True and Fascinating Canadian History

Mr. Justin Trudeau
From Common Sitting
To Sitting In The Commons
by J. J. (Buffalo Joe) Healy
It was an honour for me and a memorable occasion to become reacquainted with Mr. Justin Trudeau at the 2008 Annual Officer's Mess Dinner. Mr. Trudeau had been invited as a Guest Speaker by the Mess President & Committee. And, a wonderful, very special, humourous speech he made! Bravo!
My professional friendship with Mr. Trudeau had begun when he was a small boy and I had been responsible for his protection and safety. I can recall how our friendship had begun many, many years ago.

In June 1976, I had completed three years of Instructional Duties at 'Depot' and I was due for a rotational transfer back to the field. My transfer was announced and it said that I was to depart 'Depot' and report to 'A' Division, Protective Sub/Division in Ottawa.
In Ottawa, I reported to Inspector Dennis Farrell, OC Protective and he assigned me to the 'Trudeau Protection Team'. I discovered that the 'Trudeau Assignment' evolved into one more great experience among a list of many, many experiences during my long, rewarding police career with the Force.
In 1976, the Organizational Chart for the Personal Security Section consisted of two Senior NCO's; Staff Sergeant Gerry Sequin and Sergeant Wayne Willan. The Junior NCO's consisted of Corporal H. L. 'Henry' Kennedy, Corporal J. J. 'Paul' Ouellet, Corporal R. G. 'Bob' Washburn and myself. There were also many other constables on the Team and each of us were assigned and responsible for various police protection duties.
In his handwritten note on the photo, Mr. Trudeau said, 'For Joe, thanks for taking such great care of me! (way back when you were the taller one...). In friendship and gratitude, Justin Trudeau.'
My first assignment with the Trudeau family took me to Harrington Lake, QC. Here, for the summer of 1976, I worked in casual, summer clothes suitable for the care of children. The constant care of the Trudeau children and their school chums was a serious responsibility and that was exactly the attitude which other members and I accepted for our duty. Any parent is aware of the potential risks to children around a playground or water and that a high degree of alertness is constantly required for the safety of the children. The job in my mind, was police time and not play time.
Sometimes, people wonder about the relationship of police officers who guard children for VIP parents. First, one can say that VIP's are parents who love and cherish their children. As well, VIP's have full trust in police officers especially those who care for children. VIP parents hand the responsibility of proper care of their children over to police officers and they expect that police officers work deligently, safely and thoughtfully.
Every single situation surrounding the care of children cannot possibly be spelled out, but in the role of custodian, police officers act responsibly for the best of the children and diminish any risks that may harm children. In short, while VIP parents are at their work, they expect that police officers will act in the best possible way to protect their children.

The role of protecting children is a professional one. It is also important for police officers to be fully aware that they act as role models in the minds of children and that only good behaviours are acceptable. Finally, police officers involved in the care and protection of children ought to expect report cards; one at the end of every day from the VIP parents and another from the children. Pay heed Cadets, if this seems all too elementary.
In September 1976, I left Harrington Lake and returned to work at the Ottawa downtown RCMP office. My first duty was to accompany Justin to school with his mother on Opening Day.
In his speech, Mr. Trudeau referred to different times that he and his brothers tried to playfully escape the watching eye of his RCMP Protection Team. Mr. Trudeau recalled, at times it was funny how the RCMP Team always seemed to either anticipate what he and his chums were about to do, or the RCMP Team seemed to know precisely and quickly where they had hidden.
After dinner, when Mr. Trudeau and I met, I thought it was the appropriate time to finally tell Mr. Trudeau a little secret about Police Protection Duty -- which was, all the wonders of well placed camera's under the employ of his RCMP Team. In adulthood, Mr. Trudeau had caught on, but nonetheless he and I shared a wonderful laugh. I was very pleased that, as a small boy, he remembered me as 'a guy on his Team'.
Over the years, there were many, many other RCMP members who also were involved in the responsibility of care of the Trudeau children. Some of the other Officers were also present for the enjoyable evening which we shared with Mr. Trudeau.
His speech was 'off the cuff' but it sure held memories for most everyone in the room. Mr Trudeau was good natured, a terrific public speaker and he had a quick smile.
He also had a firm handshake for me! Thank you, Mr. Trudeau!
OK, All you Cadets out there, this has been a Memory Patrol down Police Lane.
Reporting from Fort Healy,
J. J. (Buffalo Joe) Healy