True and Fascinating Canadian History
Vet of the Month: March 2012
Who lie in unmarked plots and forgotten places
RCMP Vets. Ottawa, ON
No person is born and goes through their life with the notion that he or she will ever be forgotten. Especially in the end. After all, today's North American culture shouts aloud that one will forever have a youthful spirit and that one will always be surrounded by friends -- to the end.
Based on a fifty year period or so, it has been my observation of many youth that death is pushed aside like a shopping cart obstructing an aisle in a computer store. The notion that one is surrounded by choirs of friends at the time of death is sadly not true. It has been my experience that many souls are alone at the moment of death.
Surprisingly, in Canada too, there are thousands of people who have no one to care for them in the end. They die alone and are buried with no marked grave. Or, their remains are perhaps left forgotten on a shelf in a funeral home.
From my perspective, it is an unforgettable honour, blessing and a grace to be with a person at the moment of their death. I never, never tire of the person's serenity during his or her last few moments -- and I truthfully believe that God's touch at that moment has gracefully swept the room. My view is that parents of perspective police officers ought to encourage or insist that their children attend funerals as often as possible to prepare their minds about their future role as police officers.
A potential police officer should be well acquainted with the dead before embarking on a career of genuine work with the living.
This is a Page of Remembrance -- it has been set aside as a place to recall that many, many members of the Force do lie in unmarkedgraves across Canada and in other places around the world. Here as well, will be their names -- added to a list each time a member is identified as one who has no gravesite.
From the beginning of time, all cultures and all faiths have encouraged people to remember those who have passed on.
Celebrating the memorial of those who have died is known to strengthen the hope of the living -- that someday we may see thedeparted soul once again. For that reason, this Page of Remembrance is a rediscovery, a rekindling of one's faith and the hope of future glory with God.
Here is a partial list of members known to lie in unmarked graves or places unknown to researchers.
o79, Sub Constable George Bruce. According to London, ON Vet Merle Armstrong, Bruce may be buried beside his wife in the Anglican Cemetery, 396 Vansittart Avenue, Woodstock, ON? Mrs Bruce is listed in the Church Registry but she is buried in an unmarked grave. Vet Merle Armstrongthinks that George Bruce might also be buried with her.
William H. Winslow. 'Buried in an unmarked grave in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, London, ON' said Vet Merle Armstrong.
Reg.#22, David J. Cochrane.
Reg.#26, Alexander Roderick MacDonell.
Reg.#102, William Reid
Reg.#135, Daniel Horan. Thought to have died at Fort McLeod, but his grave cannot be found.
Reg.#140, Samuel McCrea.
Reg.#145, John McFarland.
Reg.#o174, James William Bell.
Reg.#185, Edward Larkins.
Reg.#258, John W. Shields.
Reg.#o318, John E. T. Dunbar.
Reg.#346, George Canning Ives.
Reg.#o463, John Hollies.
Reg.#502, William Campbell Shaw. Buried in an unmarked grave in Elora Cemetery, Elora, Ontario said Vet Merle Armstrong.
Reg.#562, Elias Saunders.
Reg.#613, Joseph David Ahbaugh. Buried in an unmarked grave as reported by London, ON Vet Merle Armstrong.
Reg.#685, William George Hillier.
Reg.#948, Frederick Percy Lea. unable to locate his grave said Mr. Reg Keatley.
Reg.#1141, Robert Limn.
Reg.#1328, George William Doyle. (name added here on January 1, 2013). Mr. Reg Keatley, Calgary, AB said, 'At the time of Doyle's death he was using the name George William Dowling. Dowling is the name shown on his Death Certificate.'
Reg.#1483, Edward Moran.
Reg.#1557, John Callaghan. 'No grave located,' said Mr. Reg Keatley on 28/01/2013.
Reg.#1710, Ernest Edward Harris.
Reg.#1761, James A. Blake, died in Germany but no idea about his grave
Reg.#1791, Darnley Liddell Murison.
Reg.#1898, James Charles Cassidy.
Reg.#1901, Edward John Wilson. 'This fellow was really short term, just 7 months (then Deserted). No sign of his grave,' said Mr. Reg Keatley on January 28, 2013.
Reg.#2046, Charles Donnelley Brodie. Moved to Los Angeles but no known grave.
Reg.#2078, Gustavus Schiller Flindt. Cremated and remains went to his wife. After she died, no one knew the location of their plot.
Reg.#2192, Luke Wilson.
Reg.#2245, Hans Prahl.
Reg.#2553, Wallace Ernest Pierce. 'Cremation at Vancouver Crematorium, August 6,1957 but can't find ashes', said Calgary Volunteer Mr. Reg Keatley on January 28, 2013?
Reg.#2638, William Slattery. 'No grave nor resting place located,' said Mr. Reg Keatley on January 28, 2013
Reg.#3074, Jean Eugene Angers. 'Cremation was October 13, 1961 but there are no ashes', said Mr. Reg Keatley on January 289, 2013.
Reg.#3167, Richard Field. 'Cremation at Vancouver Crematorium on 13/01/1946, disposal of ashes unknown', said Mr. Reg Keatley on 28/01/2013.
Reg.#3229, Andrew Stanbridge. No grave marker in the Fraser Cemetery, New Westminster, BC said Mr. Reg Keatley on 22/01/2013.
Reg.#3234, Arthur Edward Acland. On January 22, 2013, Mr. Reg Keatley said, 'Mr. Acland has an older type of Death Certificate which said was he burial at Victoria Cemetery but I researched Royal Oak & Ross Bay and there is no record of him in either cemetery.
Reg.#3917, Kenneth Charles Story. 'Cremation was September 30,1955. No grave located', said Mr. Reg Keatley on January 29, 2013.
Reg.#4138, Donald Proctor Ross.
Reg.#4984, Bernard 'Tom' Tomlinson.
Reg.#5135, John William Newton. (name added here on January 2, 2013). Mr. Reg Keatley, Calgary, AB said 'he was cremated at the Vancouver Crematorium, Vancouver, BC, but no grave located').
Reg.#5648, Frederick Jeffery. 'Cremation at Vancouver Crematorium on 21/10/1975. No grave located', said Calgary, AB Volunteer, Mr. Reg Keatley on 29/01/2013.
Reg.#5742, Herbert Douglas Gibbs.
Reg.#5934, Evan Deakin Harmon. No grave marker on burial plot.
Reg.#5956, William Thomas Jasper. 'Cremation at Vancouver Crematorium on 25/01/1972, but nothing further', said Calgary, AB Volunteer, Mr. Reg Keatley on 01/01/2013.
Reg.#5983, Theodore George Martin. (name added on January 2, 2013). Mr. Reg Keatley, Calgary, AB said, 'he was cremated at the Vancouver Crematorium, Vancouver, BC, but no grave located').
Reg.#6011, Louis James Taylor.
Reg.#6027, Harry Allen. 'Cremation at Cedar Valley Crematorium, Nanaimo, BC on December 29, 1988 but no ashes can be found', said Mr. Reg Keatley on January 28, 2013?
Reg.#6347, William John Ernest Griffiths. 'Cremation at North Shore Crematorium on 06/04/1970. No further findings' said Calgary, AB Volunteer, Mr. Reg Keatley on 01/01/2013.
Reg.#6418, William John 'Jack' Garland.
Reg.#6463, Alfred William Holtom. 'Buried somewhere in the Victoria, BC area', reports Vet Jack white.
Reg.#6613, Wilson Cleveland Bray. 'Cremation date was February 23,1979. No grave, no ashes found', said Mr. Reg Keatley on January 29, 2013.
Reg.#7100, Frederick John Spark. 'Cremation by North Shore Crematorium on May 3,1978, Ashes were picked up, but disposition not known', said Mr. Reg Keatley on 23/01/2013.
Reg.#7584, Frank Joseph Fiala. (name added here on January 2, 2013). Mr. Reg Keatley, Calgary, AB said 'he was cremated at the North Shore Crematorium, North Vancouver BC., Vancouver, BC, but no grave located).
Reg.#8623, Hubert Arthur Galbraith.
Reg.#8654, William John Walker.
Reg.#10531, Frederick George Woodman.
Reg.#10989, Allen Doig Kupkoe. 'Grave cannot be located', said Mr. Reg Keatley.
Reg.#11112, Earl John Dean. 'Grave or ashes can't be located', said Mr. Reg Keatley on January 28, 2013.
Reg.#11424, Edward Hewitt Rivers.
Reg.#11766, Charles Frederick Gilhespy.
Reg.#11775, Albert Harold McKenzie Downey.
Reg.#11899, Edmond Hill.
Reg.#12467, Norman Cromar Smith. (name added here on January 2, 2013). No grave located said Mr. Reg Keatley on 02/01/2013.
Reg.#12621, Richard Mulcaster. 'No grave located,' said Mr. Reg Keatley on 28/01/2013.
Reg.#12658, Stanley Cleveland Cundal. 'Grave not located', said Mr. Reg Keatley on January 28, 2013
Reg.#13224, Arthur Herbert Anderson. 'No sign of this fellow' said Mr. Reg Keatley on January 28, 2013
Reg.#13736, Clifford Eric Haines. 'Obit in 'Calgary Herald' but he is not listed in any of 8 Calgary cemeteries' said Volunteer Mr. Reg Keatley
Reg.#13430, Richard 'Dick' Thomas. 'Data base says Sunneyside Lawn Cemetery, but when I phoned to get grave location they said he was not there' said Mr. Reg. Keatley on January 28, 2013.
Reg.#14089, Alfred John Adlard.
Reg.#14101, Edwin Charles Hasselfield.
Reg.#14420, Donald William MacDonald. 'disposition of cremains unknown, said Mr. Reg Keatley.
Reg.#14613, Dean O. Bly. 'Disposition of ashes unknown', said Calgary Volunteer, Mr. Reg Keatley.
Reg.#15521, Norman Merrill Kenny. 'No grave & no ashes found' said Mr. Reg Keatley on 29/01/2013.
Reg.#15807, Clinton Craig Jamieson. 'Obit in The Calgary Herald but he is not listed in any of 8 Calgary cemeteries,' said Mr. Reg Keatley.
Reg.#16406, Donald Harry Pye. 'No trace of this fellow', reported Mr. Reg Keatley on January 29, 2013.
Reg.#16828, David William Harrison.
Reg.#16965, Ronald Edwin Patten.
Reg.#17653, Albert Francis Pearce.
Reg.#19524, Richard George Judd. Disposition of ashes unknown.
Reg.#21261, Harry McNab Ashcroft.
Reg.#21870, George Richard Myall. 'No grave located', said Mr. Reg Keatley on 28/01/2013.
Reg.#21940, Leory William Dueck. Disposition of ashes unknown.
Reg.#22520, Robert Charles Baxter. Died during Basic Training at 'Depot'. Cannot locate his grave.
Reg.#25408, Clifford Frederick Pearcy.
Reg.#33611, Brian Ronald William. Grave site unknown
Reg.#40459, Randall 'Randy' Stacy Townson.
O.113, Assistant Surgeon Godefrey Madore.
O.324, Hugh Patrick Mathewson. 'Cremation, not sure if there was a grave', said Calgary Volunteer, Mr Reg Keatley on 29/01/2013.
Reporting from Fort Healy,
J. J. Healy,
March 23, 2012