True and Fascinating Canadian History
Honour Roll#232
Killed. 04/06/2014. Moncton, NB
Over many years, I have received thousands of wonderful notes from members of the Force, Vets, families of members and friends. The sentiments expressed are very special and I am very, very appreciative to everyone who has written to me. Thank you!
Hi Joe;
The job you do on the website is unbelievable. I've spent many hours reading the stories and write-ups.
Keep up the collection....Some of us really appreciate it...
Dan Caruk,
February 17, 2020
Hi Joe;
Re: Reg.#18577, Constable John Pebbles Shaw Thomson.
Thank you ever so much for the memorial of Scotty. It is just perfect. It brought tears to my eyes.
Thank you also for including my son Brian. I really do appreciate it.
You are most kind.
Yours truly
February 3, 2020
Hi Joe;
Re: Reg.#18577, Constable John Pebbles Shaw Thomson.
Here is a bit of John’s short life. It's so kind of you to do all this.
I never knew about your site until Diane called me last night. Thank you.
Here's a photo of John in Banff, AB., and one of him as a child in Scotland, and one of John with his children before he died in the car accident. He was only 26.
I am so delighted to see his site here, Thank you so much.
Eleanor Pauling
February 1, 2020
Hi Joe;
I was recently reminded of the informative work(s) you have completed and keep current with historical sites such as RCMP Graves and related.
Your photo in the "stables" in 1964 with "Honey" "on the left" brought back many fond memories. Your Reg.#23685 placing us in 'Depot' during the same time period.
I have been trying to ferret out photos of my training, however, unfortunately very few photos or videos were taken during that time period of my troop in training.
During my searches I did find several several informative articles regarding S/Sgt. Fred Rasumssen and the fact he did write a book entitled "A Collection of Memories: My Life With Horses". Unfortunately it seems to be out of print right now. He was one of the great instructors of our time at 'Depot'.
Thank you for all that you do to help keep "our" history current.
Al Thiel
January 26, 2019
The kind note which follows was received in December, 2016
Hi Joe,
I just wanted to thank you for an article you wrote about my grandfather in December of 2013.
My sister found it this weekend. His name was Marcelin Theriault and it was a story about a gun he confiscated from a teenage boy.
I loved the story as I don't know a lot about that side of my grandfather.
He still has two daughters that are alive and I forwarded the article to them. They were very touched by it.
My aunts remember his horse. For the joy you gave my aunts I can't thank you enough.
Keep up the good work. I'm sure you've touched a lot of lives.
Merry Christmas,
Giselle Marchand.
December, 2016
Hi Joe;
Wonderful graves data base you are creating. Congrats.
Regards, On Sep 20, 2016, at 11:10 PM, Bob and Terry Power Hi Joe Congratulations on your Sovereign's Volunteer Medal award from the Governor General! I was just watching the ceremony on the Rogers channel a few moments ago. All the best, Bob Power Hi Joe, I wanted to pass along our congratulations on the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers. You have put in
tremendous time and effort to your Volunteer commitments so it is great to see that you are being
rewarded for your efforts. Very Best Wishes. Frank and Denise Richter Greetings Joe: A simple note to tell you that once again your wonderful remembrance web site has solved a mystery for me and
given me just a little more of an appreciation of both past Members and your efforts. I’ve been assisting with the Musical Ride’s Sunset Ceremonies for years, first while serving and now as a
volunteer in retirement. One thing that I’d always wondered about was the names of the roads and the signs at ‘N’
Division (CPC). I thought, "Just who was ‘Terrance Hoey’? And how about ‘Maxwell Bailey’?" Now, thanks to you, I know they were Members killed on duty and honoured by having the ‘N’ Div. streets
named after them. Well done, Sir. Don Harrison, C/722 (Ret’d) Hello Joe
Just want to say that your web site on the RCMP graves data base is really well done and a wealth of
information. I am very impressed. I can spend hours looking through all what is there but I have to
go to work tonight. I am a regular member Cpl at the Battlefords Rural Detachment. I will have completed 24 years this
Aug 26 and will more than lilely retire two years from now. With my previous army time and my RCMP
time I will have over a 30 year pension. Amongst my regular duties, I have been helping out with the NWMP Cemetery here in Battleford and
trying to locate all the graves and missing ones that are not marked. What it might come down to is
to run ground penetrating radar over the area to see if any graves are not marked. This will
determine which plots are free for furture burials. Looks like the whole province is going to be
inspected to ensure all the Mounted Police graves in this province are located, cleaned, maintained
and marked if unmarked. There are some in the Battlefords we need to take care of. This project, from what I understand, originates from HQ. I am happy to have a small part in it. Anyhow on your data base there is NWMP O.35 Assistant Surgeon Doctor Robert Miller who is reported
died Sept 6, 1887. I have more details of his death that I uncovered from a news paper of the time.
It is dated Sept 10, 1887 and there are details on how this member died. Is this something that you
wish to add to the database ? Miller is buried in the NWMP Cemetery in Battleford but
unfortunately the grave may or may not be marked and if so, unidentified. Regards Corporal Tim Popp. Hi Joe,
While conducting my own research, I came across the grave site of Reg.#20034, Sergeant Hugh Godwin
and I thought it might be helpful for your website. Thanks for all your ongoing service. Your site honours the memory of many.
I have a young friend who just joined the Force. She has been assigned to Neepawa. Rachel Williams, Hi Joe, Great work you are doing Joe, We all owe you a big thank you. All the best, Vet John Moodie Hi Joe; I was visiting your website...Superior Job, Joe!! I saw a lot of names I know!! Ciao, Jan Nicholson Hi Joe;
Just a note to accompany my father's death notice, which is already on your registry. My name is Michael Gibbs and I am a Superintendent in the RCMP posted in Saskatoon. In memory of
my father I would love to share photos of his Depot days with any of his Troop mates or their
families. I have a number of photographs of my Dad and his Troop in Depot. He was in training in Regina in
1962. I can be contacted at I would be happy to trade photos for some good
stories! Thanks, Good afternoon Joe, I am trying to find any RCMP pictures of my grandfather Reg.#9836, Edward Maurice Swords. He was involved in the witness protection of the Russian spy Mr. Igor Guzenko. I have a book
signed by Igor to my grandfather. He was also with Igor's wife at the hospital when their first child was born (Svetlana?) Would you have any pictures of him, or is there ANY WAY I can get his Regimental Badge? Thanks for your time. Love your work. Hi Joe; I'm not sure if you have access to George Bowen's Reg.#, but if not, let me know and I'm sure I can
get it. Take care Joe and thanks for all the work you do with the RCMP Graves. Charlie Oliver Dear Joe:
The second year anniversary of my Dad's passing is next Friday, April 24, 2015 and earlier this
evening I "googled" my Dad's name to review his obituary. It was a wonderful surprise when one
of the articles that came up as the result of my search, was the article which you wrote concerning
my Dad and which highlighted his career as "Vet of the Month" in January, 2015. It was a beautifully written article and brought tears to my eyes given the wonderful memories
of my father that it documented. Dan Lemieux and yourself have characterized his personality
so well. He was an extremely proud police officer and as a father, a terrific role model. Thank you for taking the time to prepare such a complete and extensive chronology of his
career. I can appreciate the amount of time, effort and research which you invested in preparing
this article and I am truly grateful for your efforts. I will make sure that both my brother and sister and their families as well as my own have
the opportunity to read this testimony to their dad and grandfather. I will also ensure that
my mother, who will be turning 99 years of age in August this year, also has the opportunity
to review the article concerning her husband to which she was married for in excess of sixty years. I also want to thank Dan Lemieux for his contribution to this article and for his recollections
of my father. I am not sure how much recognition that you receive for documenting the history of RCMP
veterans, however, for one son your efforts are priceless. Thanks so much. Hi Joe; Thanks for your help and thanks for all of your efforts in this regard. Bruce Taylor Hi Joe; This is the first time I have had ocassion to visit this site - I am a retired member Reg.#27088, and I have
been lookin thru your site - just confirm for me that this site is dedicated to members that had since left
this world.
Thanks for a great job done in maintaining this site. Al Hudema From: Nakahok, Crystal Hello Joe,
My name is Crystal Nakahok. I am doing a research on Mr Keith Duncan (officer year 1931) (retired) Would you be able to have
pictures of him? He is my Grandmother Mrs. Margaret Nakashook’s Father. Hi Crystal, I am sorry that I do not presently have a photo of Mr. Duncan. I suggest you write to Archives Canada in Ottawa. They hold all the Service Files of the retired RCMP and they should be able to find
you some photos. I’m quite sure there should be a photo of Mr. Duncan on his RCMP file. If you do not have any luck with Archives Canada, please write to me again and I will drive down to Archives Canada and
speak with them on your behalf. I wish you lot of success with your project. I would like to see a copy of it when it is finished. Yours truly, Joe Hi Joe:
I met you at John Medaglia’s the other day and had a great conversation with you. I want to congratulate you on your wonderful web site which so far I have just looked at briefly. It is very professional.
I will be back to look at it in more detail soon. Thanks for the opportunity to see some of Canada’s history from a different viewpoint. Best wishes Ray Haythornthwaite Hello, Joe, We haven’t met. I saw your website today for the first time. Your dedication to this endeavor is top notch. Keep up the good work. Eric Howard Hi Joe,
I was at the Mountain View cemetery in October and took a better photo of Constable Gordon Leroy Gruber’s headstone. is plot information is: Block 27 Lot 11 Grave 6WD Thanks for doing all that you are doing! Linda Crump Hi Joe; Further to my conversation with Calgary's Reg Keatley this afternoon, Mr. George Herbert Stuart (DOD: June 21, 2011) was laid to rest
in my cemetery. The ashes of both he & his wife are in one of our columbarium towers. I have attached a photo of the bronze wreath. Such a thrill for me to be able to help out in this small way. Sandy Jasper Greetings Joe:-
Seems like many years since our paths crossed, first at the Saint John Airport when I was a Special Constable, probably again when
I was stationed in "A" Division in 1978-1989. Some time ago the Saint John Museum had a NWMP Red Serge; pillbox hat and breeches of a member named BOYD. Apparently, he had been
a Guard at the hanging of Louis Reil. From what I found out he left the Force on 'Medical' grounds and returned to NB. I have an interesting book, RCMP Obituary Index 1933-1989 published by the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society. It lists three
Boyds; Alexander Frederick #M/13; John Ronald #S/7860 & William H. #6535. I checked your site but with no luck. Any ideas? I hope you are enjoying good health, I enjoy your site and in the photo of your 'LADY' troop, I retired home to Saint John in 1996.
Robert G. (Bob) Little, C.D. Hi Joe,
Just a short note from Exeter in the UK to thank you and Mr. Reg Keatley for allowing me to trace the death of my mother's uncle,
Thomas Hunter, Reg.# 5045 who died on 26/12/1922 in Esquimault BC. The work that you are doing must bring a lot of comfort to many people and fills in a tremendous amount of history in your
vast and exciting country. It is important that it is not forgotten. My great-grandparents Thomas and Catherine Hunter, both Scots who had moved to Yorkshire, had three sons serving WW1; one in
the British Army, one (Thomas) in the Canadian Army and one in the Australian Army. Thank you again and please pass on my thanks to Reg. Regards David Price Dear Sir,
Do you have any information on the first bandmaster of the NWMP, Harry Walker? He was my grandfathers oldest brother. His regiment
number was 308. I believe he had a brother with the Regiment Number was 3906, William or Robert Walker. If you have any information or can point me in the right direction, I would be most grateful. Thank you, Don Walker Hi Joe, Got in touch with Administrator Shelley at 'Depot' and she confirmed that the RCMP would cover the cost of a Regimental Marker for A/Comm'r Junget. Thanks for helping me out. Cheers, Hello Joe, I am looking for some advice. My 95 year old mother would like to have her father's grave marker upgraded to indicate that he was a serving
member of the NWMP, RNWMP and RCMP. Before we go looking for a grave marker I thought it best to inquire to see if there is a service supplied
by the RCMP to supply such markers? My Grandfather was Asst. Comm Christian Junget who served from 1899 to 1934 and died in 1969. I have attached a photo of his existing grave marker.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks, Hi Joe, Thanks for your phone call and your email. John Marie Bozec was my father and a wonderful one at that. His service
with the RCMP brought him much pride. He was with RCMP 'Marine' Division in Halifax, NS and served on various boats one of
which was the 'MacBrien'. He got as far as France and was due to go to the front lines when the War was declared over. During the Second World War
the RCN took over the RCMP 'Marine' Div. of which Dad was a member and he served as a Petty Officer with the RCN during the War.
Not sure of all the details but I believe these are correct. Thank you for your interest and work you have been doing to keep these memories of all these wonderful RCMP members. Corinne Beauvais Hi Mr. Healy, I am looking for information about my cousin Daryl Bakewell. He did not die in the line of duty but I would like to find out
when he graduated and when he died. My mother and his father were brother and sister. Thank you Good Day Mr. Healy; I have been on your site on a number of occasions and am always impressed with the work that has gone into it, congrats and thanks. My wife and I just finished a 6 week road trip west and got our fill of Force historical sites. We were at Ft Walsh and took
a couple of photos of the graves of the 7 NWMP members who are buried there, including one of Cst M. Graburn.
If you an use either of the attached photos please do so. Regards Hi Joe; I just read about my great, great, great Uncle William "Bill" Hayward and the mystery of his missing grave. Thank you Jack O'Reilly for uncovering my Uncle's grave, it was not really a mystery to us though. Most of Uncle Bill's
family was still alive at the time of his death and although we did not visit his grave site we did know where he was. Uncle Bill was a legend in our family. He was a big, powerful presence at family gatherings and we were all very proud that
he was a RCMP. Thank you for remembering him it was a lovely surprise. Sincerely Sue Hunter p.s. Uncle Bill was my great-grandmother's brother. Joe
Many thanks. A great site to follow-up on troop-mates and other past colleagues. Regards
Jim Blatchford Hi Joe,
I was sending info about Gerald Bruce Arndt who died at Chilliwack, BC. Gerry was still serving when he died suddenly from a
heart attack (while on the golf course at Chilliwack.) There is no grave site as he was cremated and his ashes were spread locally. He served in “F” Division, HQ, “K”
and “E” Division and was in charge of the Forensic Identification Section in Chilliwack at the time of this death. Please let me know if you require further info. You are doing great work Joe – thanks for all of your efforts. Ben Gwaltney Hello Buffalo Joe! I was directed to your website by one of my Constables here at Quesnel Detachment. It's a great website and I thank you for
what you do! I compile a monthly newsletter for our Detachment and will include your website in the July edition. Question for you regarding a Retired Staff Sergeant Major from Saskatchewan, Earl McAULEY. He retired in 1973 in Saskatoon.
All his service was in SK. He did serve in WWII and joined the RCMP in the 50's. Earl and his wife Alice reside in Surrey, BC. I
had the pleasure of staying with them in early May of this year. Earl is almost 90 years old. He enjoyed telling me about his time in the RCMP. I wonder if you have any information
on him? I told him I was going to write about him in the Rap Sheet, our newsletter. That made him smile! He apparently has
written a few books over the years telling stories of his time in the Force. I don't know that they've been published as I can't
find anything online. Thanks again for what you're doing and making available to all of us - proud employees, proud members and the public! Sincerely, Hi Joe
Thank you for the information. I will check your database. Thank you for doing this project. It is important to never forgot. I am a retired member and since being overseas on a Mission in 2004/2005, I have caught the bug for historical travel involving
Canada in WWI and WWII. I have been on about four tours with WWII Veterans thought-out most of Europe including Normandy for
the 65th D-DAY Remembrance and Holland for the 65th anniversary of VE Day. In 2011, I started to focus on RCMP members (or ex) and where they are in the ETO. I have been to Italy and visited almost all
Provost Members graves. I travel in RCMP Veterans Red Blazer and we preform small ceremonies at each site. We also make sure that
the people on these tours are informed on the connection between the Military and the RCMP I am heading back to Holland, France, Belgium and Germany in 2015 and I hope to locate WWI ex members grave sites. Cheers. Glenn Dear Joe, Ian Brownlee of Calgary, AB has forwarded the burial info you have available on my uncle, Reg.#10904, Frank Newman. Please accept
my deepest gratitude for your efforts. It is very meaningful to me as I work toward pasting together my paternal family history.
Best regards,
Ferne Kyba Hi Joe; Reg.#21694, Joseph Copeland, died at Toronto, ON due to complications after surgery for a malignant brain tumour. Wonderful to have your web site. Sincerely, Bill Cassan [] Hello Sir, A friend of mine, Jamie Buis, contacted me this morning regarding my uncle's grave, Constable David M. Perry.
I'd also like to thank you for taking your time to put your site together.
Hi Joe; Here's the correct date of birth for Reg.#14013, Frederick James Wheatley. Thanks for this site! Mr. Olsen Wheatley. June 10, 2014. Hi Joe; It appeared that a new headstone has replaced the original bronze marker that had identified Reg.#808, Thomas & Lucretia’s grave. This new photo attached was taken Apr 24, 2014 at the Union Cemetery in Fort Macleod, Alberta - as you can see it’s in
excellent condition. Thanks for doing all that you are continuing to do! Linda Crump, Volunteer Dear Joe; I have always enjoyed seeking information from your website, particularly when your source is much quicker
than our own official records. You have created a very significant piece of work.
My very best regards Joe.
Gibson Glavin, Inspector Dear Joe, I was just reading your remembrance of Ted Madill. I must agree completely with your recall. Ted was the 'F' A & P Officer
for about two years while I was the Compensation and Benefits NCO. He was also in Basic Training with another fella named Al Linka. Al
quit the Force after two years to get married, then he owned the White Truck dealership in Regina when I met Joan and of course Al and I
both had the blessings of our 'ole boss -- Ted Madill. Ted slipped on the stairs going into his basement, went to the hospital and died shortly thereafter. I helped Lorrie sort through
her Pension and Insurance Benefits and was surprised she passed away within the year. She did smoke quite a bit and was really at loose
ends after Ted died. Ted was a peach of a man. I too remember him fondly. George Bliss Dear Joe;
I have visited the RCMP Graves website many times and each time I go there I come away with more interesting information that
I did not have before. Well done! Your respectfully, Hello Joe;
Great job on the web site and appreciate the work you have done. Wes Luloff S/Sgt Hi Joe;
I have visited the RCMP Graves website many times and each time I go there I come away with more interesting information that I did
not have before. Well done! sandiville Dear Joe, Just wanted to take a moment to say thank you, I just read your blog on the passing of my father, and really appreciated
what you had to say. Dad did not share all of his memories (there were many), so it is wonderful to hear more about him from others. When my boss heard about Dad passing away, he Googled his name and found your “Sir” Blog. He got a good chuckle out of it, and a good
understanding of Dad and how highly he was regarded with the RCMP. Take care and thank you again. Steve Gilbey e-mail: I look at your site at least 3 times a week and I am always amazed at the information and valuable documentaion you are sharing
with the rest of us. Keep up the great work. You're doing very well, Joe. Thanks for this. Hello Joe; I'd like to say thanks again for a job well done and please continue the excellent job you're doing on the website. Best Regards, Paul McKimmie, Cpl. Hi Joe;
I have not recently been sending data for your website for the past 2 years as I am involved with the Nova Scotia Grave
Inspection Program and now inspect all sites in the Annapolis Valley area of NS. In addition to inspecting 'marked' graves over
the past few years, I have locate about 26 sites that bear no reference to service with the Force. I used to have 24 sites to
inspect and maintain, now I have 55 and drive about 1000 kms a year. Most rewarding job I ever had! Thanks to both of you for you is most appreciated! I will put together a report and give this to Harold Searle, on the
occasion of the 'Open House' for his 95th. birthday. Dick Pulsifer Hi Joe;
Last night, (June 21, 2013) we had S/Major Darren Campbell as our Keynote Speaker at our Vancouver Division General Meeting. He acknowledged the receipt of our list of volunteers to assist the Commanding Officer on his various committees. Darren pointed out
how valuable the input and assistance of the RCMP Veterans. He mentioned several times about the outstanding work you have
accomplished with your gravesite database. Yours truly, Hello: I want to thank you for including a photo of my father's marker (Inspector Kenneth John Blue) on your website. I was able to share the
photo with my siblings this Father's Day. We don't often go out to his gravesite because we live from Halifax to Vancouver, BC. Thank you again. Kim (aka Kathryn). Hello Mr. Healy, Thank you very much. Again your efforts are sincerely appreciated by this writer. PS I was given Thomas As a middle name out of respect to Thomas Gowdie. Note: our family still has a member active, Gord N.
in RCMP and another, Ken A. recently retired from the Force. Best wishes, Thanks for all you efforts Joe for those who have passed on. Regards, 'E' Div. Vet Larry Stright. Hi Joe! I just wanted to tell you that I shared your website in a group of RCMP Spouses through our online FaceBook group (a closed group).
The spouses are talking about wanting to help clean up grave sites....where can they contact you and more importantly are you open to them
doing so???? I noted that you have a submission form but no contact information listed for yourself. Let me know what you think! It is such an amazing thing you do ! Jodi Hi Joe: I have looked at the Graves site for my grandfather, Reg.#3342, Augustus James Rust and was so pleased to see it updated.
Thank you so much. He was in charge of the cabin in Hamilton, ON where the Veteran NWMP held their meetings. And Reg.# 9687, Hogle Oldham Wiley was my father-in-law. Regards, Kathy Wiley Joe... I have sent some up-dating material on the father's graveside database today after learning how to do so and I want to thank you for
the splendid facility that is much appreciated by all retired Veterans. It is a great service. Many thanks, Bill Buchanan (C/Supt.Rtd.) Hi Joe, Have just viewed the web-site and am so impressed. Hopefully Jamie and I will meet you again at WAGS on Bank. Give a pat to Gracie from me. Great to meet you the other day. John Arnold Hi Joe; With these corrections it brings your site up to date regarding the Yukon graves. On behalf of the Yukon RCMP Veteran Association of which
I am Vice-President I would like to thank you for the hard work you have done in the last few months in updated the entries on your site. I would also thank you for taking the initiative in putting together such a wealth of our history. Generation of future members owe you a
great depth of gratitude for having the dedication to have undertaken such an immense project. I look forward in continuing to work with you to improve your site. In the coming years and months I hope to be able to visit the Cemeteries
in the Yukon to photograph the graves of our members. It is also my intention to get to you as many GPS co-ordinates as possible. Again thanks for your efforts which are greatly appreciated. I will in the future try to make your life easier by using the forms from your
website. It was great to see you again Joe. I love your website and thank you for providing such an amazing site honouring our police family. I wanted to stay in contact with you Joe and am hoping this finds you in good health and spirit, Re: Reg.#14120, George Brebner Hay. This note received: 'Thank you for the work you and others do to maintain this remembrance for
us.' Reg.#38595, Janet Egger (daughter) [] Greetings Joe, As requested, please find attached a photo of Reynell's medal... I have been following your Buffalo Blog almost every day and I'm still amazed by the stories and the people that have reached out to you
who have relatives that served with the Force. Dear Joe; Thanks for touching base and I understand you are really busy with all of the emails (I can't even begin to imagine!).
I want to thank you for your help with looking into this. I am doing a project for all of our fallen members and this name would help immensely. Penny Hermann, Cpl./Cap Dear Joe; Reg.#6054, my great uncle was George Harvey. I have photos of him in RCMP uniform plus newspaper clips which I wondered if you could include. He was later Chief of Police,
Lethbridge. Many thanks, Reg.#45032, Gregory Joshua Pichler Hi Joe; Thank you so much for doing this and running this site! It will be great to have Gregs memories continue on. With much gratitude, Wendy Arnott. PG.
I just took a peek on the database -- I think it's wonderful that Staff Sergeant Hawes has a 'home'. Looks very nice and well-said. Thank you - Linda Re: A Mystery Story Inspector A. N. Eames - [Was] Interesting to read your research regarding the Eames. The elderly couple were our kind next
door neighbours in North Vancouver BC. As a teenager at 15 I recall when he died. My mother at age 83 often speaks about them as she spent time with the couple in their later years. Her name is Jean France. Our family
moved from North Van in 1968 to Vernon BC. My mother also worked at the Vernon Detachment as a matron during 1980's and so has an interest
in the RCMP. Christine Alexis Hi Joe; Here is my dad's funeral notice; Wilson Everett Kerr Morris. I will send a pic of his grave when the weather is nicer. AnnMarie Aitken I came across this website recently and found the entry for my uncle, Richard Purdon - Rgt. #17885. I've added a little bit more
information below. Thanks, Sgt. Shawn Rainville, Ottawa Police Good afternoon Supt. Healy, Just a quick note, Joe ... thank you so much for putting the picture of my uncle's grave marker into your database so quickly. It's very
much appreciated by our family. Thanks and regards, My Nana (Grandmother) in Suffolk, England is still searching for info on her Father, who left the family and went to Canada on the Ausonia,
arrived in Quebec Aug. 8, 1926. I would appreciate any information you could provide me. We think he left the Canadian Army in 1945, then
Mounties. On 11/10/2012, I replied to Ms Colweck to say that I had no record of Mr. J. R. Antis. Dear Joe, Thank you so much for your response. I will continue my search. Nan is 86 years old and still searching. She has no idea what happened to
him. Sincerely, Karen Colweck Karen (Bradley) Colweck [] Hi Joe - my brother moved to Penticton and I became aware of the grave that is in a City owned grave yard at the corner of Fairview
Road and Regina Ave. The Masons apparently held a ceremony at the site earlier this year and installed the new plaque. You may already
have this one in your data base. Keep up the great work. Dear Mr Healy, I'm Roosevelt Lerebours, Clifford's father. This is just to thank you for all you have done for my son recently. My family and and I
we're are very grateful, may God bless you abundantly. Once again thanks! Roosevelt Lerebours Thank you Shauna, it was helpful to share my information on my father with you and thank you for the website. On behalf of my family, Mabel Brown Mabel Brown [] Good Morning Mrs Brown, I wanted to share this website with you. Mr Healy is a retired member of the RCMP and very dedicated to recording the history of the
RCMP and its members. There is a database on this website as well as a mention of many people who share Mr. Healy's passion in the
acknowledgments. May I suggest you visit the site and perhaps contact Mr. Healy regarding the knowledge you have as he may know the right people to
ensure your fathers story is well preserved. Shauna Fortier Yafalian Security Analyst / Analyste de Sécurité ...Great job... didn't know it [website] existed until I read about it in The Quarterly. Regards Reg.#31430, Rick Millard, Seabright NS Beautiful site thank you very much. May I please suggest my old Drill Instructor the late Reg.#15653, Larry Grieg be included in the Chaplains of the Force. He is often
fondly remembered. Reg.#17185, Joe Hanks. Retired & Tired. Hi Joe, I had emailed Jim Forsyth letting him know that I have headstones photos for RCMP buried at the Mountain View Cemetery in Lethbridge. I'll do a search of names on our website and use the submission form if I have a headstone photo that has not been submitted. Thanks for doing all that you are doing. Linda Crump (403) 345-5651 Dear Buffalo Joe,
Re: H H Jenkins #1331 On your Web site I see that the info has been gathered and posted. Great job and wonderful to see. Betty Gamble
Hi Joe - Happy year to you and your family. Hope this is a good year for all. Joe, I have a question. I was wondering if you would have any information on a member who passed away a number of years aqo in Alberta.
His name was Jerry St.Pierre. He was the Dog man on Northern Alberta during the early 1960's. I lost track of him over the years. I
understand he was the victim of an accident. I dont know where he was interned. Thanks Tom Bennie 'G' Troop 64/65
Dear Tom,
Thank you for your note and for keeping in touch with me. With regards to your question, no doubt, you are speaking of Reg.#18503,
Corporal Jerome 'Gerry' St. Pierre who died in a boating accident on Moose Lake on May 13, 1966. He is buried in Regina, at our 'Depot'
Cemetery. You can visit his grave photo in the database when you key in Reg.#18503. Yours truly, Hi Joe, I know this web site has existed for awhile, and only now have I taken the time to benefit from its wealth of information. Thank you taking the time to orchestrate it. Congratulations and well done! Vet. Dennis Roughley Dear Joe; I would like to thank you for researching this information. I worked as support staff for the RCMP for 20 years so seeing what I
thought probably was a Reg.# got me excited. Also, I worked with a Healy (I believe his first name was Don) in Spruce Grove Alberta
many years ago - any relation? I know his Dad was also a member. Davida Thompson-Upton Hi Joe;
I came across Cst. Dahl's grave in the Mantario, Saskatchewan Cemetery while inspecting the grave of a family member in the
same cemetery. Pictures of the gravesite were taken and submitted. Best regards, Joe, and congrats on a fabulous job on the graves of members. Cleve Cooper Good morning Joe, I hope this new year finds you healthy and happy as life is for me. I have taken the time on many occasions to take a look at your website since we last met here at the Clothing and Kit Warehouse a while back. Your
website is great and a very interesting read. I've learned a lot. You may remember, my dad Ron Morin, recently sent you some information about my Great Uncle George Pepin. Unfortunately, I never had the
opportunity to meet him as I was born 2 months after his passing. It is great to see his information updated and on the site. I will make
certainly make sure my family sees it. My husband enjoys working on his genealogy so this information is something he can add to his many
findings as well. I know you must have access to many avenues through your connections with the RCMP to obtain your information however, my door is
always open if you need anything. Take care my friend and keep up the great work! Anne Parker
Mr. Ken Street
Ottawa, ON
Saanichton, BC
Mike Gibbs
RCMP Saskatoon, SK
September 27, 2015
Best regards,
Patrick Swords (CM)
August 26, 2015
GTA Customs & Excise Section - RCMP Toronto West
2755 High Point Dr., Milton, ON
L9T 5E8
905) 876-9738
April 20th, 2015
Rick Williamson,
Calgary, AB
April 17, 2015
Trail, BC
March 3, 2015
January 20, 2015
Sent: January-06-15 12:19 PM
Subject: RCMP Graves Contact
Ottawa, ON
January 7, 2015
November 21, 2014
November 3, 2014
Calgary, AB
November 4, 2014
Parks & Cemetery | Community Services.
Brandon, MB.
A/313 & S/831 & 40965
October 7, 2014
October 7, 2014
Keith McLaren
September 8, 2014
Keith McLaren
Lexie Nash
September 4, 2014
David Grindlay
September 3, 2014
August 25, 2014
August 25, 2014
July 11, 2014
Dana Bouchard, Detachment Services Assistant
584 Carson Avenue, Quesnel, BC V2J 2B5
250-992-0508 (direct line)
250-992-9211 (main line)
250-992-9312 (fax)
July 10, 2014
Glenn Syme []
July 8, 2014
June 26, 2014
June 22, 2014
Mike Perry []
May 26, 2014
Lethbridge, AB
May 19, 2014
RCMP "K" Division
Acting Contract Policing Officer
& OIC Provincial Support Services
11140 - 109 Street
Edmonton Alberta T5G 2T4
Vets Regina, SK
May 5, 2014
Windy Gale
February 18, 2014
Retired) O.O.M.
January 20th, 2014
Toronto, ON
January 6, 2014
Brian Brennan
CROP. 'H' Div.,
November 10. 2013
Jim Scott
Vets, Nova Scotia
October 11, 2013
Reg# 31251
"D" Division Traffic Services
October 2, 2013
NS Division
July 4, 2013
Sheldon Boles
Vancouver Vets
June 21, 2013
June 16, 2013
Lorn Thomas Quick
April 3, 2013
March 28, 2013
Kathleen Wiley []
March 26, 2013
March 25, 2013
Jules LeBlanc
Retired S/Sgt.
March 7, 2013
Dr. Matt Logan
HALO Forensic Behavioural Specialists
March 1, 2013
Brian Brennan, CROPS 'H' Div.
February 24, 2013
Drill Instructor/Instructrice
Drill, Deportment & Tactical Unit
Sue Allan (Great Niece)
Pitt Meadows BC
Feb 22, 2013
February 9, 2013
Larry Proke
Thank you,
Personnel Security / Sécurité du Personnel
Room / Piéce 405-37 - Mailstop #30
73 Leikin Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2
Tel: 613-843-6570
Fax: 613-825-4415
January 5, 2013
Information Officer
Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park
Milk River, AB.
403-647-2364 ext 0
Clothing & Kit
Customer Service Representative
Ph: 613-993-3240
Re: Your photo taken with Her Majesty The Queen - Royal Tour 1973
Thank you for sending us an entry (photo) of your brush with royalty.
Good luck!
Canada's History Magazine
June 7, 2012
Subject: Re: Vet of the Month: January 2011. Reg. #9221, Sgt. John Kidd
Yahoo - one of my missing links to our family!!! I am very excited about this and will give my cousin a call tonite. I spoke with my Mom who recalls Peter as a wee lad and she babysat him now and then. Mom has tried for years to connect with his Mom Dot or Dorothy.
My parents along with Kidd families attended Peters Dads funeral many years past and Mom recalls a picture of the extended surviving family so I am on the hunt for that photo to pass along to Peter.
This is most interesting as Peter mentions his 25 years of service - I am being presented with my 25 year gift and certificate per the Federal Government (CFIA) tomorrow morning so I am surmising my lost cousin is in my generation.
I will let you know how things go!!! Thank you!!!
S/Sgt. Peter KIDD Reg.# 39566
Toronto West Detachment
Immigration and Passport Section
Hi Joe:
Thank you for your reply to my suggested updates to my uncle's file, George Pepin. Upon retirement from the RCMP he worked at the Senate of Canada. He passed away while in the employ of the Senate.
Thank you for your work.
Ron Morin
Hi Joe:
I was reading your blog of 31 May 12, concerning the Queen's visit to PEI in 1973.
That was a great photo and nice that you attached names to all of the Constables.
You mentioned that the photo was taken by S/Sgt. Bill HAINES. I am not aware if you still have contact with Bill but, if not, he now lives in Kentville, NS and I have his address, should you ever require it. Bill was at our RCMPVA meeting on 30 May 2012, at Camp Aldershot, near Kentville. I am not sure if Bill follows up on your website but I plan to let him know of your last blog entry --- I am sure it will bring back old memories.
Keep up the great work but, look after yourself. I am now involved in the "H" Division Grave Inspection Program, as it relates to annual inspections done by the NS Vets. My territory is the Annapolis Valley and beyond. I cover three counties , involving well over 700 kms. of travel.
I will be sending a follow-up report on 1424 Cst. John Sturge MAYNARD, NWMP. This member is in your database with a lot of information provided by London Vet, Merle Armstrong. As the place of burial was not shown, I set out to locate the gravesite so we would then know the final resting place.
I ran into several barriers --- when I narrowed the search down to a particular cemetery, those holding the cemetery records insisted that Cst. MAYNARD was not buried in their cemetery. My information said otherwise so, I did a lengthy cemetery search and I finally located the gravesite with a very faint inscription on the headstone. As soon as I get "caught up", I will geta report off to you.
Best regards,
Dick Pulsifer
Friend of the Force and
NS Vet
Note of Greetings
Dear Joe,
We finally got our high speed internet -- and while surfing this morning I happened on your website. Terrific job.
I never realized that Roy Berlinquette was a troop mate? Nice to see the pictures of you and your troop mates.
Keep the site going.
All the best of the New Year.
Randy Robar
former CO 'L' Div.
'B' Div.- (Newfoundland) Comes on Board!
Dear Joe,
I have viewed the database list of 'B' Div. deceased members on your site and note alot of them do not have all the info ie: Newfoundland Rangers.
I also note some people missing from the list. How do I go about updating the info?
Yours truly,
Robert Medd (rt'd)
Hi Bob,
I was hoping that someone from 'B' Div. would contact me, so welcome aboard!
Please send your data to me and I'll add it to the database. I give credit to every contributor who sends me info.
I work on the site a few hours every day so I'll chip away at your files until everything
is complete.
Your help is wonderfully appreciated.
From: Kathy, Friend of the Force
A few years ago I visited my grandfather's grave site in Royal Oaks Cemetery in Victoria, B.C. He is buried in Section 0, Plot 177, Grave#7. At that time I noted that there is nothing denoting the fact that he was one of the first RCMP members of Canada.
My siblings and myself would very much like to see some sort of RCMP marking on his grave, as I think he was proud of his life's work. Can you help us with this project?
I know that my grandfather first served with the RNWMP from about 1910 and when it changed to the RCMP he continued to work till 1920. During this time he also served in the first WW in France as a private with the Lord Strathcona Horsemen. He was in the last battle fought on horseback during the first WW. His number during this time was #2684073 as a private, and his war service badge was Class A, #186252.
When he returned he was discharged from the RCMP on June 3, 1920 and on June 7, 1920 he joined the Alberta Provincial Police as a constable, corporal and sergeant. He rejoined the RCMP on April 1, 1932 and retired on January 31, 1944.
Your attention to this matter would be very much appreciated.
Thanking you in advance.
Friend of the Force
Nova Scotia
From: JB (John) Milner, Insp.
Good Morning Joe,
I was stationed in the NWT from 1998 to 2009 and during that time had the honor to visit several grave sites. In particular the site located on Herschel Island where two members are buried.
Reg.#3948, Sgt. Stafford Selig Reg# and Reg.#5548, Cst. Alexander Lamont.
as part of a yearly patrol to Herschel via Police Vessel. During the visits we noted that the grave site, located on a hill above the old detachment, was becoming rundown.
As a result the fences around the graves were rebuilt in 2006. They are visited yearly by members of the patrol.
Attached are current photos of the site. One as an overall, two separate and the view of Pauline Cove and the mainland from the site.
Insp. JB (John) Milner
OIC Protective Services
Toronto North Detachment
"O" Division
From: Bryan Reid, S/Sgt.
Good Afternoon Joe,
I was recently drawn to the RCMPGraves website after reading about it in a recent edition of the SRR Magazine 'Frontline'.
While surfing thru the site, I queried a very good friend of mine, who unfortunately passed away late last year after a lengthy battle with cancer.
The date of death which is on your Database for Insp. Greg Funk is incorrect. His actual date of death was December 31, 2008. I have attached a copy of the obituary for your reference. Thanks in advance.
And, by the way, the Website is very informative. I have noted the website address for my home reference and plan to check it out further.
Best Regards,
Bryan Reid, S/Sgt.
North District Advisory NCO
From: Reg.#33412 Maxwell Moritz
Good Evening Joe,
First off let me congratulate you on your website and all the time and effort that you have put into the site. No doubt you have expended lots of both into putting the site together. There are many such as myself who truly enjoy the work you have done.
Having put over 1100 pictures as well as all the information together must surely not have been an easy task. That said, and without being critical I would like to point out an error that I discovered today and this evening while on the site.
The problem being that the same photo kept repeatedly being shown as the grave site of different members....I am not being critical of your work, only that I noted what maybe be a software problem or something of that nature and merely which to draw it to your attention so that you can correct it.
Again, keep up the good work on the site as I know myself and many others truly enjoy your efforts in collecting this data. I also enjoy being a part of submitting the information to you and look forward to continuing to do so in the future.
Yours truly,
Maxwell MORITZ
Leduc, Alberta
Reg.#33412 (rtd)
Dear Max;
Thanks for your encouraging note but you were too soft on me!
Yes, I've been alerted about the duplication of photos in some database files and I'm correcting these errors as I plug along. I'd like to blame the glitch on software, but I can't. I'm using a new program and I'm learning as I go along.
Yours truly,
Re: Reg.#14013 Frederick James Wheatley
Dear Joe
Thank you for doing this website!
Here's more father's date of birth is Aug 20, 1918 and his date of death is Apr. 25, 2006. He is interred at the Hussar, AB Cemetary. I'll also upload his RCMP picture.
Thanks again.
Marilyn Wheatley-Olsen
Re: Reg.#36839 Brian Andrew McCarthy
Dear Joe
I am interested in having a picture of my husband's headstone included with his information. Could you please tell me how to do this?
My husband was Reg.#28639 Brian Andrew McCarthy. Also the name of the cemetary is not in his data -- it is Malcolm Cemetary, St.Patrick's RC Church, Nelson-Miramichi, NB.
The web site is fantastic and I am going to tell all my family members to check it out. Many thanks for all you hard work.
Isobel McCarthy
New Brunswick
Re: Reg#14013 Frederick James Wheatley
Dear Joe
Thank you for doing this website!
Dad's DOB is Aug 20, 1918 and his DOD is Apr. 25, 2006, -- the Aug and Apr are switched. As well, he is interred at the Hussar, AB Cemetary. I'd like to upload his RCMP picture.
Thanks again.
Marilyn Wheatley-Olsen
Re: Reg.#20516 Henry 'Hank' Burton Rosevear McLauchlan
Dear Joe
Got word of this site from our Edmonton's Vets. Did not know it existed.
I say, a great site to have in place. Spoke with Reg.#20516 Hank's McLauchlan's wife and she is and very appreciative of every thing. She too is very happy about the site.
Yours truly,
Barry Lindsay
Re: Reg.#15306, Sgt. Robert David Van Norman
Dear Joe;
Thanks for your reply. I'm glad you have updated the data base on Reg.#15306 Robert David Van Norman.
I think the database is a great idea and I appreciate all the work that goes into it. Again, if I can ever be of assistance let me know.
Yours truly,
Reg.#22593, J.M. (Jack) Van Norman
Re: NWMP Graves - Cape Fullerton, Nunavut
Hello Joe,
The website was amazing. I am really impressed with the quality of information and how it is displayed.
I have the coordinates for Fullerton Detachment which is just across the bay from the grave sites. If you zoom in on the picture of the two headstones, you will be able to see the buildings in the distance (and some of our travel party members on the ice in the bay).
Sgt. Gavin Nash,
Senior Aboriginal Policing Analyst
'HQ', RCMP, National Aboriginal Policing Services
Re: Curious about Career in the Force.
Hi Joe,
I'm so glad to see the work that you have done and still do for this country.
I would like to have time together so that I can get to ask you some questions about a career in the RCMP.
Yours truly,
Lucien Kabongo
Re: The Mystery of the Golden Gumshoe Graves
Good Morning Joe,
It has been a long time since our paths have crossed.
I have searched the web site for RNWMP graves in Golden BC. I recall there being two that were inspected on an annual basis when I was stationed there in 74 - 76. However, I don't see them.
One may be there as there is no location given. The ones I refer to and recall are located in two spots along the CPR.
I hope that is of some assistance. Or, does it add to another mystery?
Yours truly,
Vet Alex Popovic
Toronto, Ontario
Re: Thank you!
I just wanted to say a 'Thank You' to all the men & women who serve.
Also to thank those members who have died in the line of duty. Thank You. You will not be forgotten!
Chris Lomas
Re: Memories from an 'old' recruit friend
Dear Joe ;
I had a quick look at your website and felt I wanted to drop you a line to say hello. I was in Troop 24, 73/74 and you were my Troop Counsellor.
I retired from the Force in 1996 after spending most of my career (16 yrs) in GIS/Serious Crime. My last posting was Richmond Det. Serious Crimes.
What caught my eye in your article on Sgt. Coughlin was Stu Brown being one of your troopmates and grave digging partners. Truth really is stranger than fiction! Who'd ever believe that recruits would be asked to dig the grave for a fellow deceased member?
You've done a great job with the graves website. Your interest and energy in this is another awesome example of the dedication and loyalty which makes the Force such a special organization. Keep up the good work!
Vet Mel Carter
Re: Appreciation from 'O'Div.
Dear Joe;
I'm very impressed with your web site; obviously was quite a lot of research involved to get this all set up. I look at the site once in awhile and I went ahead and made copies of some of the pages. I checked our 'O' Div. system and was able to fill in some of blanks, ie. DOB or deceased dates.
Noticed there are a few errors in the names on the list. If you agree, I could give you what I've worked on already.
Best Regards
Clara Deksnys
'O' Div.
Re: FFF (Frank's Fact's & Funnies)
Hi Joe.
You sure have developed a great website. I had a look at it a while ago and was very impressed.
Frank Richter
*Readers: Frank Richter authors Frank's Facts and Funnies (FFF's) which he publishes via bulletin every week from Kelowna, BC. FFF's is the authoritative overview of RCMP news items, national and international happenings, current events and promotions in the RCMP. We thank Frank and congratulate him on FFF's! Well done!
As an aside, I've known Frank since our general duty days in Burnaby Det. (circa 1965) and I also had the honour and pleasure to be in Frank and Denise's wedding party circa 1967! JJH
Re: In honour of S/Cst. Len Martin and
S/Cst. Sid Elson - Cartright Det. NL
Hi Joe;
In my previous message this morning, March 10, 2009
I believe I gave the date of Dec 26, 1973 for the day Len passed away. It would have been Dec 26, 1972.
Len was the Special Constable in Cartwright for many years,
however, he passed away at 51 yrs of age with a young family.
Len was followed by S/Cst. Sid Elson, another local man, who also
passed away. I'm not sure if Sid is buried in Cartwright or Goose Bay
/Happy Valley.
I've only just found this web site - you're all doing a great job
and thanks very much.
Dave Bland Reg.#20342
Re: More volunteer help from 'J' Div.
Hi Joe,
I've had occasion to view your site and I commend you for your efforts! I think it is an excellent tribute to all members.
I noted in the dabaase that there is a need to locate and include both police/military service. I presume you are looking to add information regarding any other type of service which these members may have had?
If that is the case, I have a few items of information that I can update/provide.
As well, if I can be of assistance with any site inspections or in any capacity,
please feel free to contact me.
Cst. Peter Vail gend.
RCMP-GRC District 2
Oromocto, N.B.
Subject: Reg.#40876 Cst. Joseph Leo Ghislain Maurice
RCMP Honour Roll #202
Dear Joe;
This is an amazing website and I congratulate you on it as it is so important to me that these members, along with my husband are never forgotten. Great job!
My husband was Reg.#40876 Cst. Joseph Leo Ghislain Maurice Again, thank you for building this wonderful website. God bless.
Yours truly,
Kathy Maurice
Subject: Offer to help with Graves Program
Dear Joe;
Your website was discussed this morning at our usual "E" Tactical Troop retired member's coffee meeting in south Surrey.
Force history is one of my hobbies as I served 31 years in "E" Div. mostly in the Lower Mainland. I am now a freelance photographer and I'm willing to assist you in any way regarding your project.
Our Force history and in fact our personal/family history is very important. If our group can be of assistance here in 'E' Div., in any way, please drop us a line. We have come across many members grave markers thru the S/Major's duties while he was in the Force.
Be safe, Reg.#22821, D. Laird Allan*Dear Laird; I thank you and our 'E' Div Vet friends for this kind and generous offer of support. One idea perhaps is to begin by collaborating with other members who have also offered to help; A/Comm'r Peter German, C/Supt. Fraser McRae, Cpl. Marc Searle and Vet Dan Lemieux. I need your help and I sincerely hope that you will keep in touch. JJH
Subject: Reg.#22512, S/Sgt. Gordon Wilfred Gibbs

Buffalo Joe;
I had a look for the first time at your website that was forwarded to me today. Thanks for putting together this very worthwhile important documentation in memory of our past members.
I took the opportunity to glance at a number of members that I previously worked with and have since passed on. One that I looked at was for Gordon Gibbs who passed away in Victoria in 1995. I think his son Michael Gibbs is in the Force. Thanks again and cheers for now.
Stu Cameron
*Thanks Stu for your note and memory of Gordon Gibbs. As well, please broadcast this website to your pals. JJH
Subject: NWMP, Reg.#3527, Reg.#3528 and Reg.#3493

Ottawa resident Ms. Sharon Quinn discovers this website and finds her grandfather's name Reg.#3527, Charles David Joyce as being a member of the NWMP.
Cst. Joyce joined the NWMP on March 25, 1900 and was transferred to 'Depot' in Regina. Shortly after his arrival, he applied for and was granted a free discharge on May 5, 1900.
Charles David Joyce was a brother to Reg.#3528, Frederick M. Joyce. Frederick Joyce also joined the NWMP on March 25, 1900 and left the NWMP on July 30, 1902 with a free discharge after spending two years policing in the Yukon.
Another relative, Reg.# 3493, Michael Alphonsus Joyce was also a member of the NWMP. Michael Joyce joined the NWMP on March 29, 1900 and retired from the Force on November 11, 1933. He served in 'K' Div, 'Depot', 'D', 'K' and 'D' Div. Michael Joyce died on February 8, 1938.
All the research material on the NWMP Joyce Clan was kindly provided by Vet Jack White of Kamloops, BC.
There is no record of where the NWMP Joyce members lived or died, however, Ms. Quinn believes that one or more of the Joyce NWMP members may be buired in Notre Dame Cemetery, Ottawa. Their graves have yet to be discovered.
Subject: Reg.#13367, S/Sgt. Michael A. Gillis
Joe; Thank you very much.
My family is donating one of Dad's old uniforms to a University in Sask.
They now will be able to use your information for their display.My father spent his last year with me here in Grand Forks. His ashes
will be returning to his birth place in New Waterford, in Cape Breton
this September, (2009). If the family decides to place a marker of any
kind I will get a picture for your records.
I do appreciate your quick response and what great work you have done
to keep these records up to date.
Kindest Regards,
Stephanie Gillis
*In my original reply to Ms. Gillis, I explained that the information
which I provided to her originated mainly from The Quarterly and with help
from Vet. Jack White of Kamloops, BC
Subject: Annual Report 2008 - National RCMP Grave Location and Maintenance Program
Thank You Joe,
I know we don't say it enough. On behalf of the RCMP and the RCMP Veterans' Association I want to thank you for your excellent work. Your contribution to preserving our history is most appreciated.
Al Rivard
Ottawa Division
Subject: Help with a school project
Hello Bufflo Joe;
I would like to know why the RCMP have ranks because I'm doing a heritage fair project at school and the internet has nothing.
Thank you and please write to me asap.
Thank you again and have a good day.
Christopher B.
11 years old
*Dear Christopher;
I hope you received my reply and explanation of ranks in the Force. Please refer also to the websites which I identified which illustrate all the ranks and their placement on RCMP uniforms.
Yours truly,
Buffalo Joe
'Pay attention all you kids out there'... and A+ in school is our best friend!
Dear Mr. Healy;
Subject: Reg. # 22212, S/Sgt. Stephen R. Bower
I am the daughter of a long-deceased member of the RCMP, Staff Sergeant Stephen R. Bower. To be honest, neither my mother, myself or my brother had ever heard of the National RCMP Graves Database.
It sounds like a wonderful organization and I wish we had known about this 17 years ago. I looked up my father's name on your website and it was really nice to see his name come up, though there wasn't any information posted about him yet. I suppose that is the purpose of this enquiry now. My family would really appreciate any information you can give us about your organization.
Thank you and all the best,
Margot Bower
*Dear Ms Bower,
I have recently found and added more data to Stephen's file from The
Quarterly, V57(1). If you send me any additional information I will add it.
Yours truly,
Subject: Reg. # 29121, Cst. Brian Porter
Dear Joe;
I was doing some checking up on one of my troop mates, Brian Shane Porter, and saw that you don’t have a lot of information on him or his grave. I don’t have a lot to add, but to the best of my recollection, he died in 1973 in Ottawa a victim of an accidental shooting, and is buried in Halifax, N.S?
I have no information on the name or location of the cemetery or of the exact date of his death, Hopefully this information is useful to you,
Don Meister
Reg. #29132
*Dear Don,
Thanks for your note. I have been able to add a few more details to Brian’s file from his obituary in The Quarterly, V39(1). As well, according to Vet Jack White, Brian is believed to be buried in Lake George Cemetery in Yarmouth, NS.
Yours truly,
Buffalo Joe
Subject: Reg. # 817, Cst. Andrew Edington
Here’s a short story with an unusual twist. I was looking for an obit in a 1948 RCMP
The Quarterly for a S/Cst Joe Gibbons who is buried in Arviat, Nunavut. I didn't find it but I noticed a Reg #817 Cst Andrew
Edington who died at Park Head, ON.
Cst. Edington was born June 8, 1860 at Hamilton, ON and died July 26, 1948 at Park Head, ON. He served the NWMP from May 9, 1892 to
Jan 23, 1893 at Regina and was discharged as medically unfit. Apparently, he had a lot of medical problems and wasn't expected to live
long. He died at 88 years of age!
Cst. Edington then joined the missions and was a missionary at the Cape Croker Indian Reserve (Wiarton, ON) from 1928 to 1940.
He is buried in the Edge Hill Cemetery at Colpoy's Bay (Albemarel Township). That is, if his grave is still there. Click on
these two sites to see the Edge Hill Cemetery flood incident which happened around the end of December 2008. The damage to the
cemetery is being evaluated before repairs can be made.
Yours truly
Jack O’Reilly
Toronto Vets. (Link)
Subject: Reg. # 817, Cst. Andrews Edington
Hi Jack & Joe,
I have been in contact with the Clerk at the town office for South Bruce Peninsula (Wiarton for us old guys) and confirmed that Cst. Edington is buried at Edgehill Cemetary.
Fortunately his grave is not one of the graves affected by the flood washout, however the cemetary is presntly closed.
I'll be heading up that way as soon as the weather gets nicer. I'll get photos etc. I'll be in touch soon.
Vet. Murray Adair
Subject: S/Cst. Andrew Elock
Dear Joe,
I think this website is a great tribute to our fallen members. I know of a S/Cst who lived in my home town, and was a friend of the family. Are you interested in recording these individuals?
His name was Andrew Elock, and was in the RCMP from 1932-1950's. He is buried in the Gifford Cemetery, which is in the Glendon, Alberta area.
I can obtain more information for you, and a picture of his grave
Vic Watrich
Reg. #21939
Dear Vic;
Thank you.
Sure, I'd welcome more information on S/Cst. Andrew Elock and a photo of his grave site.
Yours truly,Joe
Subject: Reg.#47377, Christopher Bruce Hadley
Hi Joe,
WOW! I see changes and improvements to the database everytime I look. Keep up the good work.
Re: Christopher Bruce Hadley. He is the son of retired S/Sgt. Arnold HADLEY. Arnold is now living in Shediac NB area. I thought you may want to add this to comments.
Vet. Danny McNeill
Fredericton, NB
Dear Joe,
Subject: RCMP history & NWMP O.6 Supt. Jacob Carvell
I am amazed by the extent of your project, which I see as critically important to the Force's history. Fraser MacRae and I agree that we should be collaborating with you on some of these historical issues.
I really think that this initiative would lend itself to a Wiki environment, in which members, new and retired, could contribute their knowledge of final resting places in such a way that you can add them to the National Grave Databank inventory.
Joe, I had a very pleasant journey through the Shanandoah Valley (Virginia, USA) to find Jacob Carvell and not only found his grave, but also his relatives, including Jacob Carvell (the fourth or fifth)!! In any event, these are a few musings crossing my mind...
Cheers to you!
A/Comm'r. Peter M. German
District Commander
Lower Mainland District
Surrey, B.C.
Dear Joe:
Subject: Note of Appreciation
First of all and once again, thank you so very for all your efforts and hospitality during our trip back to Ottawa. Really, your efforts made the trip extraordinary and I know that my Dad was humbled and grateful for all of your attention and organization.
Joe, you wear your passion for the Force and our history on your sleeve. As I mentioned to you A/Commr. Peter German, is someone who also shares your passion for the history of the Force. I was surprised to learn that both you and he had visited the "deserted civil war member's" grave. As promised, I'm hooking the two of you up through e mail. I discussed the issue of gravesites yesterday with Peter.
I will also send introduce you to Cpl. Marc Searle of our Surrey Detachment. He has been involved in many initiatives that identify and appropriately marking graves of members of the Force here in "E" Div.
Joe, should there ever be anything for which I can be of assistance out this way all you have to do is reach out.
Fraser MacRae
Chief Superintendent
OIC Surrey Detachment. 'E' Div.
Surrey, BC
Dear Sir,
Subject: Note of Appreciation
I just wanted to commend you on your web site. It is always good to commend those that served and died, so that others may live and have a better life.
Take care.
Blue Host Web Services Co.
Salt Lake City, Utah
Dear Mr. Healy,
Subject: Memorial RCMP Projects in 'E' Division
C/Supt Fraser McRae passed on your contact information to me. I have been involved in honouring RCMP graves here in BC for many years, most recently with the help of retired D/Comm'r. Larry Proke.
We were able to properly find the first 'E' Div. member lost near Creston BC. This was a fascinating project that had a remarkable paper trail dating back many decades but with no successful ending -- until we were able to properly mark the grave a few years ago. I have a picture of his grave if you want the image.
My logic when I started all this began as I tried to identify unmarked graves of WW1 vets. In turn, this work lead to my interest in checking the graves of 'E' Div. members. Thus, I started with the first fallen 'E' Div. member buried in BC. His name, by pure coincidence, was Sgt. Searle but he is of no relation to me.
I also identified 36 unmarked WW1 veterans graves and renovated a neglected cenotaph as part of that project. One of the 36 was also a RCMP member buried with his wife who died many years later. There was no marker for them and policy said that his wife's name could not be identified on the marker. But, I was able to get an appropriate marker made.
As an aside, there is currently an unmarked RCMP grave in North Vancouver of the last living member who was part of the posse that arrested the "Grey Fox" Bill Miner who was a legendary train robber. I'm still trying to get that grave marked.
I worked very hard for over a year through contact with Wrangell Alaska museum, city and police to locate the grave of the first Mountie lost who was serving in BC; Cst HEATHCOTE.
I located a fascinating, previously unknown "Alaska Life" article about the discovery of his body but after many searches by my contacts in Wrangell they were unable to locate the gravesite (obviously it was never marked). I have reviewed the service file in Ottawa but there is no mention of any specifics of burial.
This effort haunts me to this day that one of the very few members buried outside of Canada has no marker nor was even known to anyone in Wrangell. This is something we have to get done and I have asked ret'd D/Comm'r.Proke for his assistance.
I would like to offer any help (or accept any guidance you may have) on how I can assist you with this general cause (with special attention to the memory of Cst Heathcote as we should start with the oldest error first).
Anyway, if I can be of help please contact me via email.
Yours truly,
Marc Searle, Cpl
Reg. #47688
Surrey Detachment
*Dear Marc;
Congratulations on all the work which you have done. Each of your projects fancinated me! I'll write to you so that we can join forces and continue our work. Once again, thank you for your very interesting note.
Yours truly,
Joe Healy
Good evening Mr. Buffalo Joe
Note of Appreciation
I went to your web site thinking that I would just take a quick look at what was there. Well, after two hours I had gone through every thumb nail, the entire site from top to bottom.
This is a great web page, easy to manoeuvre and filled with interest. Like a good book you just can't stop at the resume on the back. There's this unbridled curiosity to read on. This is without a doubt a piece of yourself, you should be very proud of.
The homage given to each and all of our fallen troup mates brings us back to earth, realizing just how lucky we are to have known them, to share them in memory and societies good fortune to have been within there circle of safety.
This work is going to grow...
Cst. Denis De Haitre
Reg.# 34529
Subject: Memorials in Cartright, Labrador
Hi Joe,
It was nice meeting you the other day.
In 1987, I was stationed in Cartwright, Labrador a two member Detachment. At that time, we had a detachment file which required us to maintain the grave site of a former member. The grave was on the bluff of the hill overlooking the bay. There were a total of three or four other grave markers as well in the immediate area.
I can't recall the name of the member but Diane Martin the Detachment assistant may know the name of the deceased member as she is from the area.
Let's contact Diane for more help on this file,
Yours truly,
Commissaire adjoint Al Nause, Assistant Commissioner
Commanding Officer 'A' Division
Commandant Division 'A'
Subject: Once upon a time in Regina
Dear Joe, aka: BuffaloJoe...
The last time we met was I think at one of the many shopping malls in Ottawa. You had just ‘pulled the pin’, as I had several years earlier. I called "hi Joe", and we exchanged some "how's it goin' eh" and some scuttlebut. The first time we met was in ‘Depot’ in the Academic Building and we all addressed you as "Yes Corporal". I find it all very interesting, because you are part of many good memories that I have of being in the Force.
And now in what has become a very electronically connected world, you've created something where my memory can live on, long after I leave this mortal soil.
Thanks Joe.
Reg.# 31862 John Raikes
Subject: Reg.#15735 Raymond Sannes
Hello Joe Healy,
Just to identify myself, I am the widow of a RCMP Vet, Raymond Sannes, Reg. # 15735. I have been checking your records on line and would like to point out an error in Ray's info -- the date of his death is December 3, 1988 not 01-01-1988.
Other info is date of birth, November 13, 1928, born at Hazlet Sask. If you should be collecting photos of gravestone I can provide one taken at Pinecreat Cemetery, Ottawa.
Of other interest is the data printed about my great uncle, namely Sackville Cotter Reg.#322 born February 14, 1859 at Dunn Township, ON, died December 16, 1947. I have quite a detailed obit written about him that I would be happy to share with you.
Donamae Sannes
Ottawa, ON
(Member of the RCMP Wives Association, Ottawa)
Subject: RCMP Grave Sites - Webpage
Hi Joe,
I read your article in Frank Richter's Facts and Funnies and I sent a copy to a friend Vicky Nelson in Quesnel. Her father is a retired Sgt. in the RCMP and he’s buried in the lower mainland. I helped her get a grave marker from the RCMP. I sent her a copy of your article and you will be hearing from her. She has your e-mail address.
I will be happy to help anytime I can. I am the Guard co-coordinator for the Vancouver Division. The majority of our services are either Memorial or Celebration of Life. I also write a Guard report for our Scarlet and Gold. I have made a copy of your information and will put it in my next Guard Report. I am very impressed with the work you are doing and send my congratulations. I will encourage our membership to send you photos and locations of any grave sites they have.
We have also just opened a Vancouver Division Web-site. You are welcome to put your information in the web-site. I can help you with it. Byron Budd (son of retired member Ron Budd) is running the web-site. It is in very early stages, so I am not exactly certain as to how to get information into it. I plan to put in quite a bit about our Honour Guard and Ceremonial Guard units.
I have been working with Russ Lefler on the urns. Quite a few of our members are opting for the "Last Walk Across the Square" in Regina. You will see my report in the Scarlet and Gold.
Best regards,
Vet. Dan Lemieux
Subject: RCMP Vets 2009 Executive Committee positions - Committee Chair - RCMP Graves Inspections
Dear Joe;
I would like to confirm that you are interested and will continue to serve in the Executive Committee position you held in 2008? I would like to point out that I appreciate all your efforts on behalf of the Veterans of Ottawa Division and I look forward to work with you in the new year.
Our 2008 inspection report should be ready for submission later on this fall.
Yours truly,
Al Rivard
Ottawa Division
Subject: Reg.#16624, Sgt. Richard Norman Gould
Hello Buffalo Joe;
My name is Vicki (Victoria) Nelson. You were referred to me by Dan Lemieux in Vancouver.
My father, Sergeant Richard Norman Gould (Reg.#16624) passed away in December of 2006 & he was buried at Valley View Memorial Gardens, 14660 - 72nd Avenue, Surrey, B.C.
Attached, please find his grave marker. He was 89, would have been 90 in March, '07. If you would like any more information, please let me know.
Anyway, I hope the information about my Father's grave marker is helpful.
Yours truly,
Vicki Nelson
Re: Reg. # 9572 Cpl. Samuel Stewart
Dear Joe;
I drove up to Golden Lake, ON on Thursday and took the picture of Cpl. Stewart's grave site. It is located on the south side of Highway #60 at McMillen Road.
Best Regards,
Vet. Dick Young
Subject: RCMP Graves - Web Site
Dear Joe;
Let me congratulate you on the site and the work you do. I have a grave (somewhat in advance of my time I do hope) already obtained at the RCMP Regimental Cemetery in Fort Saskatchewan. I don't intend to occupy it for some time!
Allow me to point out a significant oversight in your web site under the Chaplaincy Section. You are missing the singularly most important Chaplain the RCMP has--Chaplain Bob Harper, our 'K' and 'V' Division Chaplain.
Background: Bob was the very first full time employed CM Chaplain in the RCMP (this includes those that serve or served at 'Depot' who have always been TCE's in the past).
Bob is considered the Senior Chaplain in the RCMP, the main advisor to the Commissioner on the RCMP Chaplaincy programme and the Commissioner's primary authority on serving member funerals for the RCMP with the Corps Sergeant Major, having regrettably presided over the most serving member funerals of any Chaplain, voluntary or not, in the RCMP's history.
I have also attached some information on the Fort Walsh Regimental Cemetery site, and some photos for your record (you may already have these in which case do disregard).
I encourage you to make contact with Bob Harper.
Gibson Glavin, Inspector
Executive Assistant,
Office of the
Senior Deputy Commissioner
Subject: RCMP Graves
Hi Joe;
Here’s a voice from the past. I am Managing the Vets National Web Page and I have added a link to your site. If you have any objections, let me know and I will remove it. Check it out at; under links.
You have done a great job with your web site.
Bryan Neville
Subject: Ken O'Brien's marker – ‘Depot’ Division
Dear Joe,
Thanks very much for posting Ken's marker - looks great !!!. Ken and I began dating on September 25, 1993, we were married on September 5, 1997 and he passed away on December 15, 2004. Thanks for taking the time to resolve everything for me. I really appreciate your efforts.
Marg O’Brien
Subject: Message from Dan
Hi Joe;
I visited your website this morning and found it to be very interesting. I knew many of the people in the various web categories. After visiting your website, I am going to make a point of recommending others to visit it as well. It is very well done.
I also spoke to our ‘E’ Div. Vets at the Luncheon Meeting at Fairmont yesterday and mentioned the Grave Location and Maintenance Program. I will also put your site in the next issue of the Scarlet and Gold Newsletter and I’ll send you a copy.
I knew Jimmy Coughlin and Dee Jessiman and many others you mentioned in the various sections. Larry Power worked for Insurance Crime Prevention Bureau in Newfoundland. I was Manager for Western Canada of ICPB, so I have known him for many years.
Yours truly, Vet Daniel B. Lemieux
Dear Joe;
I appreciate your web site and you are to be commended for setting it up.
Jack Buckley
Reg. # 17820
Dear Buffalo Joe;
I have visited your website and I am very much impressed of the work you have done to "Maintain our Memories", which makes it a national source.
The website is well designed and well managed. The colours are sharp and crisp along with the images in it.
It is easy to navigate forth and back.
Thanks for the good work.
Gaudet Nusaar
Subject:Reg.#11699, Michael Sidney Tutty

Hello Joe;
Let me start by saying that you and your volunteers are doing an excellent job on this project.
My knowledge will be in the Antigonish Nova Scotia area. I' am working long distance however with my brother doing the leg work in N.S. I'll continue researching in that area.
For now, here is the first record I'd like you to consider for updating.
I've included an database update on Michael Sidney Tutty
As well, there is no RCMP reference or plaque in evidence.
Buffalo Joe replies:
Dear Bill,
Thank you for your help and interest in this project. I did not have this members name in the database so your contribution is most helpful.
I'll be uploading new data to the website this week.
Yours truly,
Dear Buffalo Joe;
I visited your website and was intrigued by the information and stories there, especially the note regarding the 1939 Royal visit to Canada - Sgt. Coughlin was a bodyguard to the Royal couple.
St. Ann's Academy was a stop on that tour. Our archives at St. Ann's Academy has the guest book signed by Their Royal Highnesses and we have pictures, and even an ancient movie reel.
I shall look closer at the pictures for you.
Theresa Vogel
St. Ann's Academy
Victoria, BC
Hi, Joe;
In the next few weeks, I will be going to the Sisters of St. Ann Archives, and will try to unearth some pictures of the 1939 Royal visit. In the interim, I have some unidentified dignitary with an RCMP guard picture which I am sending along in case you love a mystery
The note on the back of the photo identifies it as the 'Visit of the Prince of Wales', but does not give a date. It belonged to my old auntie, a Sister of St. Ann who passed away last year, and we are sorting through her stuff for the Archives. She made profession in 1940, and was here in Victoria from 1938- 1945, then went on missions in Yukon and Alaska for many years.
Best regards, and good luck in your work.
Theresa Vogel
St. Ann's Academy
Victoria, BC
Dear Joe;
Here is additional information to add to John's (Reg. #21492 Sgt. John Kirk Greer) profile:
Birthplace: Cornwall, ON
Cemetary: Holy Sepulchre, Mount Pearl
Thank you for your work on the website; it's very important.
Bernice Greer
St. John's, NL
Dear Joe;
I was delighted to come across your web site whilst browsing for information on the NWMP.
My two great grand uncles Corporal Duncan Roderick Macnair 2805 and Constable Colin Malcolm Macnair 3135 joined the force in 1892 and 1896 respectively. Duncan died at Wardner in 1898 and as my grandmother Aimee May Duncan Macnair was born that same year, in his honour his name was incorporated with hers.
Colin Malcolm Macnair lived a long life and has left many descendants.
My great grand uncles came from a long military tradition and together with their father and other siblings were born in India.
Their father was Captain John Macnair of the Bengal Army Staff Corp born Sylhet, India in 1840 and his father was Leiutenant Colonel Robert Nelson McNair, who died at Coonoor during the Indian Mutiny of 1857.
The family returned to their ancestoral Scottish home around 1890 when soon after that both Duncan and Colin ventured to British Columbia.
Before signing off I would be grateful if you could pass on my heartfelt thanks to veteran Barry Baulac who has taken the time to repair and tend to the grave of my relative and that of the other five constables interred adjacent to Fort Steele.
It is very uplifting to know that in the fast paced world in which we now live, there are people such as Mr.Baulac, who through his obvious sense of moral duty has taken the time and effort to show such respect for those that have gone before us.
Many thanks Joe,
slan agus beannacht,
Paul Cassedy.
Dublin, Ireland
Dear Joe;
After receiving the current issue of the Spirit, I logged on to your website to check to see if my late husband\'s information was listed. I was please to see that is was, however, some of the information is incomplete.
Ken passed away in Ottawa. His cremated remains were placed in the columbarium (the one on the left after entering the fromt of the cemetery at 'Depot'. There is an engraved door marker. I just thought I would pass this information along.
Thanks in advance,
Marg O'Brien
Dear Joe;
When I was stationed at Biggar, Saskatchewan during the late 1960's, I discovered the unmarked grave of Reg. No. 4233, S/Sgt Ernest A. MEAKINGS in the Biggar Cemetery. I arranged for the installation of a regimental headstone for same.
Unfortunately, I don't have any records of the event and I can't recall much of S/Sgt. Meakings other than the belief that he was a Farrier with the Force.
A member presently stationed at Biggar confirmed that the gravestone is still in evidence and that S/Sgt. Meakings birth and death dates are June 6th, 1879 and July 2nd, 1939 respectively.
I think this should be added to the database.
Jim Brown
#23441, S/Sgt Rtd.
Buffalo Joe replies: Dear Jim, Sincere thanks for your special help. Veterinary Staff/Sergeant Ernest Albert Meakings was not listed on our RCMP database thus your contribution is deeply appreciated.
Research through Vet Jack White in Kamloops, BC reveals that V/S/Sgt. Meakings was employed with the Department of Agriculture after retirement from the Force. Many, many Vets are helping to revisit and verify our RCMP history.
Dear Joe;
I have a photo of my father's tombstone and wish to send it in.
I also have pictures of other RCMP stones from Chilliwack and I'm always searching for more.
Bernard Filiatrault
Reg.# 18663
Buffalo Joe replies:
Thanks Bernard for your note. I'd be pleased to post
your Dad's information and photo on the database which will be updated soon.
I also appreciate your help with any additional graves or their photographs in the Chilliwack area.
Hi Joe;
Ron’s ashes have now been placed at the RCMP Cemetery columbarium. He was born at Deloiraine, Manitoba.
I think your endeavour is wonderful and the communications available now through the internet will make the task of RCMP grave locations more possible.
Yours truly,
Joan Robinson
Hi Joe;
I am especially impressed that you have taken on the grave locations project. It certainly is a hit and miss system, in my opinion, in the Force. The Vets seem to be interested in various Divisions, but not all are interested in keeping up this aspect of our history.
Vet Aleck Ambler's service is on June 25th. We also had a good turnout for Mike Collins funeral. Mike was laid to rest at the St. Patrick's Cemetery in Calgary. I will check with the funeral home this week to get location and site number of Mike’s plot. I’ll get back to you on this as well as information on Aleck's burial.
Take care and we will chat later.
Ian Brownlee
Calgary Div.
Dear Joe;
I just logged in to this site and am more than impressed with the quality and content. It is a monumental work, long overdue, and you are to be commended.
I have just entered a link into our web site:
Hopefully this will serve to spread the word among those most interested.
Maintiens le Droit.
Jack Hickman
Kingston Region Division
Hi Buffalo Joe;
I'm living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia right now. I served in F & G Divisions.
Let me know if you need any volunteers from this end of the world. I'm also looking at opening an RCMP Vets Branch in Bali, Indonesia soon.
Ian Thomas
Retired RCMP
Dear Joe;
I came across your web site by accident and I felt the need to congratulate you on a noble effort for such a worthy project.
I have often wondered when you name would pop up and here it is "Buffalo Joe". 'Depot' training days seem like a life time ago! I hope all is well in your world and all the best of luck in the future.
Rick Kille
(Tony Roma's Restaurants)
Reg. #31071
Troop #24 - 1974
Hi Joe;
Great website. I checked for detail respecting a young constable (Reg # 26042 -Jimmy Kerr) who was killed on duty while serving in ‘J’ Div. at St. Leonard Detachment. He was hit by a vehicle and died almost instantly.
He is buried in Duart Cemetery in Southwestern Ontario. I inspect his grave each time I am down that way. My parents and a brother are also buried in Duart Cemetery. ‘Jimmy’ as he was known has a regimental stone with the crest of the Force on it. The cemetery is well kept with the marker in good condition. I last visited it in Sept/2007.
Anyway Joe, the website is great.
You are to be commended for your great contributions.
Best regards
Hank Jensen
Dear Joe;
I served with Gary Thomas and Emil Lesiuk and attended their funeral services. They are both buried at Mountain View Cemetery in Duncan, B.C.
ope this helps your data.
I am most interested in the Vet's looking at and keeping up these grave sites and I want to volunteer to be a part of the program.
Tom EarlDuncan, BC
Hello Mr. Healy;
It is Giuseppe Sicoli, (Mrs. Healy’s former Notre Dame student).
The website is fantastic and I enjoyed reading about the history and stories of officers who have served with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Reading about the history and stories of RCMP officers on your website has interested me to read and find out more in, The Great Adventure: How The Mounties Conquered The West.
It is important to remember former officers for their service and your website allows people to remember and take pride in the careers of former Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Does the Buffalo in the crest on the website signify retired RCMP officers?
Thank you for sharing your website with me and I look forward to checking your website for updates and new info,
Giuseppe Sicoli
Carleton University
Dear Sir;
Re: Your website
I am writing from my brother's home in Caledon, Ontario. I have just learned about the RCMP Memorial Cemetery and would like to inquire if my Father's ashes could be interred there.
Leslie Nicholson Reg.#10515 retired from the Force on Nov.30,1955. He served in the far North prior to WW11 and then in 'K' Division. He died in 1972 and we have his ashes at home as we could never decide where he would have liked to be put to rest. I know he would want to be with his brother Mounties as he loved the Force.
Can you help?
Maurice Nicholson, M.D.
Buffalo Joe replies: Mr. James Patterson has confirmed that he has been in contact with Dr. Nicholson.
Dear Joe;
I notice that Iyago is shown as deceased but no cemetery location. In the past Francis & I were together when I was i/c Baker Lake Det in 1975/76. I believe that Francis is buried at Baker Lake but since he died long after I left 'G' Div., I can not say that with certainty. However, I can not imagine why he would be at rest anywhere else. I am sure that the member currently i/c Baker Lake Det could confirm one way or the other. I do know that there were 2 or 3 other RCMP headstones of other S/Csts., at the time I was there. Again, a visit to the gravesite would provide names.
I hope this is of interest.
Hats off to you and your volunteers for this WebSite.
Dick McCarthy
I just viewed the contents of your website. What a tremendous program and such a devotion of your (and others) time and energy to those members who have served before and with us. I was amazed at the wealth of information collected. Keep up the good work.
D.L.(Dave) Sear
Rtd. S/Sgt. #19230
Hi Joe AKA Buffalo Joe;
Wow – what a great job and what a lot of work on the web site! Great story on the Vet of the Month - Sub. Cst. Cherry.
Best regards,
Tom and Eileen Pickering
Dear Buffalo Joe;
Congrats on a wonderful and memorable and Greg Healy have done such good work!
Thanks for sharing!
Much love...MM
Margie Fornier
Friend of the Force,
Fredericton, N.B
Dear Buffalo Joe;
You have done it again. You have done "G-Troop 64/65" proud again. I don't think there is another troop leader that come close to what you have done. There is still some correspondence going on between some of the guys and this goes back to the reunion. Thanks again Joe.
Tom Bennie
Reg. #23692
Toronto, ON
Dear Joe;
WOW! You have done a fabulous job on your web site. I am amazed at how much you have done is such a short time. It is a site that you can be proud of.
I have created a link on my site to yours under "Web Sites of Interest."
Good luck.
Jim Forsyth
RCMP Vets' Net
Victoria, B.C
Dear Buffalo Joe;
Joe, congrats on putting together a really professional looking website full of “good stuff”! Keep up the great work and if there is anything I can do from the White Rock area here in BC I would be happy to help.
Best Regards,
Greg & Gloria Egan
White Rock, B.C
Dear Buffalo Joe;
Great article on Don Cherry’s grandfather!
I really enjoyed reading it and I look forward to learning more about the June Vet.
Elizabeth Mackin
Friend of the Force
Saint John, NB
Dear Buffalo Joe;
What a wonderful site -- full of information and an appropriate tribute to all of the men and women who have served in such a great Canadian institution.
Congratulations and keep up the great work.
Andrew Wilson
Lawyer & Barrister
Manotick, ON
Dear Buffalo Joe;
I was told one time that there were only 2 \"official\" RCMP gravesites; the one at 'Depot' and the one in Dawson City, Yukon. Is that true?
By the way, I can send up-to-date photographs of the Dawson City RCMP gravesite if you wish.
Well done on this website.
Aux. Cst. Stephen Johnson,
'M' Division
Dawson City, Yukon
Hi Joe, what a wonderful first class effort you have put forth. This will be so valuable to all members, both serving and retired. I am truly impressed. Thanks so much for all your time and effort.
Reg.#203890, Arnie Crittenden
I took a look at your website and was really impressed. It is a very professional and informative site.
My only comments concern the search function for the database. If I type in "ontario" or "canada" in the search engine nothing comes up. That is because the search engine only recognizes "ON" or "CA". This was a little confusing, so is there any way for the search engine to recognize both?
Hopefully this comment helps make an already great website even better.
Michael Wallace
Dear Joe;
This database contributes to the overall knowledge of the history of the Force and the people who serve it.
Al Rivard, President
Vet Ottawa Division
Cher Joe,
You have done an excellent job! I'm sure the families of
those deceased members must truly appreciate it.
Michel Boissonneault
Gestionnaire p.i. - Sous-titrage et Interprétation visuelle
Acting Manager - Closed Captioning and Visual Interpretation
Bureau de la traduction | Translation Bureau, Ottawa
Hello Buffalo Joe;
Maria sent me your website address for the RCMP Memorials.
Very interesting!
Best Regards,
Angela Stewart and Denise Morrow
St. Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia
Hello Joe;
I read with a lot of interest your Grave Site Inspection and Maintenance Project. You are to be commended for taking on such a huge but from my standpoint rewarding challenge. I've checked your database in attempting to locate a deceased member who was buried here in Kamloops. Keep up the good work!
Vet J.W. (Rusty) Gibbins Reg.#28642
Kamloops, BC
Good afternoon,
I wanted to mention that I think it is a great idea what
you are doing and if I can assist in any way I would be
happy to.
I checked the list of deceased members to find my
uncle. The information was very minimal so I was able
to collect some information.I am also going to
Maxville this weekend and I will check out the gravesite
and get back to you with info on it
Linda McEwen
Hi Joe
I don't think we have ever met before, but with members that really doesn't matter does it? A few weeks ago I
became aware of your efforts. A very worthwhile programwith a heavy task ahead Joe.
I live in ‘E’ Div. and wonde
This is a great idea and I can't begin to wonder how you got it started, but I can imagine that now the machinery is starting to move there will be several like me who want to help…”
British Columbia
Hi Joe;
I looked at the website and marvel at the work that you have done.
There is a memorial stone not too far from here in honour of Leonard Nicholson, Commissioner # 10. I should mention
that my great-great grandfather's (maternal) name was William Elliott and I could not help but notice the newest
Commissioner has the same name!
Congratulations on your project, Joe. I recognize a tremendousamount of work is involved so far. I can
see that you have been quite occupied with this.
Vet G.G. (Gerry) Clarke
#23683 New Brunswick
(Note: GG is one of Buffalo Joe’s Troopmates – ‘G’ Troop
Hi Joe,
I took a look at your website and it’s great! I had an uncle who died in 2000 who was a retired RCMP member. I
looked his name up and there it was! Actually, he worked in Ottawa for years, so perhaps you know him…Gordon
Blinn was his name. He lived in Blackburn Hamlet. I will have to tell my cousins (his children) about the website.
Maria Hartery
Planned Giving Officer
St. Francis Xavier University
Hi Joe,
Having scanned the is apparent you have done
noble work…I think this is a very important project and
commend you for taking it on.
Lauren McKeil
Nova Scotia
Hello Joe,
I am Danny McNeill Reg. No. 25821 (ret.) and I look
after the coordination of the Grave Site Inspections for
"J" Div.
The intent of this note is to make contact with you and let
you know that "J" Division has a program up and
running. It was originally set up by a number of vets
and was coordinatedby Dale Lively. I took over
from Dale 3 years ago.
I am quite willing to assist you in any way that I can. I
look forward to working with you.
Danny McNeill
RCMP Vets, New Brunswick Division
Hi Joe;
Jack O’Reilly told me about the site you started.
Excellent! Excellent!
Great job,Joe!
Cyril Cameron
Nova Scotia
Hi Joe
I like the way your database is done. You can count on me
to do this legwork this summer. This is the least we can do
for our departed members.
Vet Bernie Gagnon
Ottawa Div.
Hi Joe,
Fred Lyle
Ottawa Division
Greetings Joe:
I've just spent the last hour and a half going through the
website, top to bottom -- Great Job!
I think that you are off to a very good start on this project. I would
like to add that what you have put together so far represents a lot of
work. I look at
each member, deceased and otherwise,as a unique story
and a small piece of Force History; quite often
surprisingly interesting!
I offer you my assistance in any way that I am able.
Dan Carroll
Ottawa Division
Hello Joe;
Read the recent Ottawa Vets Newsletter and saw the reference to the Vets Grave Program. Good
Stuff. My father-in-law is listed in your data base. W.R.L. DOANE, Reg. #13332. Are you
accepting additional info for the items listed in the database form?
Lauchi McMullin
Reg. # 29767
Dear Joe;
I was looking at a site that has pictures of head stones of
many cemeteries in Ontario and Quebec. I have only looked
at 20% of the St. Patrick's in Fallowfield and came up with
these two - thought they may be of interest. I
will continue looking at these little country cemeteries if
it will be of any help.
Larry Ward
Ottawa Div.
Hi Joe,
I again commend you on your initiative! I realize you have
volunteers from my area in Carleton Place, but if I can
assist with anything in this area of the country, just let
me know. Along with the many others, congratulations
on a fantastic website and I can't wait to see further
Gord Ireland
Ottawa Division
Hi Joe:
I just had a look at your website. Well done!
No doubt a lot of work, but it will be appreciated by all
You did a great job on this website.I have taken the
liberty of sending it on to several friends, who I know
will enjoy it.
Ken Brothers
Troop 24 - 1974
Hi Joe:
Good to hear of a project like this!
Best of luck,
Chaplain Fred Salerno
"Depot" Chaplaincy Unit Manager
Dear Joe,
I just had a look at your web site. Great job!
Are you going to restrict this site to the Capital Region or will you be accepting sites in other parts of Canada? Keep up the good work.Murray Adair (rtd)
Dear Joe;
I checked out your website and it is indeed a very impressive project. I can appreciate how much work
you have put into it to get it this far. I tried a couple of names in the name search and was successful with
one.Your dialogue is interesting and informative.It is a great project for the members and the RCMP…”
Carol Dillon
Perth, Ontario
Dear Joe;
Just read your annual report and found it very interesting. It's a field in which I have some interest and decided there's no time like the present…”
Al Anderson
Hello Joe;
I just saw your note concerning RCMP Graves in the latest edition of the Spirit and I am sending you the following information in case it should be of interest to you.
Among the names you have already posted you show Regimental number 22472. This number was issued to Jos. Jean Marcel Michel TOUGAS (Mike). He was born on January 16, 1940 in Ste-Anne-de-Sabrevois, Iberville Co., QC. He died on September 12, 1971 in a car accident in Iberville, QC. Good luck with your project! He was buried in the parish cemetery of Ste-Anne-de-Sabrevois and the stone is well maintained.
Marcellin Coutu
Hi again Joe;
I thought you were only interested in the Ottawa area. So, one more name for you then: Reg. # 24756 S/Sgt Steven Joseph O'HANDLEY (Steve) born August 1st, 1944, Nova Scotia. Died on December 23, 1995 in Halifax, NS. Died while a serving member but not on duty. Buried with Regimental Stone in the St. Peter's Catholic Cemetery, St. Peter's, Richmond County, Nova Scotia.
Vet Marcellin Coutu
Dear Joe;
In regards to "L" Division, the Detachments used to do the inspections of grave sites annually but approx. 10 - 12 yrs ago, the Vets' Assoc. took them over. I am attaching our current and up to date list. At the end are some old names that we haven't been able to locate to date-- Jack White sent us these names and we located some but not these as yet.
I will pull out photos and send in another message. We are keeping a digital record of them for record purposes.
Dave Holmes
PEI Division
Hi Joe:
I was going to look at your site tomorrow morning, however, I couldn't wait until morning and had to look at it again tonight.
You have done an excellent report and identified many of the same problems we found. I went through your grave list quickly. I have quite a few pieces of data that you are missing, so if you give me some time, I can get the information I have to you.
You have done a great job in such a short time. I sure look forwarding to getting together with you to compare notes etc.
Jack O’Reilly
Toronto Division
Hi Joe;
“Not sure if you remember me, but I was stationed in "O Div. and likely in Staffing when you were in Toronto.
Good luck with your new project. It is a very worthy cause that I took on when we still did the inspections…”
Doug Ford
Toronto Division
Dear Joe;
Congratulations on this very worthwhile project.
I am a member of the board of the Last Post Fund here in Newfoundland & Labrador concerned with graves of veterans of the Armed Forces.
I will keep your initiative in mind if I come across anything that might be of interest. Recognize some of the names on your committee and they likewise should be proud of this work…
Gerry Leahy
NL Division
Dear Joe;
My sister’s birth date was March 29th I will send a picture of her grave stone when you are ready. I do not know of other member's graves.
I admire your efforts in this matter.
(Brother of a deceased member)
Vancouver, BC
Reg.#20783, S/Sgt. H. L. Comba
Dear Joe,
I have visited your site a few times looking for the whereabouts of the resting sites of some of my old friends. Reg.#20783, S/Sgt. H. L. Comba is interred in our Cemetery at 'Depot' Regina. I visited the cemetery last year and noted that he had been laid to rest there. As you noted, he died in Hobbs, New Mexico. Howard was a Troop Mate.
This is a very good site and I will recommend it to others.
Reg.#20809, Art Pruett
Subject: Reg.#21794, S/Sgt. Keith Wendel Thompson
Good morning;
I was recently made aware of this website. When I queried my father's name no entry was found.
His name is Reg.#21794, S/Sgt. Keith Wendel Thompson (1938-08-16 to 1994-06-10) and all of his service was in "H" Division. He was a serving member when he passed away after a battle with cancer.
Heather L. (Thompson) Levy, B.Sc.
Executive Assistant
RCMP Kings District
*Heather; thank you for your e-note.I have added your Dad's name to our databank. JJH
Subject: Volunteer to help
Dear Joe;
I live in Trail, B.C. and I have viewed your web site with interest.
I am not sure if you have someone doing the inspections in my area or not. If not, I would be interested in volunteering to do it for your program.
I work part time for a local funeral home in Trail so I have a fair knowledge of the local cemeteries and I have contacts with the City personnel that are employed in the cemeteries.
For your information the cemetery is named Mountain View Cemetery and services the City of Trail and the Village of Rossland, B.C.
There is also a cemetery in Fruitvale, B.C. which is about 10 km east of Trail, and another cemetery in Salmo B.C. which is located about 40 km from Trail. I would also be interested in looking after those if you haven’t already got someone.
I would also like to thank you for your efforts in this program.
Bruce Taylor
*Thanks Bruce for your kind note and I'd be more than pleased if you would volunteer to help from the Trail and Rossland, BC area.