True and Fascinating Canadian History

High Commissioner, His Excellency
Dr. Wayne Hammond
High Commissioner to Namibia
I had the honour to be selected by Commissioner N. D. Inkster to serve in Namibia, southern Africa for twoyears on an International Police Training Program begininng in 1991. The purpose of the program was to assist the Namibian Police rebuild after their independence from South Africa.
During the years 1991 to 1993, I met very frequently with Canada's High Commissioner, His Excellency, Dr. Wayne Hammondand to debrief him on the program's progress. It was a great honour to serve with two great Canadians Dr. and Mrs. Hammond.
At one point in the Program, I was very pleased to be joined in Namibia for several months by two members of theTraining Staff from 'Depot' Division; Corporal M. A. Norry and Reg.#27011 and Staff Sergeant Ken C. Wood.
Attending a dinner hosted by Dr. Hammond and in the photo above was, Reg.#33992, then Corporal M. A. Norry, High Commissioner Dr. W. Hammond, Supt. J. H. Healy & Reg.#27011, Staff Sergeant Ken Wood who passed away in Regina in 2001.