True and Fascinating Canadian History
Vet of the Month: June 2009
Reg.#16666, Staff Sergeant Major George F. Kent
RCMP Veterans
I had the privilege of working with S/S/M Kent when I was the newest recruit to arrive from 'Depot' to Chilliwack Sub-Division in 1974. At the time, S/S/M Kent was serving his last month in the Force prior to his retirement. He was the Sub-Division NCO.
As the newest arrival, I was the Detachment runner. Essentially this meant that each day I had to collect the mail and the dailies (those numerous Criminal Index System cards) which had to be filed everyday so that all members on patrol were aware of the latest crimes and traveling criminals. Thankfully computers eventually eliminated all those Index Cards!
In any event, I got to know George Kent and he took a liking to me. Upon his retirement, he entrusted his RCMP long shank spurs to me and I wore them with pride for 35 years!
What I had not known about George was his prestigious military background which is referenced in his obituary published by his family. I think S/S/M Kent deserves and qualifies for our Vet of the Month.
Great insights into the richness of S/S/M Kent's life were shared in the obituary, parts of which are quoted below.
George was a man with a deep and noble sense of duty and commitment to community service. Born during the Depression Era, he left home as a young man and moved to BC to work as a cowboy on the Douglas Lake Cattle Ranch.
He was a veteran of WWII. He served with the Canadian Scottish Regiment, during and after D-Day until the Armistice. He was appointed Sergeant-Major, the ranking Officer of his Regiment. George was wounded several times, medaled and recognized for bravery and service.
Upon his return to Canada, he joined the BC Police and remained with the Force when it joined with the RCMP. He served, in total, over 37 years, retiring with the rank of Staff-Sergeant Major.
From 1975-1980 George served as a BC Deputy Sheriff and then went on to serve in the BC Corps Commissionaires. He was also well known in his role as a Marriage Commissioner who officiated over more than two hundred nuptials!
George believed in and dedicated his life to the service of his community. He spent more than 50 years involved in the Guiding and Scouting movement as District Scoutmaster for Chilliwack and was a recipient of the prestigious Silver Acorn Award. He loved sports. He coached soccer and baseball, leading the Sidney Minor League Team to the BC Provincial Championship in 1955.
George was a proud and active member of the Rotary Club, Masonic Lodge and other service organizations.
George will be missed deeply by family and friends and acquaintances whose lives were enriched through his help and his friendship over the years. May he find peace and comfort in the knowledge that he will be forever loved.
Too often we might not give sufficient thought or reflection to a long serving member's past career.
My appreciation to Paul Thorne, Superintendent (Rtd.) of Bayfield, Ontario for highlighting the life and times of S/S/M/ George Kent, a man who deserves to be Vet of the Month.
Reporting from Fort Healy,
J. J. Healy
June 23, 2009