True and Fascinating Canadian History
Fortieth Anniversary of Women in the RCMP
1974 - 2014
A Very Special Constable
The First in RCMP History
Constable Ruth Ahenakew
by J. J. Healy
The First in RCMP History
Constable Ruth Ahenakew
by J. J. Healy
Reg.#32396, Ruth Ahenakew was accepted into the ranks of the Force as one its very first women.
As a Regular Member, Ruth made history because she was also the first Aboriginal woman to join the RCMP. Born and raised in Saskatchewan, she was a member of 36 Troop which began Basic Recruit Training in September 1974.
Ruth had a quiet disposition and a very determined will to succeed. She excelled in Basic Recruit Training at 'Depot' and her popularity in the Troop was matched with a very easy smile.
The RCMP Vets held their Annual General Meeting at 'Depot' in 2000. At the time, I had the opportunity to renew my friendship with Ruth. It was wonderful to see her again.
Ruth left her mark on RCMP history and I was honoured to have chosen to be her Troop Supervisor. I hope that we will always remain friends.