True and Fascinating Canadian History

Prime Minister of Canada
The Right Honourable Mr. Pierre E. Trudeau
After spending several years with the RCMP on BC's Lower Mainland, I was transferred in 1970 to 'L' Division, PEI.
In 1972, a federal election was called and Canadian politicians including Canada's Prime Minister hit the campaign trail. It was an exciting time to be a member of the RCMP due to all the security arrangements which had to be put into effect for VIP's all across Canada.
I was fortunate to have been chosen by Chief Superintendent L. G. Pantry to act as Driver for Canada's Prime Minister, The Right Honourable Pierre E. Trudeau.
In the top photo, is the Prime Minister and on his left is the Premier of PEI, Mr. Alex Campbell. In the center is the RCMPSecurity Travel Officer, Inspector Barry Moss. As well as being the Driver, it was also my job to open the car door for the Official Party.
The team of Mr. Trudeau and Mr. Campbell toured the Island for several days as I acted as Official Driver in the police motorcade.
In the lower photo, Mr. Trudeau entered the car after having been for a swim in the Atlantic Ocean on PEI's North Shore. Premier, Mr. Cambell also sat in the rear seat of the official car.
It was a great memorable occasion for me to meet Mr. Trudeau and Mr. Campbell.