March 15, 1989, Della had worked her regular shift and essentially was off duty. However, she reponded voluntarily to a call for assistance and she was later killed in a motor vehicle accident involving her police cruiser.
Della was the first woman to be killed on duty in the RCMP. In Della, the RCMP lost a young woman who was extremely dedicated to the policing profession as well as being very thoughtful to her friends. She died unselfishly while trying to help others. Della would have excelled unquestionably in the Force.
She is listed on the RCMP's Honour as # 187.
Della was buried in the Ukrainian Church Cemetery, Winnipegosis, MB. She is remembered.