True and Fascinating Canadian History

The Right Honourable
Mr. Joe Clark. PC, CC, AOE
by J. J. (Buffalo Joe) Healy
The Right Honourable Joseph Charles Clark, sixteenth Prime Minister of Canada was Guest Speaker at the AnnualOttawa Area Officer's Mess Dinner held at the Canadian Aviation Museum on May 24, 2013.
Mr Clarke came highly prepared for a speech which was informative, inspirational and filled with anecdotes about his time in political office and his family's appreciatative relationship with the RCMP.
Early in his opening remarks, Mr Clark gave an historical sketch of the North West Mounted Police in his native province of Alberta. He recalled his school days -- a time during which he learned about the favourable impact of the North West Mounted Police on Alberta's peaceful growth.
Mr Clark said that he and his family were sincerely indebted to the RCMP for their long standing professional care, protection and security. He recalled instances when the RCMP were of particular help during hectic political campaigns and frequent travels across Canada.
It was an honour to have Mr Clark among us for the 2013 Annual Officer's Mess Dinner. It was a memorable evening shared with a very memorable guest. Mr Clark left no doubt that he is a highly professional speaker. He did not shy away from controversies which affect theRCMP but he also mentioned respective merits which the Force well deserved. He explained comtemporary policing and its difficulties in the context of a fast changing and sometimes dangerous world.
At times, Mr Clark spoke about humourous incidents which occured during his political life. He did not hesitate to poke fun at himself andhis wit was sharp and well timed.
His personal stories did not fail to bring back memories of the political climate of many years ago. I want to thank Mr Clark forresponding favourably to our dinner invitation and for being present to celebrate the 140th Anniversary of the RCMP.
I will hold memories of the special evening for a long, long time.