True and Fascinating Canadian History

Vets of the Month: September 2008
Reg. # 2112, Constable & Mrs George Saunders & Children
& C/654, Malcolm J. H. Wake
The story for September took place at 'Depot' Division in 1899. It is an unbelievable sad tale. The story commemorates all families of RCMP members because family members frequently remain in the foreground and too often they are not mentioned.
The following story was contained in notes which were kindly given to me by Regina RCMP Veterans Reg.#14375, W. Kenn Barker and C/654, Malcolm J. H. Wake. I have paraphrased their notes for the story.
On December 11, 1899 a fire broke out at a house on 'Depot' Square. The house was occupied by Reg. #2112 Constable and Mrs George Saunders. On that morning, Cst. Saunders was on fire stoker duty. He went to work at 5:00AM after starting a fire in the stove to warm their own home. By 6:00AM, their house was left in ashes.
Mrs Saunders got through the blaze of he fire and jumped from the house with their infant. She injured herself by a cut artery and was reported to be in poor condition. Three other children; Charles William, George Delnar and Reginald Kellsey, however, died in the flames.

However, soon after the fire more sadness was to follow the Saunders family. It was reported that Constable Saunders died of a heart attack some few months after the tragic fire. Regina's "Leader" newspaper dated Thursday, September 27, 1900 reported his death. The Leader said, "... Shortly after the bugle sounded 'Lights Out' at the police barracks, Regina, on Wednesday night Const. Saunders was stricken down by the hand of death.
He was sitting with his wife at home about eleven o'clock, when he complained of a pain in his heart. A moment later he straightened back in his chair, turned purple in the face and before Mrs Saunders could return with help he was dead.
The following morning the flag flying at half mast gave the first news to the members of the police force that one of their most popular constables was no more.
The deceased was given a military funeral at the barracks on Friday. Constable Saunders was a young man of 32 years of age and had been 12 years in the Force. He came from England and had seen service with the Hussars in India.
Mrs Saunders has had her share of sorrow within the last year. Last fall her home was burned and three of her children cremated. Now she is left with one child to mourn the loss of her husband. Mrs. Saunders has the sincerest sympathy of her many friends".
One could only imagine how difficult and painful it must have been for Mrs Saunders to continue living and coping with all the tragedy in her life.
Post Script. Constable George Saunders, Reg.#2112 died on September 19, 1900, nine months after the house fire that claimed the lives of their three children. Constable Saunders was buried in the 'Depot' Cemetery, Block A, Row 6, Plot 86.
It is not yet know where Mrs Saunders was buried. And the exact burial plots in the 'Depot' Cemetery for the three Saunders children; Charles William (7 years), George Delman (5 years), and Reginald Kellsey (3 years) are no longer clearly identified as their original wooden markers have disintegrated over time.
Additional details on the Saunders' story may be found in RCMP Museum Archival File # 987-132-21 and Supt. J. H. McIllree's NWMP Pocket Diary, File # 987-132-20.
"The Leader" Regina, NWT, December 14, 1899; Sask. Vital Statistics.
Notes were given to me by two great Regina friends RCMP Veterans Reg.#14375 W. Kenn Barker
and Reg.#C/654, Civilian Member Malcolm J. H. Wake.>
I sincerely thank Kenn and Malcolm for the Constable Saunders story and for their interest in the RCMP Grave Discovery and Maintenance Website.
Reporting from Fort Healy,
J. J. Healy
September 23, 2008