'Whenever News Is Grave'
The web space allocated to the page once know as 'What's New' has
had to be discontinued due to its growing length and its volume.
Effective October 1, 2009, a new Buffalo Blog was created to replace 'What's New'.
It is intended that the Buffalo Blog will make it just as easy to
keep our readers up to date 'Whenever News Is Grave'.
'Whenever News Is Grave'
- Buffalo Blog
"Buffalo Blog"
Dear Readers,
I am confident that you will find benefits with the Buffalo Blog's
content, design and colour.
I invite you to check out the new "Buffalo Blog"
Over time, historical data from 'What's New' will be transferred to our 'Buffalo Blog'
'Maintain Our Memories'
New: September 28, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#20564 (Rtd) S/Sgt. Melvin D. Taylor died Sept 26, 2009 at Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta.
S/Sgt. Taylor served from 1958 to 1992 in 'K' Div.
New: September 27, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#15539 (Rtd) Sgt. Earl B. Kelsberg died Sept 22, 2009 at Qualicum Beach, B.C.
Sgt. Kelsberg served from 1948 to 1971 in 'K' Div. His father, Reg.#16311 Sgt. Peter Kelsberg also served in the BCPP and 'E' Div.
New: September 26, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#17331 (Rtd) S/Sgt. Alexander Leith Metcalfe died Sept 23, 2009 at Arnprior, Ontario.
S/Sgt. Metcalfe served from 1951 to 1982 in 'D' 'G' 'D' & 'HQ'. He retired from Security Service.
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#29034 (Rtd) Cpl. James Gilbert Brewin of Courtenay, B.C. died on September 24, 2009.
Cpl. Brewin served from 1971 to 1996 in 'M' & 'E' Divs as Dog Master. His father, Reg.#13386 Sgt. A.F. Brewin had also served
in the Force.
Reg.#13386 died on February 14, 2008 at age 94 years. He is buried at 'Depot' Div.
New: September 25, 2009
- A Page from an Infant Force - the NWMP
Dear Joe,
This is a picture of NWMP Reg.#2, S/M John Henry Bray in uniform while mounted on his greyhorse dated 1875.
I know that Redcliff Detachment still has either the orginal or a copy of the photo hanging in their office...or at least they
did the last time I was there a number of years ago. Sergeant-Major Bray was a fairly well known and respected member in the Medicine Hat area way back when.
This copy of his photo is from the Medicine Hat Museum site. If one goes to the City of Medicine Hat website, you can link to
"The Esplanade" and from there one can view many of the numerous photos they have in their collection...either under NWMP, RNWMP, RCMP,
or simply police.
S/M Bray and his family are buried in what is known as the"Old Hillside Cemetery" in Medicine Hat, AB.
Photo Source: Medicine Hat Museum. http://www.esplanade.ca/museum/museum.html
Yours truly,
Vet. Maxwell Moritz
New: September 23, 2009
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Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#17254 (Rtd) Sgt. Robert W. Antosik died Sept 20th, 2009 at Ottawa, ON.
Sgt. Antosik served in the Band about 1951 then promoted to Regular Member to 1969 + in 'A' 'N' & 'HQ'.
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#18103 former Cst. Allan Scott Lewis died Sept 21, 2009 of cancer at White Rock, B.C.
Cst. Scott served from 1953 to 1956 in 'E' Div, then purchased his discharge and went into Insurance sales.
New: September 22, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#18881 / O.839 C/Supt. Gerald R. Crosse (Rtd) died Sept 20th, 2009 at Ottawa with lung cancer.
C/Supt. Crosse served from 1955 to 1989 in 'H' 'HQ' Depot 'F' & 'HQ' Divs.
New: September 20, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#13416 (Rtd) Sgt. Stanley A. Byer died Sept 19th, 2009 at Edmonton, Alberta.
Sgt. Byer served from 1940 to 1965 in 'G' Div on the St Roch, then 'K' 'G' 'E' & 'A' Divs. He was Life member of Edmonton Div. Vets.
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#20643 (Rtd) S/Sgt William S. Shopa died Sept 19th, 2009 of bone cancer at Hinton, Alberta.
S/Sgt. Shopa served from 1958 to 1987 in 'G' 'N' 'HQ' & 'G' Divs.
New: September 18, 2009
- Looking for Obituaries
Dear Joe;
What a wonderful site, I find it very informative!
Can you please tell me how I can get a copy of the obituaries? I see the information posted on the database line "Quarterly Obit Index".
I have a close interest in two [deceased] members.
Linda Shephard.
Hi Linda,
Thanks for your note...sorry for my delay but I was on a 'grave' photo shoot.
I'm not sure if I'm answering your question correctly, but all the obituaries for the RCMP are found in the back section of
'The Quarterly'. The Quarterly began publication in 1933 and I have most copies but not all of them.
If you tell me the names of the members you are looking for I might be able to help.
Drop me a line for clarification...
Yours truly,
New: September 17, 2009
- Obituary for Reg.#14705 Sgt. Elmer Curtain
Thanks to Toronto Vet. Jack O'Reilly for sending us this obituary.
Elmer Charles CURTAIN. B:April 10, 1924 - Passed away September 8, 2009 with his family by his side.
He is lovingly remembered by his three children; Bill (Elaine) Curtain of Edmonton, Randy (Cindy) Curtain of Penticton and Maureen (Terry) Breitkrevz of Penticton; six grandchildren, Michael, Mary, Michelle, Lindsay, Megan and Erika (Andrew); three great grandchildren, Matthew, MacKenzie, Rylan; two brothers, Mike and Bryan. Sadly predeceased by his wife Doreen in 2003.
Celebration of Elmer's life will be held on Saturday, September 19, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. from the Penticton Funeral Chapel, 501 Winnipeg Street, Penticton with Reverend Ralph Spencer presiding.
Interment will take place at the R.C.M.P. Cemetery in Regina, SK. If friends so desire donations may be made directly to the Kidney Foundation of Canada in Elmer's memory. Condolences may be directed to the family in care of Penticton Funeral Chapel at providencefuneralhomes.com.
Sgt. Curtain's wife is also buried in 'Depot'.
New: September 16, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#23469 (Rtd) Sgt. Lyle Norman "Rocky" Rockwell died Sept 15th, 2009 at Kelowna, B.C.
Sgt. Rockwell served from 1964 to 1990 in 'D' & 'E' Divs.
New: September 15, 2009
- Reg.#44029, Kai-Uwe Alexander Hildebrant
Died on Duty - Vancouver, BC - July 4, 2002.
Dear Mr. Healy;
In case anyone is looking for us, please note that Kai's dad was Uwe Hildebrant and we presently live in St. Thomas, ON.
Kai lived in London, ON and he was born in Hamilton, ON.
This is just in case someone is looking for him.
Yours truly,
Mrs Helga Hildebrant
E-Mail: uwehelga@rogers.com
New: September 14, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#13808 (Rtd) Sgt. Vasily Gregory "Bill" Paskaruk died Sept 13, 2009 at Newmarket, Ontario.
Sgt. Paskaruk served from 1940 to 1965 in 'O' & 'D' Divs retiring from Security Service, Winnipeg. Interment will take place at Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa.
New: September 12, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#18133 former Cst. Donald A. King died Sept 11th, 2009 at Kingston, Ont.
Cst. King served from 1953 to 1960 in the Band at 'HQ' and 'N' Div.
Cremation with interment will be in the Cherry Valley Cemetery, Cherry Valley, Ontario.
New: September 9, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#42138 Cst. A. Scott Bradley died Sept 7, 2009 of cancer at Nanaimo, B.C.
He served from 1990 in 'E' and was posted to Nanaimo Det at time of his death.
New: September 8, 2009
- Reg.#3264 W.Shuckburgh and Reg.#2985 J.P.Shuckburgh
This note was received from Edmonton Vet. Joe Collinson:
When I was searching for headstone's in the Stettler, AB area, I talked to Wm. Shuckburgh's grandson and got the following information as well as leads for some photos, etc. dating to the Shuckburgh's time in the Force.
Note the following changes to database:
Reg.#3264 William Shuckburgh was cremated and his ashes were scattered over his homestead near Stettler. He was not buried.
Reg.#2985 James Piggott Shuckburgh, (William's brother), left the Force and enlisted in the Rhodesian Regiment (Trooper #297) during the Boer War. He was wounded near Mafeking, South Africa on the March 31, 1900 and he died of his wounds on the April 12, 1900.
New: September 5, 2009
- In Memory of Reg.#16106 Gary Boyd Blake
Over recent years, hundreds of family members have written in to tell us the location of a
deceased member's grave. This information is vital to ongoing research and our Graves Program,
but more importantly it brings to the family's mind and to ours fond thoughts of a loved one.
Mr. Ron Blake recently sent in a photo of his Dad's grave. He says: "Dad's grave site is
located in Paul's Cemetary on Tramore Road in Deacon, Ontario. It overlooks the Bonnechere
River by Golden Lake. The Cemetery is mantained by the Deacon Gospel Church."
Reg.#16106 S/Sgt. Blake joined the Force on May 22, 1950. His early career was spent in 'E' Div.
then he transferred into Security Service where he spent the remainder of his career. He
retired on April 2, 1978.
S/Sgt. Blake died in 2009.
We sincerely thank Mr. Ron Blake for these photos.
'Maintain Our Memories'
- 'Buffalo Joe' to lead exploration
I'll be out of town on a photo shoot of grave sites for a week or so.
One recalls the words of US General McArthur who reportedly said: 'I shall return'!
New: September 4, 2009
- In Memory of Reg.#11640, Henry George Lowes
Edmonton Vet. AJH 'Joe' Collinson recently solved another mystery which involved Reg.#11640.
It seems that the confusion arose because our Henry Lowes was identified as 'Harry' Lowes in
the press obituary. Vet Collinson says: "I spent considerable time looking for Henry George
Lowes but finally found him as 'Harry' George Lowes.
Vet. Jack White says that Henry George Lowes was born about 1902. He served honourably
overseas in WWI. He joined the Force on June 1, 1932 when the APP was absorbed into the RCMP. is buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. in Edmonton, AB.
At the time of his death on February 10, 1962, Henry Lowes was the sitting Magistrate
in Vegreville, AB.
Thanks to Joe Collinson, we can now say: Welcome back Henry!
New: September 3, 2009
- Honour Roll #9: Reg.#635, David L. Cowan, NWMP
Over the past week or so, I have been corresponding with Cst. Cowan's great, great nephew
Mr. William David Cowan.
In his most recent note, Mr. Cowan presents us with another artifact (knife) with its
history grounded in the days of the NWMP.
Speaking of the knife, Mr. Cowan searches for an answer: "...I have another item of interest. The knife in the photo was in the box containing
David Latimer Cowan’s things. It is stamped 'Association 1879'. I wonder if
this could have been a knife issued to Mounties of the time?"
If anyone is able to add more body to the sketchy details already known about this
knife, please send a smoke signal.
New: September 2, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#22230 (Rtd) S/Sgt. J.L.S.Jean DubreilL died July 27,
2009 at Longueil, Quebec.
S/Sgt. Dubreill served from 1961 to 1990 in 'J' 'C' Divs.
New: September 1, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#20527 former 2/Cst. Joseph Stephen Slaney died
May 12, 2009 in Costa Rica.
2/Cst. Slaney served from 1958 to 1960 in 'A' & 'F' Divs.
New: August 31, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#17855 (Rtd) Sgt. Thomas Stanley Bennett died Aug 30,
2009 at Peterborough, ON.
Sgt. Bennett served from 1952 to 1973 in 'B' 'HQ' & 'O' Divs. He was a Life Member of
the Toronto Div. Vets.
New: August 30, 2009
- Honour Roll #9: Reg.#635, David L. Cowan, NWMP
Cst. D. L. Cowan joined the NWMP on April 4, 1882. His career was short lived as he was killed
while on scouting patrols at Frog Lake, SK on April 15, 1885 during the Riel Rebellion.
In recent days, I have been corresponding with Cst. Cowan's great, great nephew Mr. William
David Cowan. In one of his notes, Mr. Cowan said that he was in possession of an artifact of
NWMP cloth which belonged to Cst. Cowan but it cannot be identified. From the photo, does the
material cloth not look like a piece of yellow piping for breeches?
Mr. Cowan said: "Joe, I have no idea what this band of fabric represents (could you help me
identify?). It must have been important because it was mailed to David's father after his
death and had what I assume was a government seal on the envelope (red material in photo)."
Does anyone recognize or know the significance of this piece of cloth and for what reasons
would the government send it to the Cowan family after Cst. Cowan's death?
New: August 29, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#17765 (Rtd) Sgt. J. Frank Jory died Aug 28, 2009 at
Woodstock, N.B.
Sgt. Jory served from 1952 to 1985 in 'J' Div. and he was a Life Member of N.B. Div Vets.
New: August 28, 2009
- The NWMP: Person Unknown
This photo of William Pott's grave was taken by Vet. AJH 'Joe' Collinson. William
Potts died on December 26, 1886 and his grave lies in Fort MacLeod among many deceased
members of the NWMP.
It seems that William Potts was not a member of the NWMP as our records unfortunately
do not hold his name. Might he have been a relative of Scout Jerry Potts?
In spite of the lack of identification of William Potts, he fully deserves the benefit of
our respect. Due to the location of Mr. Pott's grave site at Fort MacLeod, it's fair to say
that he was likely an employee of and close to our infant Force -- the North West Mounted
Research to accurately identify Mr. Potts continues.
New: August 27, 2009
- The NWMP: 'Absent in body, but present in spirit' (1)
In the quest to find and identify the grave sites of former members (especially the NWMP),
one comes upon a multitude of challenges; stones partially covered by dirt, graves with no
identification, stones damaged or broken, faded markings on the stone or incorrect
data on the stone which leaves one mystified.
Many, many Vets have expressed their frustrations of conducting this type of field research
and the pain they experience to ensure burial place records are accurate for the benefit of
future generations.
This photo of Standoff Cemetery, Alberta was sent in by Vet. AJH 'Joe' Collinson. It
presents an example of grave markers with little or no helpful data.
Joe also has met some trials as he searched throughout Alberta for the graves
sites of forgotten NWMP. Joe says: ..."this [Standoff] is an active cemetery on the Blood
Indian Reserve and it, supposedly, has graves dating back to the late 1800's. We were not
able to find any earlier than 1955 but there are a number of very recent ones. There are a
lot of unmarked graves and the crosses and markers illustrated in this photo have few legible
We ought not be discouraged by these setbacks. Instead, I thank all Vets for their
patience and for their ingenious methods of research and for their support of the RCMP
Graves and Location Program.
Source (1): 1 Corinthians 5:3
New: August 26, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.# M/88 former Marine Cst. William Frederick Foster died
Aug 24, 2009, Summerside, PEI.
Cst. Foster served from 1957 to 1961 in Marine Services.
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#15056 (Rtd) S/Sgt Sylvio Biscaro died Aug 15th, 2009 at
Montreal, Que.
S/Sgt. Biscaro served from 1947 to 1968 in 'C' 'HQ' & 'C' Divs. He was a Life Member of the
Montreal Div Vets.
New: August 25, 2009
- Reg.#12572 Cst. Peter Seddon Oliver - RCMP Honour Roll #72
Dear Joe:
I want to offer my 'thank you' for the nice piece about Peter Seddon Oliver that you placed in
the 'What's New At RCMP Graves' section of the website dated August 16, 2009.
The Clark and Oliver side of the family were alerted of your good work and the feedback was
While enjoying a busy summer when I next get to Ottawa I will contact you for a coffee or
lunch on me!
Yours truly,
Mr. Peter Clark
New: August 24, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#35847 former Cst. Angus Gerrard Buote died (today)
Aug 24th, 2009 at Summerside, PEI.
Cst. Buote served from 1980 to 1993 in ‘K’ Div when he was discharged with disability from a
back injury suffered in 1989 during an arrest of a drunken driver.
New: August 23, 2009
- In Memory Reg.#32394, Cst. Joanne Horn
Troop 36 1974 & 1975 was the second Troop of women to join the RCMP. Historically, it was
momentous event for the Force because only one other class of women had previously attended the
RCMP Academy in Regina, SK.
Truly, and I include myself, the RCMP was not accustomed to women in policing and in many aspects
the Force had not fully prepared itself to care for and address the interests of women. For that single
reason, the women in Troop 36 have just cause to be proud.
The Troop had an extraordinary spirit along with a sprinkling of devilry. They worked extremely
hard as they proceeded through the program and little did they complain.
Their friendships have strengthened over time. I have always been proud of them!
Down through the years, Troop 36 lost one of their friends. Cst. Joanne Horn was medically
discharged from the Force in 1979 as the result of a car accident. She died at Chilliwack, BC on
April 22, 2005. Joanne was fifty years of age. She has been missed.
Soon, Troop 36 will celebrate 35 years of Graduation Day. Looking back, their fun-spirited days
at 'Depot' seem too brief.
My life was made more rich for their friendship. Thank you!
New: August 22, 2009
- A Page from an Infant Force - the NWMP
Sub/Constable Reg.#166, George Anderton joined the NWMP on July 19, 1876. He took an
early interest in the art of photography at a time when it was considered newfangled.
RCMP Vet. & Historian Jack White tells us that during Anderton's short career, many of the early
photographs of the Force which exist today were taken by Anderton.
As one example, White points to the well known photo entitled "Sitting Bull" which was taken by Anderton at Fort Walsh.
Anderton left the Force on July 7, 1879 and in the same year, he set up his first photo shop in
in Medicine Hat, North West Territories. Years later, he moved to Fort MacLeod.
As time went on, Anderton continued with his photography -- he was nick-named the "face puller"
by the Indians for his photography.
Sub/Cst. Anderton died in 1913. Some of the markings on his grave (right) have been washed away
by weather. The photo was taken by Vet. AJH 'Joe' Collinson and the stone sits on Anderton's final
resting place at Fort Macleod, AB.
Is it possible that Sub/Cst. Anderton was our original 'Forensic Scenes of Crime Photographer?
My thanks go out to Vet. Jack White for providing me with access to his research materials. I also
thank Vet. AJH 'Joe' Collinson for contributing hundreds of photos to our RCMP Grave Location and
Maintenance Program. Bravo!
New: August 21, 2009
- In Memory of RCMP S/99, S/Cst. Sidney Alexander MacAulay
S/Cst. MacAulay was born in Cape Breton, NS on August 2, 1921. He joined the Force on October
27, 1942 and served in Marine Division attached to 'H' Div. until June 6, 1945.
S/Cst. MacAulay was awarded the Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM). The Medal was accepted
posthumously by his wife at the same ceremony that their son Reg.#38610, S/Sgt. Murray MacAulay of Surrey Detachment
was awarded his RCMP 20 year Long Service Medal.
According to his family, S/Cst. MacAulay never forget his days or his friends in the Force. He
always said that he was the most proud when he was associated to the RCMP. "...Dad was very proud of
his RCMP service and it left a big impression on the family leading me to make it [RCMP] my career
choice" recalls son, Murray MacAulay.
S/Cst. MacAulay died in Cambridge, Ontario on November 19, 2003. He is buried in Mountain View
Cemetery, Cambridge.
- RCMP Vet Appreciation
This website's success is dependent to a large degree on research and help from RCMP Vets and many,
many Friends of the Force.
It's not intended that anyone be overlooked because every bit of support is appreciative.
But, certain Vets toss me something for the website nearly every day. These Vets include: Jack
O'Reilly, Jack White, Wayne Barry, Bernie Gagnon, AJH 'Joe' Collinson, Dave Holmes and Friend of the
Force Reg Keatly in Calgary.
In short, I am deeply appreciative to all Vets and friends. Thank you!
New: August 20, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#21781 (Rtd) S/Sgt. Lyle Gerard Foster died Aug 18th, 2009
at Delta, BC.
S/Sgt. Foster served from 1961 to 1996 in ‘F’ ‘E’& ‘HQ’. He was also L.O. (Liaison Officer) to Columbia & Peru.
- Tour of RCMP's National Memorial Cemetery, Ottawa, ON
The RCMP Graves Location and Maintenance Program website will be featured by writer Ms Laura
Thompson in this fall's edition of the RCMP's Staff Relations publication Frontline.
Recently, Ms Thompson asked me to be her guide through the RCMP Memorial Cemetery. Unknown to
Ms Thompson the date of our meeting, August 20, 2009 was in fact my 45th Anniversary of joining
the Force. I was pleased to be in uniform and to act as her escort on this particular date.
In the photo (right), I stand beside the Memorial dedicated to NWMP member Reg.#335 Cst. Marmaduke
Grayburn who was the first member of the Force to be murdered. He was killed at age 19 on November
17, 1879.
- Web Curious?
Planning and research into this RCMP Vets Grave Inspection and Maintenance Program website
began about 8-10 years ago. The idea for the website was greatly accepted and a lot of help and
coordination was assembled among various Vet Associations across Canada.
The database was redesigned several time and wrinkles were ironed out. New names of deceased
vets were constantly being added to the database as it was being updated off line. Finally, the actual
website including the database went live over two years ago.
Each day this website averages between 70 to 100 hits or more. Last night, the website was accessed
by 166 towns and cities across Canada. Other hits to this site originated from 22 other countries
around the world!
Thanks to all supporters of the RCMP Vets Graves Location and Maintenance Program website!
New: August 19, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#17188 (Rtd) Cpl. Donald George Vogan died Aug 15, 2009
at Edmonton, AB.
Cpl. Vogan served from 1951 to 1974 in ‘K’ Div. He was a member of the Alberta Hockey Hall of Fame.
New: August 18, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#40951 (Rtd) Cst. Klaus W. Lindegger died Aug 16th, 2009
at Edmonton, AB.
Cst. Lindegger served from 1981 to 1989 as a S/Cst. then as Cst. to 2004 in 'K' Div.
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#C/2576 & S/480 & 41667 (Rtd) Cst. Ian 'Al' MacWatters died
August 15, 2009 at Kamloops, B.C. following a two year battle with cancer.
Cst. MacWatters served from 1975 to 1990 as C/M & S/Cst, then from 1990 to 1998 as Cst. in ‘E’ Div.
New: August 17, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#21602 (Rtd) S/Sgt. John H. Hossfeld died Aug 11th, 2009
in a single vehicle roll over accident near The Pas, Man.
S/Sgt. Hossfeld served from 1960 to 1983 in ‘D’ ‘HQ’ & ‘D’ Divs.
New: August 16, 2009
- Reg.#12572 Cst. Peter Seddon Oliver - RCMP Honour Roll #72
Dear Joe;
I am the nephew of the late Peter Seddon Oliver who lost his life in the Dieppe raid, August 19,
I have sent you a coloured photo of Peter Oliver in his RCMP tunic, circa 1935 or 1936.
I have also enclosed a photo of the portrait of Peter and background done by Kathleen Mann
in England in 1940.
His portrait hung in the London National Gallery until his death at Dieppe in August 1942 when it
was returned to my grandmother Oliver in Quebec City.
Yours truly,
Peter Clark
New: August 15, 2009
- Fresh tracks on Reg.#O.12, Supt. A. Shurtliffe (AKA: Shurtleff)
Hi Jack (White) and Joe,
Wayne Barry of Toronto Div. Vets came across a much clearer obit for NWMP O.12 Supt. Albert
Shurtleff than the one listed in his service file on pages 44 & 45 of the NWMP Personnel Records.
It shows he died Oct 29, 1885 in Colorado Springs and his remains were returned to Coaticook,
Quebec for burial in Mount Forest Cemetery. The records for this cemetery have been transcribed
for the benefit of the general public.
We now know that his grave is in Mount Forest Cemetery, Coaticook, Stanstead County, Quebec.
The transcription shows his name spelled SHURTLEFF and there are 18 SHURTLEFF's buried in the
The following is from the transcription but a plot or section number is not provided:
Shurtleff, Major A., d. 29 Oct 1885, age: 44y 4m 8d
Regards - Jack O'Reilly
Our thanks go out to Wayne Barry and Jack O'Reilly for this new research. Thanks also to Vet.
Jack White. From his notes we learn that Reg. #O.12 Shurtleff joined the NWMP on November 4, 1873 and he was
in A Div of the March West. Later, he was posted to 'K' where he established Pincher Creek
Detachment and a horse farm.
Jack White also tells us that on September 22, 1877, Supt. Shurtleff was a witness to Treaty # 7
(Blackfeet) along with several other Officers including O.30 Irvine, O.5 Winder, O.10 Crozier,
O.9 Clark, O.25 Denny, O.36 Antrobus and o342 Norman.
Some years later, Supt. Shurtleff fell ill and he died while wintering in Colorado.
Thereafter, his body was returned to Canada for burial. Now, the location of his final resting
place has been discovered.
New: August 14, 2009
- Vet of the Month - July, 2009
Hi Joe,
Thank you very much for making my great grandfather James Colvin Vet of the Month. I feel very
Jim Morrison
New: August 13, 2009
- A Page from an Infant Force - the NWMP
Reg.#82, Cst. Edward Fearon was born about 1858. He engaged in the NWMP on June 17, 1878 and he was
one of the original members of the NWMP.
Cst. Fearon remained with the Force until July 31, 1880 when he was discharged at Fort Walsh upon
his own request.
Later, he served with Colonel Otter's Scouts during the North West Rebellion from April 18
to June 19, 1885.
In 1894, Fearon ran for public office and was a Member of the North West Territories Legislative Assembly
during 1894.
Cst. Fearon died on November 3, 1934 and he is buried in Maple Creek, SK.
This is a page from An Infant Force -- the NWMP
Source: National Archives Canada - Personnel Records, 1873 to 1904
- In Memory of Reg.# 19563 R. J. 'Bobby' Hull
Reg.#19563, Robert James Hull joined the RCMP on July 11, 1956. After 'Depot' training,
he served policing in 'E' Div. and then he returned to 'Depot' Div. as a Drill Instructor.
After his tour at 'Depot' he returned to 'E' Div. and he retired as a S/Sgt. with twenty five years service. He was one of the
'founding fathers' of ERT in the Vancouver area.
After retirement, S/Sgt. Hull was employed for seventeen years as the Director of the Police Academy Justice
Institute in BC.
It is widely known that S/Sgt. Hull was a police officer of excellence. He also had an incredible sense
of humour and quick wit combined with a huge heart filled with compassion.
S/Sgt. Hull died in Vancouver on December 26, 2006.
New: August 12, 2009
- In Memory of Reg.#25235 Kenneth Glen Alford
Dear Joe;
I attended the annual Oakville Manitoba Memorial Cemetery Service on Sunday and I found this stone.
I did not know Ken was buried here. His grandfather was our doctor in Oakville, MB for many years. Ken has a brother,
an uncle and cousins still lining here. In fact, one of Ken's cousins is also in my family tree.
Vet. Jack White reports that Sgt. K.G. Alford was born in Oakville, MB on June 22, 1947.
He joined the Force on November 2, 1966 and he retired from Kamloops City Detachment on September
23, 1998. He apparently died of a heart attack on the golf course.
Located in Oakville, Manitoba Cemetery is NW33-11-4W 1 1/4 miles north of Trans Canada Highway at
junction of Highway #13. Ken's grave is in the first row adjacent to the road.
Yours truly,
Edna Craig, Friend of the Force
- Bench of Repose Donated to 'Depot' Div.
'G' Troop 64/65 began training in mid-August 1964 and our Troop gathered again at 'Depot' in 2004
to enjoy our friendship while celebrating our 45th year Reunion. It was a memorable weekend!
Over the Reunion weekend, it was proposed that our Troop donate a Bench to 'Depot'. The bench
would allow visitors a place of repose. As well, Vets could sit and reflect upon the historical
meaning of 'Depot' to the RCMP and the life-long friendships which grow and nature within every Troop.
The 'bench' idea was accepted by 'G' Troop with enthusiam. Then, Reg.#23677, Reg Alspach
accepted to design the bench, to find a company to make it as well as to have it delivered safely
into the hands of the CO 'Depot'. All these goals were successful and now our bench sits near
the Chapel.
In the photo (sitting right) and enjoying our bench in the Saskatchewan sun is Troopmate
Reg.#23698 J. P. A. (Art) Matte.
'G' Troop thanks Reg Alspach for all his work and administration which was required
to have the bench made in BC and to have it shipped and placed at 'Depot'.
Especially today, 'G' Troop 64/65 reflects on our Troopmate, Reg.#23689 W.G. Wellman who has suffered
a stoke and who convalesces in hospital.
"Camaraderie Forever".
JJH, Reg.#23685
New: August 11 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#34089 (Rtd) Cpl. Lorne Westover died Aug 6th, 2009 at
Edson, Ab. when attending funeral of his brother.
Cpl. Westover served from 1977 to 2006 in ‘M’ & ‘K’ Divs and retired from Lethbridge.
New: August 10, 2009
- Vet. Francis Scotti - 'Is Well Above Ground'
Reg.#18723 Frank Scotti (on right in photo) joined the Force in 1954. After 'Depot', his early career was spent
patrolling the broad reaches of the Artic with his dog team.
Later, his career took him to downtown 'E' Div. and during the late 1960's, he was my Shift Commander in
(Haney Detachment) now Maple Ridge, BC. In those days, Haney Detachment's strength was 19 members.
Junior members were always comforted when Frank was on duty especially if extra hands
were required to settle an unruly prisioner in the cell block. Frank's vice grip applied to a finger
of the 'client' would quickly settle the tone of the purified-spirited prisioner and calm would be restored!
Frank retired from Chilliwack Sub/Div. about 1980 and he recently came to Ottawa to visit our
home for an evening. It had been 39 years since we had seen each other!
One of Frank's post career passions is boating the rivers and lakes of southern Ontario. Speaking of
his experiences cutting the waves, Frank said:"...I bought a boat but my wife Jean remains the Captain."!
It was memorable for me to share dinner and memories with my 'ole' friend.
New: August 9 2009
- In Memory of Reg.#13839 C. A. Cawsey
Robert Allan Cawsey was born on November 11, 1922 and he joined the RCMP in 1941.
A year later, Cawsey enlisted with the Calgary Tanks and went on to serve in Sicily and the Italian Campaign during WWII.
In 1951, Cawsey graduated with an LLB from the University of Alberta. He practiced law in
Wetaskiwin, AB until 1974 when he was appointed to the Provincial Court of Alberta.
In 1976, he became the first Chief Judge of the Provincial Court of Alberta. In
1979, he was appointed a Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench, a position from which he retired from
in 1997.
Mr. Justice Cawsey is fondly remembered for his bravery during WWII as well as the battles which
he fought during his distinguished legal career.
Reg.# 13839, Mr. Justice Cawsey died on March 3, 2004.
New: August 8 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#28873 / O.2577 Insp. Peter D. Marsh died Aug. 8th, 2009
in greater Vancouver, B.C. following a lengthy illness of the liver.
Inspector Marsh served from 1971 in ‘E’ Div and was with the Vancouver Drug Section at time of his death.
His brother, 30708 S/Sgt K.I. Marsh, also served in ‘E’ Div. from 1973 to 1999.
- In Memory of Reg.#15367 S/M, R. H. Thompson
S/M Thompson joined the Force on January 9, 1948. He served in 'Depot' and 'K' Div. and in 1984
the Sherwood Park Minor Hockey Association named him "Sportsman of the Year".
S/M Thompson retired on January 8, 1973 and he died on January 12, 2002. He is buried in the
Glenwood Cemetery at Sherwood Park, AB
I appreciate being given permission to access the historical data researched by Vet. Jack White.
This photo of S/M Thompson's grave was sent in by 'K' Div. Vet. AJH 'Joe' Collinson and I also
thank him for his ongoing support.
New: August 7 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#34377 former Cst. Paula Maria Hanrahan nee Parsons died
July 23rd, 2009 at Bridgewater, N.S.
Cst. Hanrahan served from 1977 to 1979 in ‘B’ Div.
New: August 6 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#13041 (Rtd) S/Sgt Donald St. Clair Davis died Aug 3rd, 2009
at Halifax, N.S.
S/Sgt. Davis served from 1939 to 1967 in ‘L’ ‘B’ & ‘H’ Divs. He was life member of the N.S.
His son, Reg.#25820 Insp. D.J. Davis, also served from 1967 to 2002.
New: August 4 2009
- In Memory of Reg.#12640 S/Sgt. E. C. Parker
S/Sgt. Parker was born on June 4, 1914 and he joined the Force on June 26, 1935. He left the Force
to serve in WWII so he joined the RCAF from 1940 to 1945.
S/Sgt. Parker retired on January 1, 1963 and he became a Life Member with the 'K' Div.
Vets. He died in Edmonton, AB on February 6, 2001 and he is buried in the Glenwood
Cemetery at Sherwood Park, AB
This photo was sent in by 'K' Div. Vet. AJH 'Joe' Collinson and I thank him
for his ongoing support. I acknowledge and thank Jack White for allowing me access to his wonderful collection
of historical research.
New: August 3 2009
- Fort Healy - Temporarily Closed
Far, far north of the American border in the thick forests of the Ottawa Valley is found Fort Healy.
In today's age, it's rare for a Detachment to close, but permission was received so that the single
member posted to Fort Healy could patrol the far Arctic perimeters of the Fort's policing frontiers.
More grave news will be forthcoming from the Fort's website in about one week. JJH
New: August 2 2009
- In Memory of NWMP Reg.#9192 Clifford Alexander Gair
Reg.#9192 Sgt. Clifford Alexander Gair was born on October 4th, 1900. He joined the NWMP on
February 21, 1920 but between the years 1922 to 1932 he left to join the Alberta Provincial Police (APP).
In 1937, Gair was a member of the RCMP's Coronation Contingent to England for King George VI and
upon his return to Canada accepted the job of Superintendent-In-Charge of Alberta's Highway Patrol.
Reg.#9192 Sgt. Gair died on January 17, 1982.
This photo of his final resting place was sent in by his second cousin Ms. Edna Craig. Sgt. Gair
is buried in Portage la Prairie, MB.
- Recalling 'Depot's Grave Digging Detail' 1958
Hi again Joe;
I was reading your website and checked out 'Buffalo Joe's Corner'. Your story about digging the grave
in 1964 was very familiar to me too.
I joined the Force on September 22, 1958 and I arrived at 'Depot' two days later.
Before being squaded, and while waiting for the rest of "F" troop to arrive, four of us were
assigned to dig the winter supply of graves, three to be exact!
I don't recall just how long it took us, a few days I suppose.
Anyway, I too was curious about who may have been placed in the graves so in October 2008
when fabulous "F" troop had our fifty years reunion, my wife and I toured the Cemetary to check
out those three graves.
It wasn't too hard to figure out the graves since the three dates of death on the stones were all
side by side and the first three after September 24th 1958. I also took a photo (attached).
Dee Jessiman came off the Ride while we were still taking equitation training and began his
training as a Riding Instructor. Yes, a very colorful guy!
Rod Macdonald
'F' Troop 1958
New: August 1 2009
- In Memory of Reg.#2353 Insp. K. F. Anderson
This photo of Reg. #2353 Anderson's grave was sent in by Edmonton Vet. AJH 'Joe' Collinson. Joe
states that "This chap [Anderson] had an outstanding career and did the Force proud. He later
lived and died in absolute poverty."
Vet. Jack White provides the following details about the life of Insp. Anderson. He was born
sometime in May, 1865 in Iceland and his birth name was Kristjan Fjeldsted. Upon arriving in Canada,
he took his father's name 'Andresson' but changed it to Anderson.
Anderson joined the Force on August 19, 1889. Jack White notes the following story as one of
the many feats attributed to Insp. Anderson -- "...between December 19, 1898 and January 18, 1899, Anderson
travelled from Fort Saskatchewan to Peace River with two dog teams via the Athabasca Landing
and Lesser Slve Lake. He was trasnporting the mail and the return trip was over 800 miles"!
In 1901, Inspector Anderson was also awarded a Commendation after transporting two prisoners a great
distance by river and trail to Fort Saskatchewan.
Inspector Anderson served in 'Depot','F', 'K' & 'F' Div. He retired from the Force on January 1, 1921
and he died at age 82 on January 8, 1949.
Inspector Anderson is buried in Jasper National Park Cemetery.
I want to express my appreciation to Vet. AJH 'Joe' Collinson for the photo of
Inspector Anderson's final resting place and I also thank Vet. Jack White for allowing me access to
his wonderful historical collection. Thank you again! JJH
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#27837 former Cst. Donald Murray McKaig died July 27th,
2009 of cancer at Lethbridge, AB.
Cst. McKaig served from 1970 to 1972 in ‘K’ Div. Two brothers also served; Reg.#25239 Cst. Terry
McKaig from 1966 to 1969 in ‘E’ and Reg.#25485 Cst. Philip McKaig from 1967 to 1975 in ‘E’.
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#22230 (Rtd) S/Sgt J.L.S. Jean Dubreuil died July 28th, 2009
of cancer at Longueil, Que.
S/Sgt. Dubreuil served from 1961 to 1996 in ‘J’ & ‘C’ Divs. He was married to Reg. # 32710 (Rtd) Cpl.
Carol Blackhurst.
New: July 31 2009
- Greetings - Honourary RCMP Deputy Commissioner
His Royal Highness Prince Edward
This note was received today from His Royal Highness Prince Edward, Honourary Deputy Commissioner
of the RCMP.
While on a visit to Canada about two years ago, Prince Edward accepted an invitation to be the Guest of Honour at
the Senior NCO's Annual Mess Dinner which was held in the Hall of Honour in the Centre Block of the
House of Commons.
At that time, Prince Edward graciously accepted the title of Honourary RCMP Deputy Commissioner. After the
dinner, the Prince recalled the honour which the RCMP has given to Canada over many, many years. He showed a wonderful
sense of humour and he was very quick-witted when he noted that the role of Honourary Commissioner had
already been taken by his mother, Queen Elizabeth II!
Prince Edward has demonstrated that he is a loyal member of the Force.
New: July 30 2009
- In Memory of Reg.#10982 L.R. Dubuc
& Reg.#11169 G. B. Swaney
RCMP 'Air' Services
Good day Joe,
I noticed the memorial posting on the your 'What's New' webpage regarding L.R. Dubuc. You can also note that Dubuc was an
original member and pilot of the RCMP Air Services founded on April 1, 1937.
According to the book, "RCMP 'Air' Division 1937-1973" his Regimental Number is noted as #10482 (twice) so I think there is a mix-up.
I have attached a picture of the original pilots of the Air Services in which Cst. Dubuc is third from the right:
1937 - deHavilland DH.90 Drangonfly at Downsview, Ontario (deHavilland's factory location).
From left to right: Sgt. R.H. Barker, S/Sgt. T.R. Michelson, Cst. G.F. Hart, Cst. W. Munroe
(Engineer), Supt. Mercer (with cane) C.O. "O" Division, Cst. M.P. Fraser, Cst. L Dubuc,
Cst. P.J. Grant (Engineer), and Cst. W.E. Barnes.
Also, G.B. Swaney, (Reg.#11169) a former original Air Services engineer lost his life in Trans-Atlantic
Ferry work while flying for the RCAF on leave of absence from the Force, in accordance with Privy
Council Order 3539 of July 31, 1940.
Gayle Burton Swaney was born at Germantown, Ohio, in 1907. He joined the RCMP in 1931, and
enlisted with Ferry Command ten years later. He was married at Kingston, Ontario, in June 1945 and
went missing the next month.
Swaney was part of a special crew assembled to fly a Liberator load of VIPs from Dorval to Northolt(?). His
passengers were mostly diplomats returning from the San Francisco Conference which founded the
United Nations. They set out on the evening of July 3, 1945, but radio contact was lost early
the next morning. It was Swaney's 190th transatlantic flight!
Your 'What's New' web page is actually my Home Page...keep up the great work!
Kindest regards,
Bernard Filiatrault
Son of Reg.#18663
Note: Dear Bernard, thank you for this contribution! Our research reveals that the correct Reg.# for L. R. Dubuc is #10982 as this
was the series of numbers being allocated to members in the year that Dubuc joined -- 1931.
Yours truly, JJH
New: July 29 2009
Restoration and Memorial to Dawson City Police Cemetery
Dear Joe:
Attached is one of the slides that depict the (1964) gravesites at Dawson City in the Yukon Territory.
Years ago, I investigated a hit and run accident and the magistrate sentenced the accused to
two months to be served in Dawson City. What do you do with a trusty prisoner for two months?
Although we had a guard for him at night, I had to guard him during the day and I decided I wasn't
going to sit outside his cell in the basement -- so we spent the whole two months refurbishing the
grave site.
The owner of the hardware store a Mr. Cailey donated the lumber, paint and fencing, and Henry
Henry and I worked for the whole two months. We had a Chevy station wagon for one of the police
cars and I put a canvas in the back. We then went to nearby creeks and hauled different coloured
gravel for the walkways. We put black gravel for over the graves, white grave around each grave
and red gravel for the entrance walkway.
Frank Dunn
New: July 28, 2009
- From Japan - In Memory of Reg.#44029 Kai Hildebrandt
Dear Joe;
I am writing to you about the death of Cst. Kai Hildebrandt and his next of kin. I would like to
thank you for having this website.
A number of years ago, I moved to Kyoto, Japan. In that time, I lost contact with a number of
friends in Canada due to the usual reasons - work, family, distance. Recently, through the internet
I've been able to establish contact with many of my old friends except for one -- Kai Hildebrandt
Kai Hildebrandt was my best friend for many years through high school, university and beyond.
Just yesterday, after many years of searching for him, I found his listing in your website.
I came here and found him as well. Needless to say, I'm shocked. He was the father of two children and happily married.
He was only 35 years old.
My question is about his next of kin. I can't find any relation of his anywhere online. His father's
name was Uwe Hildebrandt and he resided in Tillsonburg, Ontario.
Is there any record of his widow or the site of his grave? If there is, I would greatly appreciate
it if you could forward that information.
Again, thank you for maintaining this website.
Jeff Willard
Note: I'll be able to help Mr. Willard and will keep in contact with him. JJH
New: July 27, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#18139 (Rtd) S/Sgt. William G. Dinnen died July 25th, 2009
of cancer at Qualicum Beach, B.C.
S/Sgt. Dinnen served from 1953 to 1988 in 'F' Div. His son, Reg.#40385 Cpl. Mike Dinnen, currently
serves in 'E' Div.
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#13569 (Rtd) Sgt Lawrence George Ginn died July 24th, 2009
at Ottawa, Ont.
S/Sgt. Ginn served from 1940 to 1966 in ‘D’ Div. He was life member of Ottawa Vets. His son, Reg.#31846
S/Sgt. Robert Ginn, currently serves in ‘E’ Div.
New: July 26, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#13055 former Cst. William Hubert Blakeney died July 21, 2009
at Carleton Place, Ontario.
Cst. Blakeney joined the Force in 1938. He served in the RCMP Band at 'N' Div, then during WWII in
the RCAF.
Following the war he was sound editor for fifty years with the National Film Board.
New: July 25, 2009
- In Memory of Reg.#9669 Cst. Edgar Millen
& 'The Mad Trapper File', January 1932
Cst. 'Newt' Millen was born about 1900 and joined the Force on November 22, 1920.
In January, 1932 an RCMP posse chased Albert Johnson also known as the 'Mad' Trapper', partly
across the North West Territories.
Johnson surprised both Cst. Millen and Sgt. Riddell and from an ambush position, he shot and
killed Cst. Millen.
Cst. Millen is buried in Beechmount Cemetery, Edmonton, Alberta.
Today, several Canadian landmarks are named after Cst. Millen. They include: Millen Creek,
Northwest Territories - near Fort McPherson (Lat: 67·40·00N Long: 135·42·00W) - (a cairn at this
creek commemorates death of Cst. E. MILLEN at (or near) site of his murder January, 1932);
Millen Lane, 'Depot' Division RCMP., Regina, Saskatchewan, Mount Millen, Yukon - Northeast of Lapierre
House (Lat: 67·28·00N Long: 136·25·00W), Millen Park, Edmonton, Alberta - Park and Memorial, and
Millen Street, Inuvik, NorthWest Territories. Each are named after Reg.#9669 Constable Edgar MILLEN, RCMP.
These photos were kindly sent in for publication by Edmonton Vet. AJH 'Joe' Collinson.
My appreciation also goes out to Vet. Jack White for allowing me to use his historical data
which formulates this Memorial to Cst. Millen.
New: July 24, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#27341 former Cst. Gregory Dean Dorey died July 20, 2009
at Hantsport, N.S.
He served from 1969 to (circa) 1973 in 'F' Div.
New: July 23, 2009
- Search for grave takes a twist
Reg.#12170, Cpl. Watson Godfrey LeMesurier joined the Force on April 1, 1932. Vet. Jack White records that
LeMesurier saw action during WWI and he also served in the RCMP's 'Marine' Div. as well as in
'A' Div. and 'J' Div. Cpl. LeMesurier retired on October 31, 1954 at which time he became an Anglican priest. He died
in 1962.
For some time, it was known that Rev. LeMesurier was buried in St. Stephen's Cemetery at village
Brooke, Ontario on Highway 7 between Sharbot Lake & Perth. But, Toronto Vet. Jack O'Reilly could not find LeMesurier's
name in St. Stephen's Cemetery records which he found on the web. LeMesurier's name was missing off the cemetery list.
Not long ago, Jack was on patrol in the Perth area so he decided to visit St. Stephen's Cemetery. Jack
found LeMesurier's grave site and he noted that the grave was excellently cared for and flowers
had been placed next to the grave. Jack set an RCMP flag beside the grave stone which can be seen in the photo.
Jack then realized that Rev. LeMesurier's name is simply listed incorrectly on the cemetery's
website. The confusion was caused because on the web list, his last name is shown as 'Godfrey' rather than 'LeMesurier'.
The error which was noted by Jack will be brought to the attention
of the caretakers of St. Stephen Cemetery. They will also be complimented on the excellent care
of their Cemetery.
New: July 22, 2009
- Appreciation to 'H' Div. - Grave Location Program
Dear Joe;
I have received authority from the C.O. "H" Div. to provide you with the complete file of our
graves inspection reports.
I will be try to send it via email, but due to its length, I may have to send you a DVD.
Yours truly,
Tom Lowe
Buffalo Joe adds:
Dear Tom;
Thank you! I am very, very appreciative of your personal efforts to obtain permission from
the CO 'H' Div. for the release of this data. I am sincerely grateful for your patience and
The data which you provide to the Vets Graves Location and Maintenance on behalf of 'H' Div. is invaluable.
Yours truly
New: July 21, 2009
- In Memory of Reg.#26839 Brian McCarthy
Dear Joe;
Here's the picture of Brian's headstone.
Brian is buried in Malcolm's Cemetery, St. Patrick's RC Church, Miramichi, NB
Many thanks for your efforts.
New: July 20, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#17330 (Rtd) S/Sgt Douglas S. Smith died July 19, 2009 at
Dartmouth, N.S.
S/Sgt. Smith served from 1951 to 1988 in 'H' Div. His son, Reg.#36892 Sgt. Alexander Smith
is presently serving in the Force.
New: July 19, 2009
- Reg.#10483 Gordon P. Coutu - Danger Lurking
Dear Joe;
Gordon Coutu was my uncle. There was a story about him that was chilling and I would like to
know if it was true. He never spoke about it and I found out from my mom.
The story goes that my Uncle Gordie was walking the beat one snowy night in a small town somewhere
in rural Quebec when two young roughnecks attacked him. They beat him and left him for dead in a
After the beating they went to the home of one of them. They were drinking heavily at the
kitchen table and laughing about how they had killed an RCMP Officer. When their father heard the
story, he waited until it was safe, then went out to the barn, hooked up the horse team to go
looking for Gord who was then unconscious and covered in snow.
When he found Gord, he put him in the cart, took him to the hospital, then turned in his own
son, along with the friend and, subsequently testified against both of them in court.
Apparently when asked by the lawyer why he would turn in his own son, he said that he had to,
it was the only decent thing he could do, that his son was like this and would do it again if
left out of prison.
Uncle Gord ended up on a medical pension with a plate in his head and never worked again.
I knew him, but I don't know if this story is true. I was told not to talk about it because it
was difficult for him to talk about it. However, one time my uncle did mention that he had a
plate in his head and that he kept a cane beside his bed because some men from long ago had got
out of prison and that they had always vowed to go looking for him. Then he changed the subject.
My mom told me that the police had told Uncle Gord that these guys were out of jail and that
the RCMP had provided protection for him for a while, just in case.....
Quite the story to be told while getting firewood from outside on a cold snowy night. Sends
chills right up and down the spine!
Now Uncle Gord can lie in peace and I've enclosed a picture of his marker.
Yours truly,
- Reg.#36492 Cst. Margaret A. E. Scanlan
Some months ago, we received a note from Cst. Scanlan's brother living in British Columbia.
He said that after his sister's death, Margaret Anne had been buried near Westport, Ontario.
Cst. Scanlan joined the Force on November 4, 1980. After basic training at 'Depot' she was posted to 'E' Div. and she
died of cancer in Vancouver on October 1, 1988.
On a recent visit to Westpost we had the opportunity to visit the final resting place of
Cst. Margaret Scanlan.
- From the Chaplain's Chair
Hi Joe,
I am the Chaplain for 'A' Div. and 'HQ' Div.
I am quite pleased with your RCMP site. It is well done and one can see that a lot of research
and hard work has gone into it.
Keep up the good work.
Rev. Andre Bigras, S/Sgt.
New: July 18, 2009
- A Page from an Infant Force - NWMP
Many, many bold and daring yarns can be told about the early members of the North West Mounted
Police (NWMP). One such story has been recorded by Vet. Jack White about Reg.#866 Cpl. William 'Old Blue' Assheton-Smith. He was born on
November 6, 1865 and in 1885 he was posted to Fort Pitt and saw the outbreak of the Riel Rebellion.
Jack White recounts that on one occasion, Cpl. Smith was investigating the theft of a rifle in Camrose, AB. He galloped into
the suspect's yard hollering "Quick, get a rifle, there's a Lynx!" The suspect quickly produced the
rifle which had been stolen. 'In the name of the Queen, you're under arrest'!
Cpl. Smith retired on February 10, 1910 and he was grated a life pension of $235.03 per year. He later
settled in the Edberg District of Alberta and became the Postmaster in Ferintosh, AB. He is
father of Reg.#3773 Frederick Assheton Smith.
Cpl. Smith died in 1944 and he is buired in Ferintosh, AB
New: July 17, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#16907 (Rtd) S/Sgt Thomas Joseph Kehoe died July 2, 2009 at Edmonton, AB.
S/Sgt. Kehoe served from 1951 to 1974 in 'F' Div.
New: July 15, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#21291 (Rtd) S/Sgt Howard Kearley died July 12, 2009 of a
heart attack while visiting Duck Mountain, Manitoba from Winnipeg.
S/Sgt. Kearley served from 1960 to 1993 in 'D' Div retiring from Portage La Prairie.
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#19360 former Cst. Thomas Raymond Ryan died July 4, 2009 at
Victoria, B.C.
Cst. Ryan served from 1956 to 1959 in 'E' Div then joined the Vancouver City Police (VCP) retiring
in 1993 as an Inspector.
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#17612 (Rtd) S/Sgt James Hamish Nisbet died July 13, 2009
at St Andrews, N.B.
S/Sgt. Nisbet served from 1952 to 1975 in 'H' & 'HQ' CDL, then instructed at Holland College, P.E.I.
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#17920 former Cst. Harry B. Friesen died July 11, 2009 of
cancer at Oliver, B.C.
Cst. Friesen served from 1952 to 1956.
New: July 14, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#15111 (Former) Cst. Clovis Burton Everett died June 2, 2009
at Saint John, NB.
Cst. Everett served from 1948 to 1952 in Marine Div. He was in the Merchant Marine from 1943
during WWII and following his RCMP service he also served in the RCAF Service Police from 1955 to
New: July 13, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#12913 (Rtd) S/Sgt Edward Victor "Nick" Carter died July 2,
2009 at Vancouver, B.C.
S/Sgt. Carter served from 1937 to 1963 in 'K' 'E' & 'D' Divs.
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#14630 Rtd Sgt Walter Bernard Smith died July 12, 2009 at
North Vancouver, BC.
Sgt. Smith served from 1946 to 1970 in 'D' Div.
New: July 12, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#17104 (Rtd) S/Sgt Douglas Roy 'Skip' Wilson died (today) July 12,
2009 at Edmonton, AB.
S/Sgt.Wilson served from 1951 to 1973 in 'K' Div.
New: July 11, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#33404 (Rtd) Cst. Heimo Schabernak died July 8, 2009 at
Nanaimo, B.C.
Cst. Schabernak served from 1976 to 2001 in 'E' Div retiring from Nanaimo Det.
New: July 10, 2009
- Reg.#35534, Cst. J. M. Gallagher - Maintain Our Memories
About two weeks ago, a note was received from Vet. Dave McCartney presently living in British
Columbia. Dave said that his wife died and she was returned from BC and buried in Toronto, Ontario.
Dave's information regarding Reg.#35534 June M. Gallagher was sent on to Toronto Vets. Jack O'Reilly,
Rick Morris and Wayne Barry. They located the site of Cst. Gallagher's in-ground bronze marker.
Vet. Wayne Barry took time and care to perform ground maintenance to Cst. Gallagher's grave including
edging, grass clipping and brushing her marker. He also took a photo of Cst. Gallagher's marker.
Cst. Gallagher's husband appreciated the kindness of our 'O' Div. Vets and he wrote the following
note. "Thank you all for looking after this for us. The only living family in the area is June’s
mom who is quite elderly. I will let her know of all your efforts."
All Vets share Dave McCartney's appreciative sentiments for the work 'O' Div. Vets perform on
the RCMP Grave Location and Maintenance Program. We also say 'Thanks 'O' Div.!
New: July 9, 2009
- A Page from an Infant Force - the NWMP
This note was received from Insp. Gibson Glaven of 'HQ' Div.
Dear Joe;
Reg.#345, Cst. George H. Johnston buried at Fort Walsh, (and the brother of my great grandfather)
had his death circumstances reviewed in June of this year by the Honour and Awards Committee and it was
re-designates a 'duty related death'.
So, 127 years after his death, he is to receive full honours and will be added on the RCMP Roll of Honour
at 'Depot' Div on September 13th of this year.
Dear Gibson;
Congratulations and a Grand Tip of the Stetson to Cst. Johnston!
New: July 8, 2009
- Cst. Hugh Jackson
Dear Buffalo Joe;
Here's the information I have researched on Hugh Jackson. (It may not be accurate and I am
waiting to hear from a daughter of Hugh’s who may have slightly different info).
There are presently two 'Hugh Jackson's' listed on your website. I am told that 'my' Hugh
Jackson did not have a middle name.
He may have been born on December 5, 1882 or 1883 (to be verified) and his DOD was Labour Day,
1965. He was in the NWMP/RNWMP and he is buried in Evergreen Memorial Gardens Cemetery in
Edmonton, AB (also to be verified)
I've learned that one of his daughters, (Nora), has a postcard addressed to Hugh Jackson in
Fort Saskatchewan, dated June 21, 1916, authored by the name of Fleming.
I’m sending you this info but I'll be following up on the loose ends.
Keep up the good work!
Jan in Regina, SK. Friend of the Force
New: July 6, 2009
- Reg.#12572 Cst. Peter Seddon Oliver - RCMP Honour Roll #72
Dear Joe;
I am the nephew of the late Peter Seddon Oliver who lost his life in the Dieppe raid, August 19,
I read with great interest your content about Cst. Oliver on the 'What's New' page of June 18,
2009'....it was most informative.
The www.RCMP graves.com website is also most interesting!
I will forward a package to you of Peter Seddon Oliver's memorabilia such as a coloured photo
of Peter in his RCMP tunic, circa 1935 or 1936 and a photo of the portrait of Peter and background
done by Kathleen Mann in England in 1940 which hung in the London National Gallery until his death
at Dieppe in August 1942 when it was returned to my grandmother Oliver in Quebec City.
I will also include a photo of the Canadian Military Police Oliver Memorial Trophy and a brief summary of Peter's Quebec City
background leading up to his death at Dieppe.
Yours truly,
Peter Clark
*Photo credit: Thanks to Vet. Murray Adair who recently visited the grave site of Cst. Oliver
in the Canadian War Cemetary at Hautot-sur-Mer (Dieppe), France.
New: July 5, 2009
- Reg.#33534 June M. Gallagher
This note was received from Vet. David McCartney presently living in British Columbia.
Dave stated: "My wife, June Margret Gallagher Reg # 35534 (bd June 1, 1955) died while still a serving
member on May 6th, 1984.
She is buried in York Cemetary 160 Beecroft Road Toronto. I was wondering how to go about adding her
name to the National database?"
Cst. June Gallagher's name was added to the database. Vet. Dave McCartney was contacted and told
that our 'O' Div Vets would soon take a photo of her grave stone which will be also be recorded
on her database file.
Our thanks Dave!
New: July 4, 2009
- Reg.#10549 M.G.G. Goldie
Vet. Arnie Crittenden of Lion's Head, Ontario recently met a friend who once knew an old timer
who once served in the RCMP during the late 1930's.
Jack White's research reveals that the member was Reg.#10549, M.G.G. (Mark) Goldie. Cst.
Goldie joined the Force in March, 1929 but little else is known about his life except that
he died in London, Ontario.
The exact location of Cst. Goldie's grave is presently being explored by our 'O' Div.
Our thanks go to Vet. Arnie Crittenden for providing the preliminary information on Cst.
Goldie and we hope to successfuly find his final resting place.
New: July 3, 2009
- NWMP Reg.#4179 E.V. Rose
Cst. E. V. Rose joined the Force on February 22, 1904. He served in 'F' Div. but he
purchased on June 1, 1908. He moved to Calgary, AB and he died on September 25, 1963.
It was known that Cst. Rose had been buried in Queen's Park Cemetery in Calgary
but his grave marker could not be found for many years. About two weeks ago, Friend of the Force
Mr. Reg. Keatley dug around the base of a spruce tree and located Cst. Rose's grave which had been
completely hidden under grass and dirt.
Our thanks are extended to Mr. Keatley for his tremendous support of the National Graves Location
and Maintenance Program!
New: July 2, 2009
- A Page from an Infant Force - the NWMP
Reg.#664, Frank William Walter Fane, NWMP
S/Sgt. Fane joined the NWMP on April 14, 1882. He served in 'F', 'K', 'E' and 'K' Div.
He also served during the Riel Rebellion. He left the NWMP on April 13, 1890 from Fort Macleod.
Years later, he was in WWI.
Vet AJH 'Joe' Collinson was kind to send in this photo of S/Sgt. Fane's gravesite plus a story
of S/Sgt. Fane which was published in the Vegreville Observer on June 25, 2002.
S/Sgt. Fane's grave is south of Mundare in the Province of Alberta.
My sincere thanks to Vet. Collinson for his ongoing support of the National Graves Program as well as to
Vet. Jack White for allowing me access to his historical files. Thank you again! I also want to
acknowledge the origins of this article taken from the Vegreville Observer.
A high tip of the Stetson to Reg.#664 Frank William Walter Fane of the NWMP!
New: July 1, 2009
- Canada Day
Maintain Our Memories
New: June 30, 2009
- Joseph Israel Coutu & Gorden Peter Coutu
Hi Joe;
Joseph Israel Coutu was my grandfather and Gorden Peter Coutu was my uncle. They are both buried in
Gatineau, Quebec at the Saint Jean Marie Vienney Cemetary.
Their grave markers can be seen by Googling 'Saint Jean Marie Vianney Cemetery'.
All you have to do is scroll down to the C's where you can click and see their markers.
Thank you for putting up this webpage.
Ann McGowan
Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#28715 former Cst. Eric H. Kuhn died June 29, 2009 at
Victoria, B.C.
Cst. Kuhn served from 1971 to 1988 in 'E' Div when he was invalided with M.S. He had been
sick for many years.
Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#18787 (Rtd) Sgt. J.A. Yvon Vanasse died June 26, 2009 at
Gatineau, Quebec.
Sgt. Vanasse served from 1954 to circa 1980 in 'J' 'O' and 'HQ' retiring from the Legal Section.
He was a Past President and a long time supporter of the Ottawa Vets Association.
New: June 29, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#42712 Cst. Kenneth John Haycock died June 18, 2009 at
Surrey, B.C.
Cst. Haycock served in the RCN, then in the Force from 1988 to his death in Marine Services.
In 2000 he was among the crew on the voyage of PV Nadon from Goose Bay to Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
In recent years he had been suffering cancer.
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#16717 former Cst. Frederick Edward 'Ted' Williams died
June 24, 2009 at Lower Sackville, N.S.
Cst. Williams served from 1950 to 1955 in 'B' Div.
New: June 28, 2009
- Financing the Force
In his Annual Report to the Honourable Stuart S. Garson, Q.C., M.P., Minister of Justice and
Minister in Control of the R.C.M.Police, the Commissioner addresses the issue of obtaining quality
materials and supplies for fair fare to the Force.
He says: "A total of 24 additional units of passenger cars and motorcycles were purchased at
an average net cost of $2,073.48 each...". Later, the Commissioner reports: "During the year
approximately 400 old typewriters were replaced, mostly in the Western Division." p.40.
In the early days of the Force, all administrative and crime reports were signed by their
author in a very particular fashion and the Annual Report of 1956 was no exception.
The Commissioner ends his Annual Report by signing: "I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant,
L. H. Nicholson, Commissioner".
Vets and slightly older Fossils will remember well this format for signing our reports!
Source: Annual Report of the RCMP 1956
- Good News Note
I am interested in having a picture of my husband's headstone included with his information.
Could you please tell me how to do this? My husband was Brian Andrew McCarthy Reg.#26839.
Also the name of the cemetery is not in his data -- it is Malcolm Cemetary, St. Patrick's RC
Church, Nelson-Miramichi, NB.
The web site is fantastic and I am going to tell all my family members to check it out.
Many thanks for all you hard work.
Isobel McCarthy
New: June 27, 2009
- A Page from an Infant Force
Reg.#o304, George Clift King, O.B.E. NWMP
Over the past week, several photos of Alberta graves have been sent in by Mr.
Reg. Keatley, Friend of the Force in Calgary.
The photo of George Clift King's grave stone deserves special mention.
The inscription on his marker says:
"Original member of the NWMP during the 1874 March
West (to Fort MacLeod). Member of 'F' Troop, founders of Fort Calgary amd the first to
stand on that site.
Calgary's Postmaster 1885 - 1921
Mayor of Calgary Nov. 1886 - Jan. 1888
Town Councillor - 1889, 1891, 1892
Businessman and civic promoter."
We appreciate all the kind support and research which we receive frequently from Mr. Reg. Keatley.
And, as we recall the memory of George Clift King we give him a high Tip of our Stetson!
New: June 26, 2009
- Reg.#13, S/M Thomas Horatio Lake - Golden, BC Graves
Hi All,
Having reviewed the NWMP personnel file of 135 pages on S/M Lake, Supt. Samuel
Benfield Steele's book draft "Fort Steele - It's Origin and Early Days"
which includes only a general burial location of S/M Lake and the information that
is provided as outlined below I now consider this matter CONCLUDED HERE:
Thank you Diane Wardle and Coleen Palumbo for your assistance, it is much
Barry Beaulac
Original Message -----
From: Wardle, Diane M RBCM:EX
To: beau45@telus.net
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 12:00 PM
Re: BC Archives Inquiry: Place of Burial - Thomas Horatio Lake
June 24, 2009
Barry Beaulac; Thank you for your inquiry.
I have done a search of our records and was only able to find the death
registration and coroner's inquiry for Thomas Lake.
Note: The vital events index lists the death under
Thomas H. Taite. I believe this just may be an error due to the handwriting on the
registration but it is definately for the right person due to other facts listed.
The place of burial is not stated on either record.
The death registration consists of one page and the coroners report consists of
6 pages.
I was unable to find any other references to either Thomas Lake or Thomas Taite
in our records. If you have not already done so, I suggest that you contact the
RCMP in Ottawa to see if they have any records dating back to 1887.
Diane Wardle, Royal British Columbia Museum
Victoria BC V8W 9W2 Phone: (250) 387-8847
New: June 25, 2009
- Reg.#14013 Frederick James Wheatley
Dear Joe;
Thank you for doing this website!
There's an error on my father's page -- his DOB is Aug 20, 1918 and his DOD is
Apr. 25, 2006, the months Aug and Apr are switched.
He is interred at the Hussar, AB Cemetary. I'd like to upload his RCMP picture.
Thanks again.
Marilyn Wheatley-Olsen
- Re: Mr. Annis Bassam Dahbar CM - RCMP Intelligence Analyst
Dear Joe;
What a great story! (See: June 23, 2009 below) - a story that should be shared by
all serving and non serving members.
We need to have a good story to dispel some of the stuff we get daily in the media
This is a real unsung hero who died far too young.
Yours truly,
Vet. Garth Hampson, Ottawa
New: June 24, 2009
- Farewell Friend and Fellow New Brunswicker
I was sad when I heard about the death of Governor General Romeo LeBlanc today.
I did not know him personally but I had the opportunity to be in his warm company on a
few occasions while I served wih the RCMP. I took particular pride that he too was from
New Brunswick.
This photo was taken at Notre Dame Cathedral in Ottawa, Ontario. It was October 17,
1997 and it marked my 40th anniversary of volunteer work and association with St. John
Ambulance. It was a memorable occasion in my life when Governor Gereral LeBlanc presented me
with the Order of St. John. In addition to thanking him during the photo, I also told
the Governor General that I was from New Brunswick -- his wit was quick and he gently
and quietly reminded me that: "It's important that we stick together!"
Other Canadians were also sad to hear of his death. Local NB resident
Bertille Demers spoke of what LeBlanc's appointment meant to francophones in New Brunswick,
"His appointment is a sign of pride for all Acadians."
"He's from down home, he's a good man and he's one of us - an Acadian," said Bernard
Gaudet of Saint-Joseph, N.B.
LeBlanc used his background to show how francophones outside Quebec can thrive
in Canada and how French and English can co-operate.
Source: The Canadian Press, June 24, 2009. (http://www.google.com/
Prime Minister Stephen Harper said: "I was deeply saddened to learn today of the death of
Roméo LeBlanc. Mr. LeBlanc was a passionate Canadian who served his country with distinction
and honour. As Canada's 25th Governor General since Confederation, and Canada's
first Acadian-born Governor General, he performed his duties with vigour and
conviction. He profoundly believed Canadians should know more about their own
extraordinary, everyday courage;..."
Source:cbcnews.ca June 24, 2009
Today, Canada has lost a warm and caring Canadian.
New: June 23, 2009
- Last Post by Vet. John Neily, A/Comm'r. (Ret'd)
Mr. Annis Bassam Dahbar (June 1974 to July 2005) was an RCMP CM Intelligence Analyst who
died suddenly in the summer of 2005
He was working with CID on the National Security side of the operation at that time
and I was the Director of CID.
He is of Christian faith and Lebanese by birth. He was very well educated with
post graduate degrees. His family are in Kuwait and Boston or were at that time. He
was the sole Canadian.
Mr. Dahbar had won a competition with the RCMP from DFAIT. He was only with us for
about three months. Post 9/11 he wanted to make a difference and as a new Canadian
had come to admire the Force. He set upon a mission to join the Force and he did.
In the short time he was with us his work was incredible and his insight and
vision ensured a more informed intelligence and operationally directed set of
At the time of his funeral, held at the Orthodox Catholic Church behind 'HQ' we
met his father and family. He is buried in Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa, ON
This young man was proud to be a member albeit not for long. We can say more.
Feel free to share this with whomever requires this information.
Yours truly,
John Neily, A/Comm'r. (Ret'd)
New: June 23 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#18059 Rtd S/Sgt Warren Henry ' Stuke' Wilson
died June 22, 2009 at Lloydminster.
S/Sgt. Wilson served from 1953 to 1977 in 'F' Div. He was father of two presently
serving members; Reg.#36852 Cpl Ken Wilson in 'K' & Reg.#37542 Cpl Lori Woods in
- RCMP Graves Website & National Database to Receive Ink!
This just received at Fort Healy!
Good morning Joe,
I'm a writer for The Frontline Perspective, the RCMP's Staff Relations Program's
I've visited your website and think it's very impressive. The amount of time and
energy that you've put into it is phenomenal.
(Photo right: Ms Laura Thompson)
We'd like to do an article to recognize you and your work and the work of the
volunteers on the RCMP Graves database for our SRRs Salute section in the fall 2009
Would there be a good time to contact you to talk about why you decided to take
on this challenge and the importance of it? Please let me know. I look forward to
speaking with you.
Writer and Communications Assistant, RCMP
Buffalo Joe replies:
Dear Laura;
Full credit for this work also goes to all our Vets, Members, Families and Friends of
the Force who support the website, contribute historical accounts, and stories very
worthy of remembering.
A feature article will appear in The Frontline Perspective
in the Fall, 2009!
New: June 22, 2009
- Retired Officer Reg.#O.484 Feeling Great!
Not long ago, friends and I had the opportunity to gather and dine
with retired RCMP Officer Reg.#O.484
Younger members of the Force and slightly older 'Force Fossils' will recognize
this recently taken photo of much loved and respected Commissioner Maurice Jean Nadon.
Commissioner Nadon said that he doesn't take a day off from a regular round of
sporting activities which keeps him 'young at heart'. Curling, regular outdoor
walks and out of town visitors keep Commissioner Nadon busy during the
winter months in Ottawa.
Summer months are spent at his cottage. His family, including a partial troop of
grandchildren, entertain and help him relax. He is an excellent carpenter which is very
apparent in his construction of his cottage.
Reg.#13863/O.484 Commissioner Nadon was born in Mattawa, Ontario. He joined the
Force on January 3, 1941 and he served in 'C', 'A', 'E', 'C', 'HQ', 'O', and 'HQ' Div. He
received his commission on May 1, 1958. Commissioner Nadon served as the
sixteenth Commissioner of the Force from December 29, 1973 until he retired on August 31, 1977.
I had the honour to host our dinner with Commissioner Nadon and I asked him to pose
for this picture. All Vets wish Commissioner Nadon good health and fond memories of
his service to Canada and to the Force.
I sincerely thank Vet. Jack White for his biographical background on Commissioner Nadon.
J. J. Healy
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#19393 former Cst 'Red' A. A. Bowen died
June 20, 2009 at St. Peters, N.S.
Cst. Bowen served from 1956 to 1970 in 'B' & 'H' Divs.
New: June 21, 2009
- Footprints of the Force - Maintain Our Memories
Memorial to Reg.#10982 Sgt. Louis Romeo Dubuc
A year ago RCMP Vet. Reg.#17023 Jack Hickman of Kingston, Ontario visited Ireland
where he found the final resting place of Sgt. L. R. Dubuc, RCMP Honour Roll #69.
After Jack's return to Canada, he contributed his research material which made
it possible for Sgt. Dubuc to be featured as our August (2008) Vet of the Month.
To review, on November 20, 1939, with the outbreak of World War II, Dubuc was temporarily
transferred from the RCMP to the Ferry Command of the R.C.A.F. to move aircraft across the Atlantic
to Great Britain.
On September 27, 1941 he left Canada, flying a new Hudson bomber, with two other crew.
They fought storms all the way over the Atlantic and then, low on fuel over Ireland,
faced dense fog. Attempting a landing at Dundalk, the aircraft struck some obstruction and crashed,
killing the three crew.
Today, we are very pleased to hear again from Vet. Jack Hickman who wrote: "Sgt. Dubuc
is buried in the Catholic Cemetery in Newry, Northern Ireland.
Just to step back a bit, during the Grave Inspections Program carried out in "O"
Division, our Vets started placing miniature Division colours (flags) on the various
graves. This practice was apparently initiated by a former CO of "O" Division, who provided
the flags.
Eariler this year, I visited Newry again and I took the opportunity to place a flag
on Sgt. Dubuc's grave.
My cousin has said that he will check periodically, and if the flag becomes
tattered or torn, or otherwise not appropriate, he will remove it.
I feel that the flag is a trivial gesture, but it will give some connection to Sgt.
Dubuc's association with the Force."
Yours truly,
Jack Hickman
Kingston, ON
Buffalo Joe adds:
Dear Jack; Thank you! What a wonderful and memorable act of generosity on your
part to revisit the resting place of our Vet. Sgt. Dubuc!
Our Vets are appreciative. You've gone beyond what was expected! Our
website motto: 'Maintain Our Memories' has been fulfilled!
Vet. Jack White has provided us with the historical background on Sgt. Dubuc. I
thank him also for his research contribution.
New: June 20, 2009
- A Page from an Infant Force - the NWMP
Former NWMP Reg.#5365 Constable Frank Moult Bostock joined the NWMP on May 25, 1912 and he
left the Force soon after on October 2, 1912. He turned to mining but he was among
the 180 miners who were killed in the Hillcrest, Alberta Mining Disaster.
Cst. Bostock's name is mentioned on the Memorial (right) at Hillcrest, AB. As well, his name is
identified on a plaque (below) which sits on a divider that infers that Bostock is also
buried behind the Memorial at Hillcrest.
In some cases where there are these plaques (on dividers) there are also headstones behind them
however, in Bostock's case there is nothing behind it except prairie grass.
I'd like to thank Vet. AJH 'Joe' Collinson for the photos of the Hillcrest Mining
Disaster Memorial.
I also thank Vet. Jack White for the biographical research data on
Cst. Bostock. Pax
It's another Page from an Infant Force.
New: June 19 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#17991 (Rtd) S/Sgt Paul Douglas Wendt died
June 19, 2009 at Ottawa.
S/Sgt. Wendt served from 1952 to 1979 in 'A' & 'HQ' Divs.
- Maintain our Memories - Reg.#20217 Cpl. Mike Snihor
Alan McLaughlan was kind to contribute a photo of Cpl. Snihor's grave.
Research by Vet. Jack White reveals that Cpl. Snihor was born on October 25, 1938 at
Wandering River, Alberta. He joined the Force on October 17, 1957 and Cpl. Snihor
served in 'D', 'G', 'M' & 'D' Div. He retired on May 8, 1987.
Cpl. Snihor died on June 13, 2004 and he is buried in the Thompson Municipal Cemetery.
*Thanks Alan for Cpl. Snihor's photo and for your support of the Grave Location & Maintenance Program.
Reg.#2323 E. J.'Klondike' Ward - from Constable to Millionaire
Cst. Ward enlisted on August 1, 1889 at Regina and he was discharged June 11, 1894. He
re-enlisted August 1, 1895 for an additional 2 years. He was discharged July 31, 1897 having
served 2 years plus 289 days. His salary was .50 cents per day until he 'struck pay dirt'.
After leaving the NWMP, Cst. Ward remained in Dawson and joined the Klondike Gold Rush.
He eventually returned to Kentville, Nova Scotia with a fortune. He built a huge mansion (shown here)
plus 2 commercial stores and at least a dozen other houses.
Cst. Ward built his mansion around 1905 at a cost of over $100,000. The "Ward's Mansion"
was damaged by fire in 1965 and the second floor is now gone.
Many years ago, my mother attended a party at the house and described a large
indoor balcony, etc.
I got this photo from a local man who, as a young boy, had been to the house many
times. He took this snap when the house burned in 1965.
Yours truly,
Dick Pulsifer
Friend of the Force
Nova Scotia
New: June 18, 2009
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#16095 former Cst. David Chartres Rivers
died June 14, 2009 at Georgetown, Ontario.
Cst. Rivers served during WWII in the Winnipeg Rifles then in the Force from 1950
to 1962 in 'D' Div. He was Life Member of Ottawa Div. Vets.
- Last Post
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#23500 (Rtd) Sgt. David Donaldson Miller
died June 11, 2009 at Abbotsford, B.C. from a bee or wasp sting.
Sgt. Miller served from 1964 to 1988 in 'F' 'HQ' & 'D' Divs. He retired from
Neepawa Detachment. He then moved to BC and worked at North Vancouver Det, then
Surrey Det. as a Reader, a CPIC auditor and in Court Liaison until 2001.
- Memorial to Reg.#12572 Cst. Peter Seddon Oliver
RCMP Honour Roll #72
This is a very special contribution and memorial to Cst. Oliver by Vet. Reg.#33934
Murray Adair who recently travelled to France.
Murray Adair says: "I was at the Dieppe Canadian War Cemetary at Hautot-sur-Mer
(Dieppe), France on June 7th 2009.
I had done some research prior to heading to France and I was able to locate the
grave of Cst. Peter Seddon Oliver, Reg.#12572.
Cst. Oliver joined the Force in 1935. He was also one of the first to join the
No. 1 Provost Company in 1939.
He was killed at Dieppe, France during the Dieppe Raid on August 19th 1942 and he
is listed as Number 72 in the RCMP's Honour Roll.
The precise location of Cst. Oliver's grave is in the Dieppe Canadian War Cemetery
at Row L, #3. His headstone notes he was with the No. 1 Provost Corps, however at the
Dieppe Canadian Museum he is listed as being with the No. 2 Provost Corps."
Murray concludes by saying:"I've attached a couple pictures and as I was leaving
I left behind an RCMP cap badge and a Horse & Rider pin.
Yours truly,
Murray Adair
Toronto's Vet. Jack O'Reilly adds an additonal touch of history, "...Nice touch Murray. I can
see the top of the cap badge at the bottom on the marker. Appears to be a Canadian
"Poppy" quarter on the top of the marker as well.
You are probable aware that Cst. Oliver was the son of Reg.#881 S/Sgt George
Oliver who served in the NWMP from April 1883 to Aug 1892. There is no information
on where or when his father died.
Vet. Jack O'Reilly, 'O' Div.
Our appreciation goes out to Vets Murray Adair and Jack O'Reilly for recalling
the service to Canada by Cst. Oliver as well as reminding us of his tragic death at
Dieppe. Pax
New: June 17, 2009
New: June 16, 2009
- Footprints of the Force
Toronto Vet Jack O'Reilly attended the 2009 Annual General Meeting
(AGM) in Whitehorse. During the conference, Jack found time to conduct some research
on graves of our deceased members.
Jack reports: "The Pioneer Cemetery was established in 1900 and
closed in 1965. It was originally know as the 6th Avenue Cemetery
but was renamed the Pioneer Cemetery in 1975. It is estimated that
800 people are buried there.
I visited the Pioneer Cemetery while at the AGM and found 4 graves
with RCMP markers. All 4 graves were very close to each other."
One of the graves which Jack photographed in Pioneer Cemeetery was that
of Reg.#15104 Lenard Elaf Nordstrom.
According to Vet Jack White, Cst. Nordstrom joined the RCMP
61 years ago yesterday (on June 15, 1948). He accidently drowned on
June 24, 1950.
Reporting on the accident, Jack White says that "[Cst. Nordstrom]
...[W]ith 2 other members bringing raft across channel with firewood
for a beach roast, seized with cramps and went down before others
could assist in the icy water."
I wish to thank Jack O'Reilly for sending the photographs of
members graves which he found in the Prioneer Cemetery and for providing
them to me. Thanks also to Jack White for his career data on Cst.
We tip our Stetson to Cst. Nordstrom and recall the unfortunate
circumstances which lead to his death. He was 23 years of age. Pax
New: June 15, 2009
- A Page From an Infant Force: The NWMP
According to research by Vet Jack White, NWMP Reg.#635 David Latimer Cowan
joined the Force on April 4, 1882.
On April 15, 1885, Cst. Cowan was killed in action when he was shot by Indians while
performing his duties as a Scout out of Fort Pitt.
The photo here is a Commemorative Marker in Cst. Cowan's name. It is situated near the site of the Frog Lake
Massacre, Frog Lake, SK.
Cst. Cowan is Number 9 on the RCMP's Honour Roll.
New: June 14, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#15279 (Rtd) S/Sgt John W.
Lukash died June 13, 2009 at Aylmer, Ontario.
S/Sgt. Lukash served from 1947 to 1967 in 'G' 'O' 'N' & Depot Divs.
He was a life member of London Div Vets. His brother, Reg.#25167
Cst Orest Lukash, also served, as did two nephews.
New: June 13, 2009
- Footprints of the Force
Three senior members of the Force (front row) have passed away since this
photo was taken in 1969.
Reg.#0.622 Insp. (later Supt.) 'Johnny' Morrison 'E' Div. Traffic Officer
passed away in Victoria, BC in 1999.
Reg.#0.483 A/Comm'r G.C. Cunningham (CO 'E'Div.) died in 2002.
Reg.# 16469 S/Sgt. Edward William Dunk died in 1990.
Another pal, Reg.#24522 Sgt. R.E. (Ralph) Mohr (rear row) passed away in 2004.
Ralph was posted with me at Maple Ridge Det. from 1967 to 1970.
'E' Division Traffic Course - Victoria, BC - 1969
New: June 12, 2009
- Memorial to Reg.#31502 Cst. Norman Harry Atkins - 'J' Div.
Introduction: Cst. N.H. Atkins joined the Force on May 15, 1974. He died
while performing his police duties on RCMP Highway Patrol on July 8,
1995. Accidents are undoubtedly reduced and lives are saved primarily
because of the visibility, devotion and enforcement provided by our Highway
Patrol Units to which Cst. Atkins proudly belonged.
Our thanks to RCMP member Peter Vail who sent in the obituary
of Cst. Atkins which appeared in the Saint John, NB Telegraph Journal
in July 1995.
"An RCMP officer on his second shift with the Westfield Detachment
was killed when his police cruiser struck a moose on the Saturday night
of July 8.
Cst. Norman Harry Atkins of Saint John West, was an 18-year veteran
of the RCMP who had just been transferred to the Westfield Detachment
from his former posting in Saint Andrews, NB.
While on routine highway patrol at about 10:30 pm, Cst. Atkins'
car hit a moose on Highway 7 near Finnegan's Hill. No other vehicles
were involved in the accident and Cst. Atkins was alone in his car.
Staff Sgt. Hart Eichman of the Westfield Detachment said at the
time, about six or seven accidents caused by animals had happened
on the same stretch of highway where Cst. Atkins was killed.
Before being transferred to the Westfield RCMP, the Saint John, NB
native worked on the Saint Andrews detachment for 2 1/2 years.
He also served with the RCMP in British Columbia and the New Brunswick
Highway Patrol.
Cpl. Rinie Plomp of the Saint Andrews [Det.] said that Cst.
Atkins was a police officer who knew that people were more important
than paperwork. "He was probably the best example of a guy who
practiced community-based policing on a day-to-day basis". Cst. Atkins expertise was in analyzing accidents and his real
passion was in doing highway patrol.
Cpl. Plomp said he was an excellent driver who had just completed
an advanced driver-training course. "It was no secret that he really wanted to get back to his
highway patrol duties," said Cpl. Plomp. "He was looking forward
to going to Westfield." He described Cst. Atkins as a model father
and a devoted family man.
Cst. Atkins was survived by his wife Jill, and two daughters
ages 7 and 11; and his parent and other relatives in the Saint John
Cst. Atkins is buried at Harding's Point, Saint John, NB
Source: The Telegraph Journal: July 1995
RCMP member Peter Vail of 'J' Div. adds the following:
"I remember this [accident] clearly as I was working in Sussex
at the time. Cst. Atkins' funeral was in Saint John.
Cst. Atkins is not listed in the RCMP Honour Roll nor the
Canadian Police Officer's Memorial and I believe that this is a
travesty that must be rectified. ...The fact that he is not
in the Honour Roll disturbs me.
He is listed on the New Brunswick Peace Officer’s Memorial
from which I obtained his information." Peter Vail
*My thanks to Peter Vail and also to Vet Jack White for providing
the details on Cst. Atkins' career.
**SOTOHP = 'Stetsons Off To Our Highway Patrols'. JJHealy
New: June 11, 2009
- Reg.#32 Sgt. James Colvin - A Founder of Calgary, Alberta
Very worthwhile progress has been made to the collection of
photos of grave sites and about 500 photos have recently been
entered into the National Graves databank.
One particular photo is that of NWMP Reg.#32 Sgt. James Colvin's grave
which was contributed by Friend of the Force Mr. Reg Keatley.
According to Historian & Vet. Jack White, Sgt. Colvin was one of the
early builders of Fort Calgary.
Sgt. Colvin was born on December 12, 1846 in Aberdeen, Scotland
and he joined the NWMP on May 9, 1875. He died on June 1, 1885 at the
age of 39 years.
Sgt. Colvin is buried in Union Cemetery, Calgary which is also the
final resting place of about 100 NWMP.
We pause to reflect on the great contributions to Canada by
the early members of the NWMP. One of those special members was Sgt. James
We tip our Stetsons to Sgt. Colvin and the NWMP!
New: June 10, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#12001 / O.375 D/Comm'r.
William Henry Kelly (Rtd) died June 6, 2009 at Ottawa, Ontario.
Deputy Comm'r. Kelly served from 1933 to 1970 in "F", "O", "HQ" "J",
"A" and "HQ" as well as overseas duties. He was an author of several
books and a Life Member of Ottawa Division Veterans.
The photo below was taken in front of the Justice Building in Ottawa
in June 1941 -- Canadian Police College Class #7.
The Class members are (left to right, front row):A/Cpl.W.Barratt,
Cst. W.H.Kelly, Cst.D.W.W. Mascall, A/Cpl. R.L. Crawford, Cst.
W.J.Lawrence, A/Cpl.K.A.A. Thivierge, A/Cpl.J.A. Turgeon, A/Cpl.
W.D.B. Munton.
Left to right, center row:A/Cpl.C.F.Deakin, Cst.R.J.Hebert
Cst.L.E.Roach, A/Cpl.R.J.Kent, Cst. J.N.Gallagher, Cst. W. Swindell, Cst. J. Batza.
Left to right, rear row: Patrol Sgt.A.E. Lee, Det.Sgt.J.R.Semple,
Det.J.A. Matte, Cst.B.O.Simmonds, Det.J.A.Cavan.
Photo Source: on loan from Mr. Reg Keatley, Friend of the Force, Calgary
Alberta and the Wm. H. Kelly, D/Comm'r. (RTD)., Collection. Ottawa,Ontario
Obituary: The Ottawa Citizen. June 10, 2009
Kelly, William H. Rtd. Deputy-Commissioner, RCMP.
Peacefully at the Montfort Hospital on Saturday June 6, 2009.
Predeceased in 2005 by Nora his beloved wife for 65 years.
Bill was born on May 8, 1911 in Wales and came to Canada in 1928.
In 1933 he joined the RCMP and spent the next six years in various
detachments in Saskatchewan. From there he accepted a variety of
assignments with the RCMP in Canada and abroad culminating in his
appointment as Deputy-Commissioner in 1967, a position he held
until his retirement in 1970.
Along the way he served as the RCMP representative to Interpol
(1952-53) and to the NATO Security Committee (1959-1963) acting as
Chairman in his final year.
Bill in his retirement, with the able assistance of Nora,
turned his considerable energy to writing many books on policing,
on various aspects of the history of the RCMP and two recounting
his own experiences while serving in Saskatchewan in the 1930's
and during the Second World War in Toronto.
Enthusiastic supporters of the arts and the community Bill and Nora
made many friends and enjoyed a wonderful retirement together.
Friends may visit at the Central Chapel of Hulse, Playfair & McGarry
315 McLeod Street, Thursday June 11, 2009 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.
A service to celebrate his life will be held in the Chapel on
Friday June 12, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. followed by a reception in the
McGarry Family Reception Centre.
Interment Beechwood Cemetary at a later date. In lieu of flowers a
donation to the charity of your choice would be appreciated.
Below: Canadian Police College, Otawa, Class #7 - June 6. 1941
Photo Source: on loan from Mr. Reg Keatley, Friend of the Force, Calgary
Alberta and the Wm. H. Kelly, D/Comm'r. (RTD)., Collection. Ottawa,Ontario
*Cst. W. H. Kelly - standing, far right, second row.
To Reg.#12001 Good-bye, old friend.
Reg.#23685 J.J. Healy
New: June 9, 2009
- Vets visit Reg.#33631 'Mike' Buday Memorial:Honour Roll #177
Dog Master Constable Mike Buday was born at Brooks, Alberta
and he joined the Force on October 5, 1976.
On March 19, 1985 he was killed by a fugitive near Teslin Lake, British Columbia.
Not long ago, Alberta Vet AJH 'Joe' Collinson and some friends
visited Mike's Memorial.
Cst. Buday is buried in his hometown of Brooks, Alberta.
Cst. Buday's partner Police Service Dog 'Trooper' is buried at the Police Dog Training Centre
at Innisfail, Alberta.
Our thanks to you Joe and to your friends for visiting Cst. Mike
Buday -- we have lost two memorable RCMP friends and 'Troopers'!
New: June 8, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#24127 (Rtd) Cpl. Robert
Harold Montague died June 5th, 2009 at Wetaskiwin, Alberta.
Cpl. Montague served from 1965 to 1989 in 'K' Div. Cremation is
planned for Cpl. Montague with remains to Wetaskiwin Cemetery.
New: June 7, 2009
- Request for Information
Good day Sir,
I'll try to make this short as possible. I would like some help
of searching for a constable of the RCMP in the early 1970's (72-73)
His name is (... )(.......), I believe he was working in the
Saguenay QC area around 1972.
Today he would be roughly 65 years old. He would be my biological
father, since I was adopted in 1973.
If you cannot help me because of some privacy act, I understand. So any kind of help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Benoit Villeneuve
Buffalo Joe replies:
Cher Benoit,
A search of our National deceased database reveals no one by the
name which you provided -- and I have not published his name for privacy reasons..
I am sorry that I cannot be of more help.
However, you may wish to write for more assistance to: The RCMP
Commissioner, 1200 Vanier Parkway, Ottawa, Ontario. K1A OR2
Yours truly
New: June 5, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that C/M Harvey D. Winters died
June 3rd, 2009 at Truro, N.S.
CM Winters served 15 years in the C.A.F., then from 1969 to 1981
as ETEC with Truro Telecoms.
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#24485 (Rtd) Sgt James Thomas
Kapusa died June 4, 2009 at Peterborough, Ont.
Sgt. Kapusa served from 1966 to 1996 in 'O' Div.
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#20034 (Rtd) Sgt. Hugh D.E.
Godwin died May 28, 2009 at Victoria, B.C.
Sgt. Goodwin served from 1957 to 1982 in 'F' Div.
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#15899 / O.599 A/Commr Tom Alfred
Martin Headrick (Rtd) died June 4, 2009 at Ottawa, Ont.
A/Comm'r Headrick served from 1949 to 1984 in 'F' 'HQ' 'J' & 'HQ'
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#16666 Rtd S/S/M George F.
Kent died June 4, 2009 at Chilliwack, B.C.
S/S/M Kent served in the BCPP as Reg.#1067 and then in the
Force from 1950 to 1973 in 'E' Div, retiring as Chilliwack Sub-Div.
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#15238 Rtd Sgt George
Lindsay Richardson died May 26, 2009 at Kelowna, B.C.
Sgt. Richardson served from 1947 to 1967 in 'K' Div.
New: June 4, 2009
- Database Renewal
Technical problems have been overcome so that individual photos of
graves can now be integrated into the database and into the individual
file of each deceased member.
Presently, over 300 photos have been included into the database with
hundreds more to be uploaded in the coming weeks.
A hugh thank you to everyone who has sent photos of graves!
J.J. Healy
New: June 3, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#21177 (Rtd) S/Sgt Gerald
Harvey Colborne died May 30, 2009 at Burlington, Ontario.
S/Sgt. Colborne served from 1959 to 1984 in 'K' 'H' & 'O', then
transferred to CSIS.
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#14625 (Rtd) S/Sgt Frank
Harry Carron died May 30, 2009 at Ottawa, Ont.
S/Sgt. Carron served from 1946 to 1966 in 'E' 'K' & 'H' Divs.
- Search for Grandfather
Buffalo Joe:
Hi. My grandfather Alfred Silk was in the Royal Mounted Police
way back, perhaps in the 1920\'s, 1930\'s or 1940\'s.
Can you locate any information on him. He went to Canada in or
around 1911/12. He was around 21 years of age then. I am not sure
when he became a mounted policeman? Any infromation would be terrific.
Kind regards
PS: I will find out his birth date for you.
Buffalo Joe replies:
Dear Peter,
I’m sorry, but we have no record of Alfred Silk in our National
Graves Database. I'll continue other avenues to search and you will hear
from me again.
Yours truly
Joe in Canada
*A note has been sent to Mr. Silk advising him that our records
do not show his grandfather ever serving in the Force.
New: June 2, 2009
- Search for Brother: Reg.#27696 Peter Charles Oates
Buffalo Joe:
The above noted member is my younger brother. I did a search in
the RCMP National Graves database, but there is no grave location in his Profile.
His sons were going to have his remains brought back from Honduras
and grant his last wish, which was to be buried at R.C.M.P. 'Depot'
in Regina where he once was an Instructor. He died on May 24, 2005.
I have lost touch with his sons and would like to visit his
grave before I pass away.
Could you confirm whether or not he is interned at Regina's 'Depot'?
Thomas "Patrick" Denis Oates
Buffalo Joe replies:
Dear Patrick,
I’m sorry, but we have no record of Peter Oates being buried at
'Depot'...unless the burial was very recent.
Our records show he is in Honduras.
I need your help and that of your relatives to confirm that
he’s in Honduras.
Please keep in touch and I’ll help you as best I can. By the way,
what was he doing there?
Yours truly,
Dear Joe;
Peter was retired and living in Honduras, that's all I know.
I will advise you of any news when I receive any.
Patrick Oates
New: June 1, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#22888 former Cst Claude V.
"Army" Armstrong died June 1, 2009 at Saint John, NB.
Cst. Armstrong served from 1962 to 1966 in 'J' Div. He was a Life
Member of New Brunswick Div. Vets.
- Reg.#16913 Sgt. James Albert Smith
Dear Joe;
I have attached a photo of a good man. Jim [Smith] and his wife
Ella ran a little grocery store in Endeavour SK for many years. He
is buried in the Rockford Community Cemetery which is about 14 miles
west of Endeavour.
I hope the picture is good. If you wish I could probably take a
bit better photo and forward it onto you. Let me know, it would be
my honour.
Kevin Galbraith
Friend of the Force
Yorkton, SK
Buffalo Joe replies:
Dear Kevin,
I want you to know that I appreciated your note and that I’ve
been able to post Sgt. Smith’s grave stone pic but with your help.
If you now go to the database and key in his name or
Reg. # 16913, you will see his picture. Today as well, I have added
your name under the ‘Thanks’ column but you won’t see it until I
upload the new pictures. I’ll be doing the new upload later this week.
Once again, thank you very much for helping me.
#23685 (retired)
New: May 29, 2009
- Last Post:
Jack White notifies us that Reg.#15477 / O.736 Supt Robert Bruce Gavin (Rtd) died
May 28, 2009 at Ottawa.
Supt. Gavin served from 1948 to 1983 in 'A' 'G' & 'HQ', retiring from Security Service.
- Regimental Grave Markers
Dear Joe,
My father, Gary Boyd Blake of Golden Lake, Ontario passed away April 29,2009.
He was a retired member with 28 years service in the Force. I live in Ottawa and I'm trying to
track down a contact to get an RCMP grave marker for his cemetary plot in Golden Lake. Any
help would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Ron Blake
Buffalo Joe replies: I called Mr Blake and provided him with contacts for the purchase
of a Regimental Grave Marker.
New: May 28, 2009
- A Page From an Infant Force: The NWMP
"The 1873-1884 men, the "Originals", were a representative crowd. A
record of the place of origin of each man is available for 245 of the first
300 men engaged.
Of this lot 167 were Canadians, 43 hailed from Great Britain, 20 from Ireland,
1 from the Channel Islands, 1 from Jamaica, and 1 from the United States. Europe was represented
with 4 men from France, 1 from Germany and 1 from Bohemii.
The occupations of the 1873 men were just as varied. Of the first 150
recruits 46 described themselves as "Clerks"; 39 had trades; 9 were
soldiers by profession, with a like number of farmers ; there were '4 telegraph
operators and 2 sailors. The remaining 39 offered a wide variety of
experience,including professors,planters, gardeners, students, lumbermen,
surveyors and 1 bartender."
This is A Page from an Infant Force: The North West Mounted Police (NWMP)
Source: With permission of RCMP. The first edition of The Quarterly, Vol 1
(1), July 1933, p.25
New: May 26, 2009
- Last Post:
Jack White notifies us that Reg.#22737 (Rtd) Sgt. Wayne G. Hankey died May 26, 2009
of an apparent heart attack at Port Coquitlam, B.C.
Sgt. Hankey served from 1962 to 1997 in 'E' Div.
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#18690 (Rtd) Sgt James E. Munro died May 23, 2009
at Spruce Grove, Alberta.
Sgt. Munro served from 1954 to 1979 in 'K' Div.
New: May 25, 2009
- Last Post:
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#44770 Sgt Joseph Roger Daniel Cote died May 22,
2009 of cancer at Ottawa, Ontario.
Sgt. Cote served from 1990 and was posted to 'HQ' at time of his passing.
New: May 23, 2009
- Last Post:
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#19994 former 2/Cst Russell Emile Giblak died May 20, 2009
at Edmonton, Alberta.
Cst. Giblak served from 1957 to 1959 in 'E' Div. He is buried at the St.Peter and
Paul Russo Orthodox Cemetery in Chahorn, AB.
His brother, Reg.#20954, Rob Giblak, served at Penticton Detachment.
New: May 22, 2009
*Footprints of the Force
Reg.#11462, John Nicholson Cawsey was born on October 23, 1889 in Halifax,
NS. He engaged in the RCMP on April 1, 1932.
Prior to his engagement with the Force, Cawsey was a member of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (C.E.F.)
from July 7, 1915 until February 5, 1916. He joined the Alberta Provincial Police (APP) on February 15, 1917
and remained with the APP until March 31, 1932 when it was absorbed by the Force. His APP Reg.# was 6.
In 1933 Sgt. Cawsey became interested in the use of dogs in police work. He purchased a German Shephard
dog named "Dale" which was trained by Captain Harwich and used him successfully in a number
of cases between 1933 and 1935H.
In 1935, the Force bought the dog and Reg.#11626 Cst. JND Thurston became the first
official Dog Master. Sergeant Cawsey meanwhile pioneered the use of police dogs in the Force.
In 1938, Sgt. Cawsey was appointed In/Charge of the Force's first Dog Training School at Calgary, AB.
'Dale' was sold the same year to the Force as the first official Police Service Dog (PSD).
Sgt. Cawley retired on February 13, 1944. He died on March 31, 1964 and he is buried in
Union Cemetery, Calgary AB.
It's from a page in our history!
All my thanks go out to to Geoff Ott, RCMP History Archives Analyst for his help with
the research on Sgt. Cawsey.
New: May 21, 2009
- Reg.#2323, Cst. Everett John WARD, NWMP
Dear Joe;
I have been doing research on Cst. E J Ward, NWMP. He was from Kentville, NS and was one of the
first 19 members that went to the Yukon, under the command of Insp. Constantine.
I see no reference to this member on your website -- probably because he died years after his
discharge from the Force and his family may not have informed the Force of his death.
Cst. Ward died at Kentville, Nova Scotia on November 3, 1934.
He is buried in the Oak Grove
Cemetery, Main Street, Kentville, NS. I visited his grave on April 26, 2009. His headstone is in
excellent condition but the concrete base is badly deteriorated --- to the point that the headstone
will likely soon collapse.
It was an experience to stand beside his grave and I thought of the hardships those first
members faced when they opened the first post in the Yukon. I also found it to be a sad situation
that his grave makes no reference to the NWMPolice?
Cst. Ward enlisted on August 1, 1889 at Regina and he was discharged June 11, 1894. He
re-enlisted August 1, 1895 for an additional 2 years. He was discharged July 31, 1897.
His records state that he actually served 2 years plus 289 days
After leaving the NWMP, he remained in Dawson and joined the Klondike Gold Rush, along with his wife,
a sister and 3 brothers. Cst. Ward eventually returned to Kentville with a fortune. He built a huge mansion, 2 commercial
stores and at least a dozen houses. Quite a change from a constables salary of .50 cents a day?
Yours truly,
Dick Pulsifer
Friend of the Force
Nova Scotia
Dear Mr. Pulsifer
I begin by thanking you for your research and the photo of Cst. Ward's grave. I also share your
sentiments about the difficulties which these early pioneer members or 'infants of the Force' must have
faced about the time of Cst. Ward's career.
I have notified the RCMP Vets in Halifax about the poor condition of the cement base and the need
of repairs...I'm confident they will take the necessary action to care for it.
I hope we remain in touch. Once again, thank you for your kindness to me
Buffalo Joe
New: May 20, 2009
- Last Post:
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#18398 (Rtd) S/Sgt J.R.J. Paul Henry Sauve died May 2, 2009
at Laval, Quebec.
S/Sgt. Sauve served from 1953 to 1980 in 'C' Div.
New: May 19, 2009
*Footprints of the Force
In this photo, Reg.#17772 (0.846) Emile Joseph Beaulieu is the member on the left. He was born
in Humbolt, SK on December 22, 1930 and he joined the Force in 1952. The photo was taken about 1956
and before he purchased to get married.
After rejoing the Force, Beaulieu served in 'E', 'O', 'HQ', and 'K' Div. In 1989, he retired
as OC Lethbridge Sub/Div. He died in Chilliwack, BC on December 24, 2008.
Readers can try to identify the other member? Clue: He was a 2/Cst. and i/c of a 6 man Motorcycle Detail,
at least that's what it says on a piece of official correspondence held by our mystery member!
New: May 18, 2009
- Page From an Infant Force - The North West Mounted Police (NWMP
This member of the North West Mounted Police (NWMP) was born in Ireland in 1846. Prior to joining the NWMP, he served for thirteen years
in the Royal Irish Constabulary.
We know that on July 6, 1874 he served in C Division on the March West under the command of Reg.#O.5 Insp. WINDER and
in 1885 he was a Sergeant-Major at the start of the Riel Rebellion.
Our NWMP member Died While Serving (DWS) on October 24, 1890 in a NWMP hospital.
He has two Regimental Numbers (#o282B) & Reg.#27.
His name is S/Sgt. M.J. (Mike) Kirk. He is buried in an unmarked grave in the Mounted Police Cemetery in North Battleford, SK.
Source and Appreciation: Research kindly provided by Vet Jack White and Mr. Reg. Keatley, Friend
of the Force.
New: May 17, 2009
- Last Post:
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#17713 (Rtd) S/Sgt. William Hugh Dustan died May 14, 2009 at
Calgary, Alberta.
S/Sgt. Dustan served from 1952 to 1976 in 'K' 'O' 'HQ' & 'K' Divs.
- Last Post:
Vet. Jack White notifies us that Reg.#25666 (Rtd) Cpl. Gary E. Williams died May 7, 2009 of
Multiple Slerosis at Surrey, B.C.
Cpl. Williams served from 1967 to 1999 in 'E' Div.
New: May 16, 2009
- Last Post:
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#16526 / O.702 Supt. Donald Neil Brown (Rtd) died May 16, 2009
at Burnaby, B.C.
Supt. Brown served in the Canadian Army during WWII, then in the BC Provincial Police as Reg.#1149.
He also served in the Force from the takeover 1950 to 1976 in 'E' & 'HQ' Crime Detection Laboratories (CDL)
as a handwriting expert in Regina & retired as OIC Vancouver CDL.
Supt. Brown authored a book on the subject of handwriting:"Your Questions but my Answers".
Three brothers also served in the Force; Reg.# 14239 Cst. P. Brown, Reg,#14923 Cst. K.D. Brown
& Reg.#16829 S/Sgt K.C. Brown.
New: May 15, 2009
- Last Post:
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#14426 former 3/Cst Chet V. Nordin died May 14, 2009 at
Summerland, B.C.
Cst. Nordin served from 1942 to 1944 in 'D' & 'K' Divs. From 1944 to 1946, he served in the Canadian Army
Provost Corps.
New: May 14, 2009
- Reg.#9902, Cpl. James Cullen
Dear Joe;
Having recently used your database of former RCMP members, I noted that you did not have the
burial place of James Cullen. I have recently obtained a copy of his obituary and his burial
place is given as Hillcrest Memorial Gardens, Sackville, Halifax. Perhaps you could use this information
to update your database?
"James Cullen, 75, of Halifax, died Saturday at Camp Hill Hospital, after a long illness.
After joining the Canadian Army, he served overseas during World War One with 64th
Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force.
Returning to Halifax, Mr. Cullen joined the RCMP with whom he served for 23 years until his
retirement as a corporal in 1946.
The body is at Cruikshank's Funeral Home, Robie Street, where service will be held Tuesday
at 2 p.m. Interment will be in Hillcrest Memorial Gardens, Sackville."
Source: Halifax Chronicle-Herald: Monday, 12 September 1966, p. 22
Yours truly,
Peter Jenkins
Dear Peter;
Thanks for your note which is appreciated. I have added your research on Cpl. Cullen to our
A tip of the Stetson to Cpl. Cullen!
New: May 13, 2009
- Footprints of the Force
Erik Nielsen, a former deputy prime minister in Brian Mulroney's Conservative government and
elder brother of comic Leslie Nielsen, died at his home in Kelowna on September 5, 2008
at age 84.
Mr. Nielsen's father was Reg.#8098, Cst. Ingvard Everson Nielsen who served from June 25, 1919
to March 31, 1945 (with a break).
Ingvard E. Nielsen served one year in the 79th Battery, Canadian Expeditionary Force (C.E.F.),
World War I. He then joined the RNWMP June 25, 1919 and served briefly in ‘D' Division,
Manitoba. He left for the Alberta Provincial Police (APP) returning to the RCMP with the
takeover of the APP in 1932. He then served in ‘K' Div., ‘G' Div. Edmonton, Alberta and finally
'H' Div. Nova Scotia. He retired from Halifax as Constable on March 31, 1945.
Nielsen Residence, Thorhild, Alberta, a former RCMP detachment office was named in honour of
Constable Ingvard Eveson Nielsen, RNWMP & RCMP. He had been posted to Thorhild Detachment from
1936 until 1939 and lived in this building. I.E. Neilsen died July 2, 1975 at Fountain Valley,
Thorhild Detachment was closed on June 30th, 1951 and later became a Bed and Breakfast. It is
presently a privately owned residence and is locally known as the Nielsen residence.
Cst. I. Nielsen had three sons; Erik who was a Member of Parliament for 30 years, Leslie,
a Hollywood film actor and Gordon a former member of the Vancouver City Police (VCP).
New: May 12, 2009
- A Page in Our History
Reg.#23100, S/Sgt. J. W. (Jim) Couse was born in Halifax, NS on April 1, 1941. Over
the years, Jim was posted to 'L' Div., 'Depot' Div. and 'H' Div. He died in Dartmouth,
NS on October 31, 2006 and he is buried in Nova Scotia.
I knew Jim as a friend in 'L' Div. during the early 1970's as well as in 'Depot' Div where he taught in the Law Unit.
In 1967, with a score of 190, Jim Couse was the best rifle shot in the Force and was qualified
to wear cross rifles surmounted by a five point star!
It's a Page in our History
Source: Report of the RCMP: Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1968. p. 50
New: May 11, 2009
Reg.#10271, W. Corkery & Reg.#12170, W. Le Muesurier
Dear Joe;
I was on duty at the Arnprior Archives recently, and as they sort of trace local burials, I was
able to find additional info in our Archives.
Reg.#10271 William Corkery is buried in the Almonte Cemetery in Plot E129, Grave 1217.
According to the cemetery index there is an "RCMP Crest" on the stone.
Reg.#12170 Watson Le Muesurier was the Anglican priest in Galleta, Ontario at the time of his death.
The obit in the Arnprior paper says that the burial service was local but that the body was
shipped to "St. Stephen's Cemetery, Bathurst" for burial.
There are two Bathursts in Canada. The best known is in N.B.
The other cemetery is a small village near Perth, Ontario. It is in the Ottawa Anglican Diocese,
and my guess is that it is the one, but I cannot be sure.
I have another one that I am still working on. I will let you know the results later.
Good Luck with your project!
Stan Horall,
RCMP Historian (retired)
New: May 10, 2009
Troop#9 67/68 Members:
Reg.#25866 J.E. Hasiuk and Reg.#25817 J.D.Y. Laperle
Hi Buffalo Joe,
Danny McNeill, the ‘J’ Div grave site Coordinator and I were Troopmates of deceased
J.E. (John) Hasiuk and J.D.Y.(Yvon) Laperle. Both of our Troopmates died too young
and under tragic circumstances.
John Hasiuk, I believe was from Two Hills east of Edmonton, AB. He died in an accidental house
fire in Metchosin BC.
Our second Troopmate Reg.#25817, Yvon Laperle hurt his back in weight training at ‘Depot’ in
1967. His surgical operations were unsuccessful and he was discharged for medical reasons in 1970.
Yvon spent so much time in health care facilities that he married one of his nurses!
As time passed, his back ache and discomfort never left him. He died in the family home in
Brossard, QC.
I am trying to locate all the other members of Troop #9 1967/68 and they can contact me at:
Thanks for your time and take care,
Reg.#25818 John Norris, (ret).
New: May 9, 2009
- Chaplain's Notes
Dear Joe;
I have served as Chaplain for the St. Albert Detachment for almost 6 years.
I think your site is excellent!
I reviewed the Chaplain's list and I thought I'd let you know that Chaplain Bob Harper is
actually Division Coordinator for both "K" and "V" Divisions.
On another topic, my father, Allen Gowler was a member, stationed in Prince George and
McBride, British Columbia, 1951 to 1955.
But, I'm curious if there is any record of my great grandfather, Matthew Gowler,
who was stationed in the Yukon Territory around 1873 as one of the first members of the
North West Mounted Police. I believe he was with the NWMP for only about 5 or so years, possibly less?
Could you possibly see if you can find any information regarding Matthew Gowler?
Greatly appreciated and keep up the excellent work!
Best Regards,
Rev. Cyril Matthew Gowler
St. Albert Detachment,"K" Division
Buffalo Joe adds:
Dear Cyril,
I congratulate you on your ministry work. Years ago, (1960's) we didn't have a Chaplaincy Program
so I consider our members lucky to have you on board. I've made sure that Rev. Bob Harper is
shown as Coordinator of 'K' Div. and 'V' Div.
You can read Reg.#2989, Mathew Robinson Gowler's Service File available from Archives Canada.
Type in his Reg.#2989 and you can read all 44 pages! Viola!
Please keep in touch. I'd love to have a Chaplain write a short story about their work.
Yours truly,
Dear Joe;
Thanks so much for the excellent info on my great grandfather, Matthew Gowler!
It is so appreciated! Thanks for the info you've helped me with.
Blessings on you Joe!
New: May 8, 2009
- Last Post:
Vet Jack White notifes us that Reg.#50233 Cst. Colin Moulton was killed in a motor vehicle
accident near Bethune, Saskatchewan on May 6, 2009.
Cst. Moulton was off duty in his private car. He was crossing Hwy 11, when hit by semi trailer.
He was pronounced dead at scene.
Cst. Moulton served from 2003 and was posted at Craik Det. 'F' Div.
New: May 7, 2009
- Last Post:
Vet Jack White notifes us that Reg.#19850 (Rtd) Sgt. C.A.K. 'Tony' Beecroft died May 6, 2009
of Parkinson's in Hospice at Maple Ridge, B.C.
Sgt. Beecroft served from 1957 to 1981 in 'E' Div. He was promoted to Cpl. circa 1968 and served
as a Shift Supervisor at Haney Detachment. He was a great friend and a mentor to many junior members
including me. I will remember him.
After retirement, Tony went on to the Coroner's Service.
New: May 6, 2009
- Last Post:
Vet Jack White notifes us that Reg.#49108 Cst. James Lundblad, Camrose Det 'K' Div,
was killed on duty May 5, 2009 on Hwy 2A near Millet, Alberta.
Cst. Lundblad's police car was struck by a grain truck as he was making a U Turn to pursue an
offending vehicle. He had served from 2001 in 'K' Div.
- Last Post:
Vet Jack White notifes us that Reg.#17636 (Rtd) S/Sgt. Robert Warren Frank McTavish,
of Red Deer, died May 5, 2009 at Edmonton, Alberta.
S/Sgt.McTavish served from 1952 to 1987 in 'K' Div.
New: May 5, 2009
- Reg.#11299 D.W.W. (David) Mascall
Hi Joe:
A correction is required on Reg.#11299 David Mascall as his body was supposedly donated to the University of Toronto Medical School.
St. James Cemetery 635 Parliament St. Toronto have a University of Toronto monument dedicated to those who provide
their bodies for medical research. Once each year, the remains of those bodies are buried beside the monument.
Last Friday when we were visiting St. James, I asked if they could tell me if Mascall's
remains had been placed at the monument. It turns out for some reason, his body was either not
donated or not accepted by the University.
Mascall had a full casket burial and lies beside his wife at St. James and is in Section J, Lot 267. There is a non-RCMP flat granite marker on the grave.
Please amend your database accordingly.
Jack O'Reilly
Toronto Vets
Dear Jack;
We may never know the origins of the story behind Mascall's remains begin donated to U of T, but
you've solved another one and we now know where he actually is buried. Thanks again!
New: May 4, 2009
- Reg.#25649,S/Sgt J.G.G.(Buzz) Bussieres
Howdy Joe;
I have attached a photo of the tombstone of Reg.#25649 S/Sgt J.G.G.(Buzz) Bussieres.
His grave is located in St-Leonard, Madawaska County, New-Brunswick. The GPS coordinates are N 47' 10.156" W 67' 55.812"
Thanks and congratulations on the good work!
Larry Jalbert,
Reg.#22021, Sgt.
New: May 3, 2009
- Last Post:
Vet Jack White notifes us that Reg.#19109 (Rtd) S/Sgt John Robert Emmett died April 28, 2009
at Summerside, P.E.I.
S/Sgt. Emmett served from 1942 to 1945 in the RCNVR, then in the Force in Marine Div. from
1946 to 1970 in 'B' 'C' 'O' & 'H' Divs.
Cremation and funeral at Mount Olivet Cemetery in Halifax, NS.
New: May 2, 2009
- Last Post:
Vet Jack White notifes us that Reg.#26703 / O.1594 Insp. Bruce F. Bowman (Rtd) died
April 29th, 2009 of a brain aneurysm at Sydney, B.C.
Insp. Bowman served from 1968 to 2000 in 'E' 'HQ' 'A' & 'HQ' including a six month tour in
Namibia with the 'HQ' International Training Branch. He was married to Reg.#33419
Rosemary Backus, sister of Kamloops Vet Peter Backus.
New: May 1, 2009
- Last Post:
Vet Jack White notifes us that Reg.#13923 / O.569 Supt. Lief Eyolfur Lloyd Erickson (Rtd)
died April 28, 2009 at Victoria, B.C.
Supt. Erickson served from 1941 to 1976 in 'K' 'HQ' 'G' & 'H' Divs.
New: April 30, 2009
- Last Post:
Vet Jack White notifes us that Reg.#17653 former Cst. Albert Francis Pearce died
April 24, 2009 at Calgary, AB. He served from 1952 to 1960 in 'J' & 'HQ' Div.
Cst. Pearce left the Force to attend law school and afterwards he represented the bar
in Calgary, AB.
- Last Post:
Ottawa Vets notify us that Reg.#16106, Gary 'GB' Boyd Blake, died April 29, 2009 in Ottawa. He
served the Force from 1950 to 1978 in 'E' & 'HQ' Div. retiring from Security Service.
S/Sgt. Blake continued his career as an Investigator with Consumer and Corporate Affairs and
retired as Assistant Director to the Privacy Commissioner.
'GB' was in his 80th year.
New: April 29, 2009
- A Page in Our History
Reg.#8650, Cpl. Frederick Clifford Simpson was born on April 13, 1895 at Bear River, NS. He enlisted
in WWI and he served for three years with the C.E.F. and over one year with the R.A.F.
Cpl. Simpson joined the RNWMP on August 14, 1919 at Toronto, ON and he served at Regina, SK and Rockcliffe, ON.
He was granted a free discharge on June 21, 1922.
Cpl. Simpson died 45 years ago today. It is believed that he is buried in Allen Park, Michigan, USA.
It's a Page in Our History.
Source: The Quarterly. V30, 1. July, 1964
New: April 28, 2009
- Survey of Notre Dame Cemetery, Ottawa, ON
We thank Sister Anna Clare, retired teacher and Friend of the Force in Ottawa for
providing a list of seventeen Vets all buried in Notre Dame Cemetery.
Sr. Anna Clare's father was Reg.#10800 William Joseph Berrigan who is among those
Vet buried in Notre Dame.
New: April 27, 2009
*Footprints of the Force
Reg.#9597, Cst. W. R. Stephens
Reg.#7766, Cst. V. Maisonneuve
Hello Joe:
Last week I met Mr. Gerard Robert from Montreal, QC. He has traveled all over the north.
He also had been on a Russian Cruise Ship and it had stopped at Dundas Harbour in northern Nunavut.
Mr. Robert told me that there is an old Detachment there and there are two graves up on the hill
behind the old Detachment.
I showed Mr. Robert your website and he would be pleased if you could use his photo's. They are
The grave on the left is Reg.#9597 Constable William Robert Stephens. He was born in 1902
and he died on August 26, 1927.
The grave on the right is Reg.#7766 Constable Victor Maisonneuve. He was born in 1899
and he died on June 16, 1926.
I have checked each of the Reg.# on your website and they are both listed.
Pete Garvey
Chesterfield Inlet, Nunavut
Buffalo Joe adds:
Dear Pete;
Please thank Mr. Robert for his photos and I will gladly add them.
I appreciate his thoughtfulness very, very much. And, my thanks to you for also keeping
in touch and for all of your contributions which you have kindly sent to me.
Yours truly,
New: April 26, 2009
*Footprints of the Force
Reg.#4766, C. D. (Denny) LaNauze joined the RNWMP on September 25, 1908. He served at several
Detachments in the West before being selected as a member of the King George V Contingent to London in 1911.
By 1914, he had attained the rank of Sergeant and later in the same year he received his
commission to Inspector. He was less than 26 years of age.
Inspector LaNauze was promoted through the Officer ranks and he retired as an Assistant Commissioner
on April 1, 1944. He died at Gothenburg, Sweden, on June 13, 1952,
His father was Reg.#419 Sgt.Thomas LaNauze.
Source: The Quarterly, October, 1952.
New: April 25, 2009
- Last Post:
Vet Jack White notifes us that Reg.#17606 (Rtd) S/Sgt Lyndon Alex "Stretch" McLean died
on April 23, 2009 at Chilliwack, B.C.
S/Sgt. McLean served from 1952 to 1991 in 'E' Div.
New: April 24, 2009
New: April 23, 2009
- Reg.#15306 Robert David Van Norman
Dear Joe;
David Van Norman was born in Hamiota MB on April 2, 1928 and he joined the Force May 22, 1947.
He retired as a Sgt. on Oct 23, 1964.
Sgt. Van Norman died April 28, 1988 and he is buried in Brandon MB - Rosewood Memorial Gardens.
He was awarded the Queen's Coronation Medal for service with the Eskimos in the Arctic.
Please feel free to contact me should you have any further questions.
Yours truly,
Reg.#22593 J.M. (Jack) Van Norman
- 'Our Canada' - Publicity for Graves Website
A short article and a few photos on the RCMP Graves Inspection and Maintenance Program has been submitted
to the bimonthy Canadian magazine 'Our Canada' which is published in Montreal, QC.
Let's hope it gets published!
As time goes on, I hope that the website will be a well researched legacy certainly for the Members of the
Force, but also indeed for all Canadians – and communities of other nations around the world
who are interested in the RCMP.
New: April 22, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#18155 (former) Cst. John Patrick Woodford died
April 18, 2009 at Bedford, N.S.
Cst. Woodford served from 1953 to 1955.
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#18083 (Rtd) S/Sgt Charles Stanley Balik died
April 19, 2009 at Ottawa, Ont.
S/Sgt. Balik served from 1953 to 1985 in 'HQ' 'Band' 'D' & 'HQ'. His burial will take place
at the National RCMP Memorial Cemetery at Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa, ON.
- Survey of NWMP Maple Creek Cemetery, Maple Creek, SK
Again, we thank Mr. Reg. Keatley, Friend of the Force for surveying and listing
all the Force graves in Maple Creek Barracks Cemetery, Maple Creek, SK.
Mr. Keatley listed a total of 8 graves in Maple Creek Cemetery; one belongs to Scout Louis
Lavallie and another to Interpreter Joe McKay.
The remaining six graves are mostly of young NWMP members who died of sickness such as malaria.
An additional 6 graves are also located in Maple Creek Cemetery. One is a child of Q.M.S. Harper
and the remaining five are of civilians.
New: April 21 2009
Montreal RCMP Veterans Association
Good morning Joe,
I’m attaching a message that I received from Christine Demon who works for Veterans Affairs
Canada in Montreal. She looks after the Canadian Veterans gravesites.
I met her at our April 14th meeting in Montreal. She seems to have some info on our RCMP
graves and is asking if the RCMP has the responsibility for looking after these gravesites?
Since you are the expert, I am forwarding the message to you.
I checked the your graves database. Reg.#10826 Constable Joseph Larente died February 25, 1935
at age 37 and he not seem to be listed.
I find it interesting that Jack White’s DB does list a Reg.#10826 Larente J.H. who joined
the Force in 1930 is listed as having died while serving in 1934 (the stone says 25 feb 1935)
You may respond directly with her or through me, as you wish.
Jean Martin
Montreal RCMP Veterans Association
Dear Jean;
Thank you!
I'll call Christine Demon and I'll also be in touch with you soon so that we can
collaborate on the 'C' Div. Graves Inspection Program.
Yours truly
*Blessing to Deceased Members from Papal Nuncio
New: April 20, 2009
*Bibliography of the Force
In his book Policing the Plains author R.G. MacBeth provides the reason why
Lieutenant-Colonel Osborne Smith is considered the first Commissioner of the Force.
Briefly, MacBeth says: "It is not generally known that Colonel Osborne Smith, who had seen service
in the Crimea and the Fenian Raid in 1866, was really appointed Commissioner of the Police so as to
give him full authority until a successor was invested with the command". p. 39.
Source: Policing the Plains: Being the Real-Life Record of the Famous Royal North-West Mounted
Police. MacBeth, R. G. Hodder and Stoughton Ltd. London. (No date of publication). p. 39.
(On personal loan to me by the family of deceased Commissioner L. H. Nicholson, M.B.E.)
New: April 19, 2009
*Footprints of the Force
The photo opposite right shows retired Vet. Reg.#10980 George Cutting standing at the
grave of his father, Reg.#3149 Percy Cutting.
This valuable snap was taken recently by Vet. Reg.#18047 AJH 'Joe' Collinson who accompanied George
Cutting to the Beechmount Cemetery, Edmonton, AB.
Sgt. Percy Cutting was born in 1873. He joined the NWMP on September 15, 1896 and he served in
'K', 'M' & 'F' Div. He retired from Swift Current Det. and the RNWMP on March 31, 1924. Sgt. Cutting
died on August 14, 1962 and he is buried at Beechmount Cemetery, Edmonton, AB
Reg.#10980, Sgt. George A. Cutting led an illustrious and colourful career in the RCMP beginning
in 1931. For many years, he was a 'Rough Rider' or Riding Instructor at 'Depot' Div.
I had the memorable opportunity to meet and speak with George Cutting at the Kelowna AGM and if I recall
it was retired S/M Harry Armstrong who said "George Cutting was one of the finest horsemen I'd ever
Sgt. George Cutting retired from the Force in 1958.
*My thanks and appreciation to Vet. Joe Collinson for his collection of photos as well as to Vet
Jack White for providing access to his historical files. Thank you!
Addendum: After posting today's *Footprints of the Force, this note was
received from Edmonton Vet. Joe Collinson.
Joe Collinson says: "I would have added a couple more vignette's on George [Cutting]. He is one of very
few (count them on your hands) remaining members of No.1 Canadian Provost and he is an original
member of the Company (not a reinforcement).
He is also one of very few (I assume) remaining members of Canadian Forces who landed in
France before France fell in 1940".
Buffalo Joe quips: "Now we're talking Force history and our affection
goes out to a well worth remembering friend -- Vet. George Cutting!"
New: April 18, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notified us that Reg.#15889 (Rtd) S/Sgt. Robert Kenneth Burke died Apr 14, 2009
at Calgary, Alberta.
S/Sgt. Burke served from 1949 to 1973 in 'K' 'N' 'P' & 'Depot' Div.
- The Hudson's Bay Company
The Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) which played such an important commercial role and the settling
of early day Canada was born in the year 1670. For many, many years of early colonization traders,
Aboriginals, settlers as well as the North West Mounted Police depended upon the services provided
by the HBC.
This year, HBC celebrates its 339th birthday!
Happy Birthday HBC!
New: April 17, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#16097 3/Cst Bert MAGYER who served from May 9, 1950
December 28, 1950 then purchased died on June 1, 2006 at Turin, Alberta.
*Footprints of the Force
Reg.#2236, S/M Walter Wrixton DeRossiter, NWMP was born on January 24, 1868.
He joined the NWMP on December 17, 1888.
in 1897, Sgt. DeRossiter was a member of the Diamond Jubilee Contingent to England, and
shortly afterwards (1900 to 1901) he joined the Natal Field Force, South Africa.
Upon returning to Canada from Africa, DeRossiter joined the Moose Jaw City Police and served
from 1911 to 1914.
At the outbreak of WWI, Lieutenant DeRossiter joined the 42nd Battalion Royal Highlanders and
was sent overseas. On December 10, 1917, Lieutenant DeRossiter committed suicide with a gun shot to
the head.
Lieutenant and former Sergeant-Major W.W. DeRossiter died while serving Canada.
He is buried in the Aubigny Community Cemetery,Aubigny En Artois, France.
Research source: From personal letters received from Mr. Reg. Keatley, Friend of the Force, Calgary, AB
and the History Files of Vet Jack White. Thank you!
New: April 16, 2009
- 'H' Div. (Nova Scotia) Graves Research
The following list of deceased members and their final resting place in 'H' Div. Holy Cross
Cemetery was kindly sent in by Toronto Vet Jack O'Reilly.
Jack explains;
"I could never find an obituary for Toronto Vet Reg.#14547 R.W. MacNeil who died at Toronto
in 1987. I recently stumbled across his wife Vera's obit, so I called the funeral home and
found that both MacNeil's are buried in Section B, Lot 17B Grave D 6&7 at Holy Cross Cemetery,
Johnson Rd., North Sydney, Cape Breton, NS.
Their records show two markers on the grave: Flat marker shows: 14547 S/Sgt Roderick
Wm MacNeill RCMP June 8/23 - May 10/87
Most of Holy Cross Cemetery has been transcribed by the local genealogy society and
the inscriptions are "on line". (but no photos)
In Holy Cross Cemetery, I also noticed:
Reg.# 12195 MacIntosh (Cemetery record shows spelling of McIntosh) Section B, Lot 38,
Grave 6&7. The headstone shows 'McIntosh', Cpl James 1897-1982 RCMP 1932-1953
RCMP records show him as 'MacIntosh'.
We might be embarking on another 'MacIntosh Spelling Mystery'?
Also in Holy Cross Cemetery are:
Reg.# 11392 McKinnon - no RCMP reference on marker
Reg.#21539 Shebib - Section E, "Shebib Husband Gerald F. 1940-1990 RCMP"
Note:Jack White's History file also shows Reg.#12198 Ryan is buried in Holy Cross
but I didn't notice his name on the Cemetery list.
Reg.#12198 Ryan, William David Fleming. Joe, you have him on you database but you show his Reg.#12325.
So, you have two Ryan's with Reg.#12325
Reg.#12325 is Cpl Cyril John Stephen Ryan who is buried in PEI which your database
accurately indicates.
PS: I don't think 'H' Div. Nova Scotia Vets ever did decide to share their Grave Visit List with
you, so I am copying this information about Holy Cross Cemetery to Peter Ineson in the event
they don't have these names on their list".
Jack O'Reilly
Once again Jack, thanks a million for this work!
Buffalo Joe adds:
I continue to hope that 'H' Div. Vets Executive will appreciate all the efforts which
other Associations are contributing to this National Vets Graves Program. Perhaps they will
appeal to their CO to 'cut me some slack' and use his or her discretion thus allowing
us access to their Graves List and photos.
New: April 15, 2009
*Footprints of the Force
Reg.#5945 Cst. Thomas George Bavin, RNWMP was born in 1892. At the outset of
WWI, he joined the Lord Strathcona's Horse Regiment and given Trooper Reg. # 551107.
Trooper Bavin was killed in action (KIA) in France on December 1, 1917. His body was
never recovered, however, his name is inscribed on the Vimy War Memorial, northern France
near the Belgian border.
Research credit: Mr. Reg. Keatley, Calgary, Alberta
- Survey of Union Cemetery, Fort MacLeod, AB
We thank Mr. Reg. Keatley, Friend of the Force for surveying and listing
all the Force graves in Union Cemetery, Fort MacLeod, AB.
Mr. Keatley listed 41 graves in Union Cemetery most of which are
former NWMP members.
Sadly, some of this early pioneer NWMP members died of violent means, some died
naturally while others died of sickness.
*Footprints of the Force
One of the earliest and best known characters in the NWMP
was scout Jerry Potts. He lies in Row 5, # 35 at Union Cemetery, Fort MacLeod!
The names of these deceased have been recently entered into the Vets National Graves database.
Our appreciation goes out to Mr. Reg. Keatley for his ongoing support!
New: April 14, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#20852 (Rtd) S/Sgt. Willy Seidelin Olsen died April 13,
2009 at White Rock, BC. S/Sgt. Olsen served from 1959 to 1989 in 'F' Div.
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#30060 (Rtd) S/Sgt. Michael Lysyk died April 13,
2009 at Surrey, BC. S/Sgt. Lysyk served from 1972 to 2000 in 'E' Div.
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#17295 (Rtd) Sgt Wayne Allan Bisaillon died April 10,
2009 at Ottawa, Ont. Sgt. Bisaillon served from 1951 to 1971 in 'C' & 'HQ'.
There were no details about a funeral service for Sgt. Bisaillon in the obit of the April 13, 2009
Ottawa Citizen.
- Read: Our Memorial to Reg.#6177 Cpl. Leonard V. Ralls
Click this page.
New: April 13, 2009
- To whom are you related?
This tid-bit was received by Vet Jack O'Reilly in Toronto.
Jack says: "I was watching 'Blues Brother' Dan Aykroyd on TV the other day and he said
that his grandfather on his mother's side, had been a member of the RCMP!"
Dan talked about Sgt. Ed Gougeon (his mother's maiden name) who served 30 years in the
RCMP before becomimg a Commissionaire at RCMP 'HQ'.
*Thanks Jack for this entry and for all your contributions!
Note Reg.#9855 Sgt. Edouard Joseph Benjamin Gougeon was born on May 25, 1895. He passed
away on September 25, 1975 and he's buried in Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa.
- Read: The Mystery of the Misspelled Member
Click this page.
New: April 12, 2009
- Read: The Mystery of the Golden Gumshoe Graves
Click this page.
- Read: The Mystery of the Bell Bloke in Breeches
Click this page.
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#20740(Rtd) Sgt. Eric GREEN died April 11, 2009
at Trail, B.C.
Sgt. Green served from 1959 to 1980 in 'F' Div.
From 1993 to 2006 he operated a MacDonald's at Trail when it was then turned over to his son.
New: April 11, 2009
- Grave site of Reg.#19899 M.A. Caverly -'E' Division
Dear Joe;
I found Melville Arthur Caverly's grave in St. Mary's Cemetery, Sardis, BC.
- Southwest section. I inspected it on April 7, 2009 and it's in very good condition.
I'm still trying to pinpoint any other Chilliwack stones.
Keep up the great work!
Kindest regards,
Bernard Filiatrault
Son of Reg.#18663, S/Sgt. George Robert Filiatrault
New: April 10, 2009
- Survey of St. Mary's, Burnsland & Queen's Park Cemeteries, Calgary, AB
Many, many thanks to Mr. Reg. Keatley, Friend of the Force for surveying and listing
all the Force graves in St. Mary's, Burnsland & Queen's Park Cemeteries, Calgary, AB.
Mr. Keatley identified 2 graves in St. Mary's, 13 graves in Burnsland and 22 graves in Queen's Park
Cemetery of former NWMP, RNWMP and RCMP members.
The names have been recently entered into the Vets National Graves database.
Once again, our appreciation goes out to Mr. Reg. Keatley!
New: April 9, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#18233(Rtd) S/Sgt J.E.L. "Jack" O'Hara died
April 8, 2009 of heart failure at Peterborough, Ont.
S/Sgt. O'Hara served from 1953 to 1979 in 'A' 'K' 'E' & 'O' Divs. He retired as D.S.R.R. and later
he became a Life Member of Toronto Div. Vets.
- Flashback - Reg.#18699 & 0.760, C/Supt. J.E.A. Yelle
Ottawa Vet Bernie Gagnon has begun his annual inspections of graves. He sent in this
photo of deceased J.E.A. Yelle's grave. My mind flashed back some 30 years ago.
I met 'Sid' Yelle only once during a VIP visit in Ottawa about 1976. At that time,
he was the Inspector in charge of a large African delegation to Canada and I was a Corporal assigned as a driver.
He was very tall, impressive and very smartly dressed in plain clothes. He was easily identified
by his thick, black rimmed glasses.
After the VIP delegation had entered the Prime Minister's Residence at 24 Sussex, Dr., Insp. Yelle
came over to the unmarked police car in which I was sitting. He sat down in the passenger's
seat and introduced himself. Then he started a casual conversation with me about our VIP duties
and especially the places my career had taken me. He seemed genuinely interested in me as well as
the other members on the VIP Squad.
I learned later that he too had been invited into the PM's house for refreshments but
he had declined. Instead, he chose to sit in the heat of the afternoon with his Detail.
As a very junior member, Insp. Yelle impressed me as a considerate and thoughtful Officer.
His professional manner has remained with me. He died November 27, 2007.
As it turned out, everyone who knew 'Sid' Yelle would call him a true gentleman!
New: April 8, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notified us that Reg.#55987 Cst. M.J. Marcel COTE died April 2, 2009 at
St Georges, Quebec.
Cst. Cote served from 2008 in 'C' Div and he was posted to Beauce-Amiante Det at time of
his passing.
Survey of Union Cemetery, Calgary, AB
Many, many thanks to Mr. Reg. Keatley, Friend of the Force for surveying and listing
all the Force graves in the Union Cemetery, Calgary, AB.
Mr. Keatley identified 98 graves of former NWMP, RNWMP and RCMP members. They have
been recently entered into the National Graves database.
Once again, our appreciation is extended to Mr. Reg. Keatley!
New: April 7, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that a member died April 2, 2009 at Biggar, SK
This special person served the Force from 1932 to 1955 in 'N' 'E' 'N' & 'F' Divs. In his last years
of service, he was a Dogmaster.
In 1935 he was one of the background riders in the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer movie "Rose Marie"
which was partially filmed in the Lynn Canyon area of North Vancouver, BC. He was
life member Saskatoon Vets.
His name: Reg.#11879 (Rtd) Cpl Bruce Henderson McLaren.
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#11195(Rtd) Sgt Ivor Arthur Mast
died April 3, 2009 at Richmond, B.C.
Sgt. Mast served from 1931 to 1955 in 'A' 'G' 'Depot' & 'M' Divs retiring as i/c Mayo Detachment.
He was then employed by Prospector's Airways at Whitehorse.
The "Mast House", 209 Eliot St., Whitehorse [where he lived from 1961 to 1985]
is now a heritage house and named for him. He was Life Member of Vancouver Div. Vets.
New: April 6, 2009
- Unique Photo Collection of Edmonton NWMP & RCMP Graves
Dear Joe:
I heard you were also collecting pictures of gravestones for the National Database.
Recently, I was out in Beechmount Cemetery in Edmonton with George Cutting and we went to
the RCMP plot. I took these pictures for you.
Here's the list of deceased members (photos of graves stones to appear soon):
Reg.#9778, MacGregor, Wm. B.
Reg.#8069, Christensen, Harry, J.
Reg.#11347, Hanna, Wm. H.A.
Reg.#10288, Pooke, Jos, W.
Reg.#S/1170, S/Cst. Smith, Rosyln Stanley
Reg.#11054, Adams, Henry John
Reg.#6721, Warren, Harold Ross
Reg.#12679, Wilson, John Laught
Reg.10189, Mighail, Dennis Charles
Reg.#3149, Cutting, Percy (Note--Jack White's history shows
Percy as being buried in Fort Macleod, however, his remains are now in this Edmonton cemetery)
Reg. #10980 George Cutting standing beside his father's grave Reg.#3149 Sgt. Percy Cutting.
Yours truly,
Vet AJH "Joe" Collinson
Dear Joe;
This collection of photos is wonderful and very, very meaningful. Thank you!
Thank you also for each contribution which you have made to the Graves Program!
It's a pleasure to add these very historical snaps to the database.
I had the pleasure of meeting history in the name of George Cutting at the Kelowna AGM. Please give him my
best regards also!
Yours truly,
New: April 5, 2009
New: April 4, 2009
- Grave Data Offered for NWMP Reg.#395 Cst. A. Wyndham
Hi Joe:
I'm a retired member and I've been to NWMP ex-cst. A. Wyndham's grave.
It's in Okotoks, AB but I'll have to wait till the snow disappears before I can
photo it. As I recall, it has a surface stone. Stand-by and I'll get the photo and send it off with some other info
I have on him.
Vet Floyd Rogers
Reg.# 24578
Thanks very much Floyd for your note and I'll await your photo.
Vet Jack White adds this: Reg.#395 Cst. A. Wyndham joined the NWMP on June 9, 1879 and
he served until December 11, 1890. Cst. Wyndham died on January 29, 1949.
New: April 3, 2009
- Missing Member of Long Ago
Hi Joe:
I am a retired member living in Nanaimo,B.C. Many years ago I had an uncle in the
Force by the name of Percy Phillip Graves. As far as I can remember, he spent most
of his service in Manitoba and retired I believed with the rank of S/Sgt.
He is buried in Rossburn Cemetery located at Rossburn, Manitoba, his grave marker
reads Percy Phillip Graves 1898 to 1973.
I don’t see his name in the database so I thought I would send this info to you.
You can contact me at E-mail: stittar@shaw.ca
Yours truly,
Bob Stitt
Buffalo Joe replies;
Dear Bob,
You're right, I missed your uncle's name. Your reminder highlites how much we need
the input of other Vets and families to complete the database files. With the help
of Vet Jack White, I was able to learn that Reg.#9257 Percy Phillip Graves joined the
NWMP on April 20, 1903 and was SOS (struck off strength) on August 8, 1947.
He served in 'K', 'E', & 'D' Div. Any other details of his career including death and burial
place would be appreciated.
All the details of your uncle have been added to the National Graves Database.
Yours truly,
New: April 2, 2009
- Repairs Required to Grave Site
This note was received from Jerry McCarty.
Dear Joe,
I had an inquiry from a fellow that I went to school with, about a gravesite of an ex-member,
that is located in Vegreville, Alberta, that seems to require some repair.
I don’t know a lot of other info, but this fellow was inquiring if there is anything
in place for such things or who this could be directed to.
Any help you can provide, I will pass on to him.
Jerry S. McCarty, Land Agent
Pioneer Professional Services Group
Buffalo Joe replies:
Dear Jerry,
Thanks very much for your note although I’m sad to know that one of our
graves might require some upkeep. I believe the duty of grave inspections and
repairs will be of interest to our ‘K’ Div Vets.
Please contact our Edmonton Division, RCMP Veterans’ Association
11140-109 Street, Edmonton, AB T5G 2T4, Phone #:780-412-5572
The President is: Doug Langevin and the Vice President is Jim Medley
Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#19724 (Rtd) S/Sgt Garnet M. McGINLEY died
March 28, 2009 at Saskatoon, Sask. S/Sgt. McGinley served from 1957 to 1982 in 'F' Div.
His son, Reg.#45428 Cpl. Mike McGinley, is currently serving in 'K' Div.
New: April 1, 2009
- Researching Grave of Troopmate Reg.#21395 A.B. Mackenzie
Reg.#21392 Richard M. Dundas has heard from Reg. #21408 Al Conrod (Rtd NL)
that their Troopmate AB MacKenzie is buried in Alberta and not in PEI as originally believed.
Troopmates will check with AB Vital Statistics Branch and determine location
of burial, year, month and day of Mackenzie's death.
Troop 54/1960 is pursuing this matter to bring closure on a deceased Troopmate.
It also assists National rcmpgraves.com in concluding a file of a deceased member.
New: March 30, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#18305 (Rtd) S/Sgt Ted Batychi died today
at Calgary, Alberta.
S/Sgt. Batychi served from 1953 to 1989 in 'E' Div, retiring from Kelowna Det. Ted was
well known and respected in the local area having filled such positions as: i/c Sicamous Det,
i/c Lillooet Det, Kamloops Section NCO, Victoria S/Div NCO and Watch Commander Kelowna Det.
New: March 27, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White alerts us that Reg.#20380 (Rtd) S/Sgt Walter Glover died
March 19, 2009 at Peace River, Alberta.
S/Sgt.Glover served from 1958 to 1988 in 'K' Div.
New: March 26, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#21920 former Cst. J.D.L. George Blanchette
died March 6, 2009 at Quebec City, Quebec.
Cst. Blanchette served from 1961 to 1966 in 'C' Div.
New: March 25, 2009
- Vet of the Month
Read our Vet of the Month story otherwise known as 'The Mystery of the Misspelled
Go to Vet's Corner and scroll down to 'RCMP Vet of the Month'
New: March 24, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#17131 (Rtd) Sgt Gerald Andre KUMITCH died Jan 19, 2009
in palliative care, Nanaimo, B.C.
Sgt. Kumitch served from 1951 to 1975 in 'D' Div, then
a further 20 years as the personnel manager for Carnation Foods at Carberry, Manitoba.
In 1995 he retired to Parksville, B.C.
New: March 23, 2009
- In a Family Way
Hi Joe;
"...Our oldest son Dereck (Reg.#56863) graduated from 'Depot' on December 11, 2008.
I was there to present him with his badge and I had a great time reconnecting
with my 'Depot' roots.
You've done a great job with the graves website. Your interest and energy in this
is another awesome example of the dedication and loyalty which makes the Force
such a special organization. Keep up the good work..."!
Vet Mel Carter
Reg.# 31077
New: March 21, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#21990 / O.980 Insp J.P. Pierre LAMARRE (Rtd)
died March 15, 2009 at Regentigny, Quebec.
Insp. Lamarre served from 1961 to 1986 in 'C' & 'HQ'.
New: March 19, 2009
- Grave Found - Reg.#15738 Harry Donald Alexander Pringle
Ken Mitchell (legvet@shaw.ca) discovers that Reg.#15738 Harry Donald Alexander Pringle
is buried in the old Banff, Alberta grave yard. The headstone indicates his rank as S/Sgt
at time of death. S/Sgt. Pringle was born May 9 1929 and died March 7, 2000.
Thanks Ken!
March 18, 2009
- Last Post
Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#17075 / O.924 Insp. Raymond H. WHEADON (Rtd)
died March 17, 2009 at Victoria, B.C. Ray served from 1951 to 1985 in 'D' 'HQ' 'G'
'Depot' & 'E' Divs, retiring from Staffing at Victoria.
New: March 17, 2009
Alan McLauchlan (mclauchlan@xplornet.com) notifies us that Reg.#20217 Mike Snihor
is buried in Thompson, MB.
Al says that Mike's wife Ann and son Blaine still live in Thompson. I'll get a photo the next time
I am in that City.
Thanks to you Al!
New: March 14, 2009
- A Slice of NWMP History: The South African War, 1899-1902
(With permission: From history files of the RCMP)
Whom the gods favor die young. PlautusListed here are but three members of the NWMP who died in South Africa
during the war:
Reg.#0.74, Thomas W. Chalmers, served in the NWMP as an Inspector from 1886 to 1893;
served in the Canadian Mounted Rifles (CMR); was killed in action near Belfast, South Africa on Nov. 2,
Reg.#3380, Harry H. Clements, served in the NWMP from 1899 to 1900;
served in the CMR; died of fever in Springfontein on May 25, 1900 (Information at the
Commonwealth War Graves Commission suggests that he is buried in Grave 49, Springfontein, South Africa)
Reg.#3369, Richard Lett, served with the NWMP 1899-1900; served in the CMR; died of fever at
Pretoria on July 21, 1900
*Maintain Our Memories: I acknowledge and thank the RCMP Historical Section
for allowing me access to their historical files for the purpose of recalling the
sacrifices which these NWMP Members made to Canada and to the Force. JJH
New: March 13, 2009
- Re: S/Cst. Len Martin and S/Cst. Sid Elson - Cartright Det. NL
Hi Joe;
I spoke with Ms. Dianne Martin at Cartright Det. She confirms that
graves for both S/Cst. Leonard H. Martin (her cousin) and S/Cst. Sidney T. Elson (her uncle)
are both in the Cartwright Cemetery and their gravesites are well maintained.
Both graves have suitable headstones, (Len Martin's was provided by the Force)
and Dianne thought that Sid Elson's headstone also mentions that he had been a S/Cst.
As an aside, Cartright's Detachment Commander is a Cpl. Wendy Martin
however, none of them are related.
Presently, they don't have photographs of the two graves, but Dianne did offer to take some
for me and I left her with my e-mail address.
The only other "RCMP Grave" I have ever had anything to do with was that of
Reg.#19915 Cst. George Ransom, one of the five members who drowned in Lake Simcoe
on June 7, 1958. This funeral was in Melville, SK and I played the trumpet.
At the time, I believe I was the 2nd or 3rd last to be hired at the rank of Trumpeter
- at 17 yrs old!!
Vet Dave Bland
Reg.# 20342
*Thanks Dave for all your help which we appreciate. Let's keep in touch. In the meantime,
we'll show this file as: S.U.I. JJH
New: March 12, 2009
- Grave investigation concludes!
One of our Vet Associations reports that a long-time mystery which involved a complex investigation was finally solved
this week!
The case shows the tenacity which sometimes is required by our Vets to
uncover the exact identity and location of a member's final resting place.
In this exceptional case, the whole mix-up was caused by an incorrect spelling of
the deceased member's last name!
The mystery, the member and his memorial will show up in the 'Vet of the Month'
story which appears later this month.
In the meantime, our sincere
thanks to these Vet sleuths for their dedication and for their volunteer work. Well done.
- Vet George Bliss sent in revised lists on our graves located and maintained in
'F' and 'Depot' Div.
*Thanks George for all your help!
- Ms Jennifer Yuhasz, M.A.S., Librarian/Archivist for the Maritme Museum
home of the RCMP's St. Roch in Vancouver and Vet Don Waite, Ridge Meadows, BC have offered their help to provide
photographs of the St. Roch. Their suport is appreciated!
New: March 11, 2009
- Vet Danny McNeil of 'J' Div. says: "The paper/messages
have already started to flow for 2009 re: 'J' Div. Grave Site
Inspections. As in previous years I will keep you in the loop!"
*Thanks Danny to you and the 'J' Div. squad!
- A slice from Vet Jack White's history files.
Jack relates the career of Reg.4613, Robert James Aitken.
He joined the Force July 29, 1907 and by 1919, he had attained
the rank of S/Sgt. In August, 1919 S/Sgt. Aitken opened Kamloop's
first Detachment. In October 1919, he was joined by his second man
Reg.#6530 A.D. Hilliker.
Through his career, S/Sgt. Aitken had been posted
to 'K' 'DEPOT' 'F' 'E' & 'DEPOT' Div's. From 1937 to 1939, he held the
post of Secretary to the Victoria Vets.
S/Sgt. Aitken retired on July 28, 1933. He died on September 12, 1940
and he is buried in Victoria, BC.
Cst. Hilliker was one of 27 men from the Yukon Contingent who volunteered
for WW1. As a private, his service # was CEF 2684359. Cst. Hilliker died at
age 58 and he is buried in the Pleasant Steet Cemetery, Kamploops, BC.
*Credit to Jack White -- 'Maintain Our Memories' It's all part of Force history!
New: March 10, 2009
- A slice from Vet Jack White's history files.
Jack tells the story of Reg.#8362 Harry Adair.
Cst. Adair joined the Force on July 15, 1919, but his career was
cut short very unexpectedly because he 'left' on October 9, 1920.
While posted to Rossland Det., 'E' Div. he got into some 'juice' and
was intoxicated. We simply don't know, but given that he was a single
member, can we speculate a woman was also involved?
Anyway, Adair broke a window and then fired his service revolver.
The Irish might say: 'So'? But, Adair was charged and
appeared in Service Court before Inspector King. He was found guilty and given one month's hard labour followed by
immediate dismissal!
In those days, justice in the Force was swift,sure and cheap!
* Maintain Our Memories and thanks to Jack White.
- 'J' jumps in to help. Overnite, an offer for more volunteer help arrived from Cst. Peter Vail
RCMP-GRC District 2 Oromocto, N.B.(Peter.vail@rcmp-grc.gc.ca).
He said: "I have a few items of information which I can update/provide
for you. As well, if I can be of assistance with any site inspections
or in any capacity, please feel free to contact me.
Cst. Peter Vail
*What can I say? I gotta say you can't beat
those guys from 'J' Div. Thank you, Peter!
See Cst. Vail's full e-note under 'Feedback'
- Reg.#20342 Dave Bland (dabland@gmail.com) sent in
this piece of Force history:
Hi Joe; In a previous note to you on Feb 13, 2009, Paul Matheson mentions
that he recalled a grave of a deceased member who is buried
in Cartwright, Labrador.
This member would probably be that of S/Cst. Len Martin,
who passed away on December 24, 1972.
I was stationed at Cartwright at the time and members came in from Goose Bay for
the funeral. I hope this info helps.
Yours truly,
Dave Bland
*See Feedback: Thanks very much Dave. Your info is very much appreciated
and today we tip of our Stetson to S/Cst. Len Martin. Len served
the Force for many years but he died at age 51 leaving a young family.
Len was replaced by S/Cst. Sid Elson, who also passed away.
- 'Laird lines up 'E' Div.': A follow-up note arrived
from Vet Laird Allan of 'E' Div.'s Lower Mainland. He says:
"Dear Joe;
I am working with the Regional Sgt. Major on the Grave Program
and we are pulling together a comprehensive list and then get
as many photos as I can.
In reading your news about Gordon Gibb--I have know Stu Cameron for
about twenty years and I was one of Gordon's pall bearers at his funeral
in Victoria. We'll be in touch again soon"
Vet Laird Allan,
*A note of appreciation has been been sent to Laird for his ongoing
help. He is also a Force history buff as he served 31 years in "E" Div.
He is also a freelance photographer. Laird can be reached at: (www.dlairdallanphoto.com)
*What can I add? Since I served in 'E' Div., I gotta say you can't beat
those guys from 'E' Div. Thank you, Laird!
New: March 9, 2009
- "Who's in the dock?" The oldest member (now deceased) recorded in the
National Graves database was born on July 25, 1835. Prior to joining
the NWMP, he fought in the US Confederate War.
He rode in the March West then died on June 11, 1902. He lies in a small,
hillside, well kept cemetery in the small village of Rileyville, Virginia.
His name was Supt. Jacob E. Carvell and his Reg.# is 0.6 which was
issued in 1873.
More recently, Reg.#40657, Sgt. M. Young, RCMP was promoted to
the rank of Inspector and issued Reg # O.2591!
- Vet Jack White advises that Reg.#16950 (Rtd) S/Sgt George L.
Simpson died March 7, 2009 at Kelowna, B.C. He served from 1951
to 1980 in 'E' Div. retiring from Kelowna.
On Jan 11, 2008 S/Sgt. Simpson was seriously injured in an
MVA and afterwards he was also diagnosed with brain cancer.
New: March 8, 2009
- "Down Memory Lane"
: Reg.#11462, Sgt. John Nicholson Cawsey,
first served in WWI with the C.E.F.
He then joined the Calgary Police and switched to the RCMP on April 1, 1932.
Sgt. Cawsey was a Maritimer, born in Halifax on October 23,
1889. He died in Calgary, AB on March 31, 1964 and he is buired in
Union Cemetery, Calgary, AB.
So what? Well, Sgt. Cawsey is credited with establishing the RCMP's
Police Dog Service. We are reminded that Sgt. Cawsey and our Police Dog Service
are worthy of distinction and honour!
Credit to: Mr. Reg Keatley, Friend of the Force, Calgary, AB
and Vet Jack White, Kamloops, BC
Subject: RCMP Regimental Memorial Urns & Death Benefits
- **An important reminder arrived from Vancouver Vet Russ Lefler (info@barnandstable.com)
Hi again Joe;
I spoke recently with the wife of a deceased member while delivering one of my Regimental urns.
She asked several questions regarding the interment process and I suggested she check out
your website and the Van Vet's site. Prior to doing so, she wasn't able
to learn a lot about death benefits.
I think there should be easy access for spouses to acquire info when the other
half dies. I notice that the 'older' generation don't have ready access
to this info.
I tried to find info for her from Morneau Sobeco's website but it wasn't
very helpful plus it also required personal contact with Morneau.
Alot of families have no idea what their benefits are or how they carry
over to the other spouse. Most of it is by word of mouth and I wonder, if the
member is not in a Vet's group, just how he or she gets the message?
I'm sure there are a lot of ex-members out there who aren't aware of your website.
(I intend to advertise my products (ie; urns) in The Quarterly to get the word out.
I was just reminded of your website and thought that you might want to ensure
that our members inform themselves about death benefits and share the
info with their spouses. There will be a definite need one day!
If you haven't had a chance, maybe take a look at my website, www.barnandstable.com --
you'll see that I have included a link to your website.
I've had a lot of inquiries about the 'Depot' Division Cemetery process
and I have directed quite a few people to your website, which is quite helpful.
Cheers, Russ Lefler
New: March 7, 2009
- Vet Jack White finds an error in obituary of Reg.#1975
James Hedley CLIFT, NWMP who lived at Birch Hills, SK from
(at least) 1925 and also died there.
Jack explains that SK cemetery records show a James 'F' CLIFT
deceased 1945 and buried in St. Saviour's Cemetery, Plot# 460, Birch Hills
as well as his wife. Jack strongly suspects they are the
same person but listed incorrectly by slip of typing, hence
middle initial of James 'F' ought to be James 'H'.
- Reg.# 21392, Richard Dundas (rdundas@nl.rogers.com) enquiries of
Troopmate Reg.# 21395 AB MacKenzie.
"Troop 54 - 1960 is holding a 50 yr Troop Reunion in 2010 at
'Depot' Regina. In researching our troop I found 20 living members - 8 deceased
members and 4 others that left Recruit Training in 1960 cannot be
Seven deceased Troopmates are listed on your website. They are:Reg.#21391 LE Brewster,
Reg.#21394 GK Grant, Reg.#21406 HJ Hehn, Reg.#21407 NG Wilson, Reg.#21413 CD MacDonald,
Reg.#21416 DA Jones and Reg.#21417 PN Couves.
Reg.#21395 AB MacKenzie as near as I can determine died in 2005 and is buried in Lower
Monteque PE. I have asked a member of PE Vets to check this out to determine if MacKenzie
is in fact buried in PE. I thought you should have this info that I picked up through
my research. As I understand each Vets Assn in Canada has a grave site inspection annually
and my PE Vet contact is going to have their member responsible for graves check it out.
I received my info from MacKenzies brother via another Troopmate.
As soon as I have more info I will pass it on. You may also want to pursue this with PE Vets.
MacKenzie joined Force 1960-04-07 and left the Force in 1962-63-64(not exactly sure what year)
New: March 5, 2009
New: March 4, 2009
- Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#21382 (Rtd) Sgt Kenneth
W. BAKER died Mar 4, 2009 of cancer at Victoria, B.C. He served
from 1960 to 1981 in 'F' & 'HQ' Div. and retired from Security
- Vet Jack White and friends uncover two more grave sites of
NWMP; Reg.#258 John W. Shields died in 1898. He is buried in Deer
Park Cemetery, Lot # 461, Prince Albert, SK. Exact DOD not known.
- NWMP Reg.#2407 Arthur Charles Grabill, died in 1915 and he is buried
at St Benedict's Cemetery Lot# 370, Humboldt, SK. Records do
not show precise date of death.
New: March 3, 2009
- Vet Reg.#41669 Mike Galbraith e-mailed fresh data on Reg.#25163, Cst
Baldwinson's file. Cst Baldwinson died as a result of a PC accident in Surrey,
BC while on duty on October 28, 1975.
- Reg.#17185, Joe Hanks sent in more historical research on the events of
April 1, 1932 as the RCMP absorbed the Manitoba Provincial Police (MPP).
New: March 2, 2009
- New information on about 88 NWMP members buried in Union Cemetery,
Calgary, AB. was received from Mr. Reg. Keatley, a friend of the Force. Some
of these ole' timers in Union include: Reg.#17, S/M Ira James Barwis,
Reg.#175, Cst. Simon John Clarke and Reg.#32, Sgt. James Colvin.
- Vet Jack White alerts us that Reg.#28006, Ian C. Fowler died at Harbour
Grace, NL on March 1, 2009.
New: March 1, 2009
- Vet of the Month story is posted under Vet's Corner. The story is
dedicated to the memory of Reg.#4279 S/Sgt. S. G. Clay and his wife Mrs Agnes
Vet of the
- Jack White reports: Reg.#13700/O.576 C/Supt. Harold Bernard LUROSS died
Feb 25, 2009 at Saskatoon, SK.
- Vet Alan McLauchlan wrote to say that he would volunteer to research
material on graves. *Thanks Alan.
New: February 28, 2009
- Vet Bernie Gagnon, Ottawa Vets provides new info on several Tropmates who
are deceased; Reg.#20971, J.R.G. Jacob, Reg. #20983, J.M.C Piche', Reg.#20977,
P. Delvin, Reg.#19403, M. Henrion, Reg.#20996 J.G. Webb, and Reg.#20989,
G.E.A. Bonshor.
- Vet George Bliss of Regina sent in a new photo of our historical Dawson
City Cemetery. George is about to patrol on holidays to Dawson City where he
will undertake additional research on the Dawson City Cemetery
- Vet Jack White reports that Reg.#0.37 William Macaulay Herchmer, NWMP died
at Calgary, AB but he was buried in St. John's Cemetery in Winnipeg, MB
- Web statistics: Over most of February, 2009 this website has been
averaging 75-100 or more hits per day from about 146 Canadian cities and
towns. International hits have originated from 22 countries.
New: February 27, 2009
- Reg.#17185, Joe Hanks provided historical information on the Manitoba
Provincial Police (MPP)and their absorption into the RCMP in 1932. Research is
underway to determine if Sgt. Adam Edward Ross of the MPP was included among
the MPP to have joined the RCMP.
New: February 26, 2009
- Vet Bill Newcombe sent along new data on the location of 14 Halifax
*Thanks kindly Bill your this help. Your information was new and very
helpful. It has been added into the databank.
- Vet Jack White digs up yet another: "Joe; you probably know there were
three Herchmer brothers in the NWMP. While searching for death/burial of
Reg.#359 (Original Series) Reg.#14 (New Series) belonging to S/Sgt George
Field Herchmer (grave not yet found), I stumbled across the following site
with headstone photo of Reg. #O.72 Commissioner Herchmer and thought you might
be interested?
*Dear Jack, you betcha! Comm'r Herchmer was our fifth Commissioner
(1886-1900) and he is buried in Mountain View Cemetery in Vancovuer, BC.
Thanks again!
New: February 25, 2009
- Reg. #33228, Bob Elliott , Coordinator of the Graves Inspection Program in
the Golden Horse Shoe patrol area wrote to say that he and his Vet Team are
engaged in research of graves and ...'are looking forward to working with you
on this great project.'
*Bob, thanks for a great note and my response is enroute to you.
Congratulations to our Vets in the Golden Horse Shoe!
- Reg.#21009, Vet Don Marshall (marshala@telusplanet.net) is planning a 50th
year Troop Reunion. He asked for help identifying the graves sites of his
deceased Troop mates plus data on their careers while in the Force.
*Assistance was provided to Don, however, his request highlights another
new and important dimension of our Vets Grave Location and Maintenance Program
-- which is, that help can only be provided to Vets if everyone chips
in by gathering historical data about the Force and the final resting place of
our members. Please help us by 'digging up the data!' JJH
- Vet Jack O'Reilly notes: "Reg.#111, Henry Wilson, NWMP is also buried in
the Lake of the Woods Cemetery, Kenora, On. He was born in 1853 and he died in
1954 at 101 years! His file on the NWMP site, shows a picture of Henry Wilson
& his wife on their 50th Wedding Anniversary in 1945."
- Jack O'Reilly also provides this update on a friend: Reg.#15277, E.R.
'Ted' Madill passed away in Regina on January 28, 2009. Ted's obit appeared in
a local paper because he was born on the family farm near Alton, ON (just
north of Brampton, ON).
There will be a memorial service for Ted on Feb 28, 2009 at the RCMP Chapel
in 'Depot', followed by a reception in the Officer's Mess. Interment likely in
the 'Depot' Cemetery. Ted was a true gentleman.
New: February 24, 2009
- Vet Jack White says: "... a genealogy friend stumbled on an obituary that
I had never heard of and was too late for me to do usual distribution;
Reg.#15895 2/Cst Patrick Olaf HOWE died November 16, 1999 at Lethbridge.
Details on
- Jack O'Reilly and the Toronto Vets sent in an revised list of deceased
members lying in Toronto area cemeteries. Of particular interest, is that the
Toronto Vets have found the graves of many former members of the NWMP. For
example, Reg.#409 Joshua Wallace Collins, Reg.#704, Peter Kerr, Reg.#0.46
'Frank' Norman and Reg.#0.104 Arthur Murray Jarvis.

*I'd like to express my appreciation again to Jack and our Toronto Vets for
their dedication to the Grave Location and Maintenance Program. In many cases
where research details are required, we also depend on the work of Vet. Jack
White to whom we also express our thanks. JJH
New: February 23, 2009
- Reg.#16697, George A. 'Skip' Wheatley died on February 21, 2009.

- Reg.#15776, W. Kenneth Williams died on February 22, 2009.

- Ms. Gloria Harvie sent five photos of deceased members graves which are
located in the Lake of the Woods Cemetery, Kenora, ON.
The five members are: Reg.# 9356 E.E. Crandall, Reg.#9354 J. F. Bellamy,
Reg.#18893 G. F. VanBelleghem, Reg.# 21694, J.R.A. Copeland and Reg.#28187
R.A. Ratushniak.
Accompanying the photos was a note to Vets from Ms. Harvie. She said: '...I
was really impressed with your site and can see the the benefits for
genealogical research...thank you for your work on putting this information
on-line...". Yours truly, Gloria Harvie.
New: February 22, 2009
- Vet Jack White notifies us that Reg.#38077 Cst. J.R. Richard Forest died
June 28, 2003 of ALS at Bowmanville, Ontario. Cst. Forest served from 1984
until his death in 'C' & 'O' Div's. He was posted to Bowmanville at time
of his passing.

Jack says: "Somehow, Cst. Forest's death was missed by everyone and only
learned of through [the efforts of] Toronto Div. Vets' and their ongoing Grave
Inspection Program."
*Our condolences are offered to the Forest family and our appreciation once
again goes to our Toronto Vets for their continued interest in our Grave
Location and Maintenance Program. JJH
- Research recently by Vet Jack White reveals that NWMP Cst. Adam Vihelm
Knuth died in Los Angeles, California on November 19, 1942.

New: February 21, 2009
- CM Earl J. Tooke, RCMP passed away in Ottawa on February 17, 2009

- Reg.#20654 Rod Macdonald recalls this tidbit of history about the first
two OIC's of Burnaby Det.
"Hi Joe; I just read your comment about transferrng from 'Depot' to
'Burnaby' (1965) when Reg.#0.499 Insp. F. L. (Les) Jeeves was the OIC. 'Les'
Jeeves was a very close personal friend of my dad (Reg.#0.479 Insp.
J.A.Macdonald) and in fact they were both detectives with the BCPP at the same
time in Vancouver!"
- A generous offer to help with the RCMP's Vets Graves Location and
Maintenance Program was extended from Reg.#22821 D. Laird Allan, 'E' Div. See:
'Feedback' under Comments Corner.
New: February 20, 2009
- Two graves were found by Reg.#17039 Cecil Coutts in 'E' Div.. The first
member is: Reg.#6665, Cst. Louis Joseph Richier,(DOD: June 21,1931) Hazelwood
Cemetery, Abbotsford, BC. Block 7, Lot 4. There is no grave marker.

- The second is Reg.#18735 Sgt. Francis 'Bun' O'Neill, (B: Oct 4, 1933), (D:
Aug 27, 1994). Hazelwood Cemetery, Abbotsford, BC. Block M7, Lot 341. There is
an RCMP crest on this privately funded marker.

Yours truly, 17039, O.821 Cecil C. Coutts, Supt (Rtd)
* Dear Cecil;
thanks for your help, interest and support. JJH
New: February 18, 2009
- Information was received from Vet Dave Holmes, 'L' Div. regarding the
final resting place of Reg.#19746, Maxwell Bowles,
Reg.#12265 Patrick Joseph MacLeod,
Reg.#11736, Percy Lewis Boudreault,
Reg.#11753 Harold George Speers and
Reg.#11743, Joseph Aeneas MacPhee. See database.

- A personal letter was received from Mr. Reg. Keatley, Calgary, AB which
provided details about his two deceased uncles; Reg.#6503
Ebenmezer Keatley, RNWMP who died at age 98 on April 12, 1974 and
Reg.#11751 Robert Lawrence Crawford, RCMP (Musical Ride 1933)
who died at age 74 on December 26, 1984. See database.

- Reg.#26873 Stu Cameron e-mails new data to the file of
Reg.#22512 Gordon Gibbs.

- Ottawa resident Ms. Sharon Quinn discovers this website and finds her
grandfather's name Reg.#3527, Charles David Joyce as being a
member of the NWMP.
Charles David Joyce was a brother to Reg.#3528, Frederick
M. Joyce.
Another relative, Reg.# 3493, Michael Alphonsus Joyce was
also a member of the NWMP.
New: February 17, 2009
- Facinating news was received from Reg.#16818 Bud Squair about
Reg.#7501 William John Henderson. Bud says: "I was pleased to
learn of your website and I recall that Henderson was my great-uncle.
According to information I have accumulated, he was buried January 2, 1919,
in Row A, grave 1, Canadian Plot, Russian Naval Cemetery, about 3 miles to the
southeast of Vladivostok.
- Reg.#19816, Ron Smith (pat.ron@sasktel.net) wrote to say that "...
Reg.#21553, Jack Kucherawy and I will photograph all the graves in the Prince
Albert area when the snow depart our lands. We also have much info in the
local archives, where we are both volunteers, and will be able to supply info
on a lot of our member's deaths.
* Dear Ron and Jack; Thanks for your note as well as the offer to assist in
the historical research available in your local archives. Your help from PA is
greatly appreciated!
- Reg.#3630 Arnold Creelman, NWMP is subject of a short
story by Reg.# 18711, Gordon Creelman, President of Creelman Security
Services. Click: Vets' Corner then go to 'Contributions from Vets'.

- Here's a note from Reg.#17950 Ed. L. Burnell regarding the Manitoba grave
of Reg.#oo224 (old series) John Bonn LYON, NWMP. Ed reports
that: "I spoke again with Ron Lyon in Smith Falls, ON. Ron tells me that that
there is no headstone, only a cement cone shaped marker with the number 145
inscribed. (Transcona Cemetery, Nr. Winnipeg, MB at site: S 1 #145).
Ed continues: "Ron has made contact with the "Last Post Fund", Sask.,
Manitoba Branch (part of Veterans Affairs). He has requested a proper
headstone for Cst. John Bonn LYON as he also served in the Great War, serving
in Canada, England and France.
A new head stone is forthcoming. It will be the standard military
Regimental model (39\" x 15\" x 3\" deep."
Ed concludes: Joe; "If you need further information, Ron Lyon would be only
too pleased to help."
Best regards and good Luck. Reg.#17950 Ed. L. Burnell
*Dear Ed; thank you again for the update and I promise to call Ron Lyon for
new proceedings on the grave site of NWMP J. B. Lyon.
New: February 16, 2009
- A kind note was received from my friend Ms. Jodi Worden, spouse of
Reg.#49314, Cst. Christopher John Worden containing a photo
of Chris' headstone at Beechwood National RCMP Cemetery, Ottawa. Chris' name
and memory is the RCMP's Honour Roll # 219. Jodi also enclosed a painting of
Chris that was presented to her at the Hay River Memorial on October 25, 2007.
It is currently being housed on loan to the Heritage Centre in Regina, SK.
*Dear Jodi; Thank you. The photos of Chris will soon appear on this
- Vet Jack White advise that Reg.#48548 Cst. Jason Andrew
Porter lost his life February 15, 2009, along with his two infant children
Jack & Hannah Porter when they were in collision with a bus on icy roads
at Oromocto, N.B. Cst. Porter was off duty in their private car. He served
from 2001 until his death in 'J' Div. at Perth, N.B.
- Vet Bill Newhouse, President, South Okanagan Divison notes the following
"...that Reg.#14773, John Robert Simpson was cremated and
interred in Lakeview Cemetary, Penticton, BC
- "...that Reg.#15432 Malcolm Figley was cremated and his
ashes were recently scattered by his spouse on Muncey Mountain, a small hill
overlooking Okanagan Lake in Penticton.
- "...that Reg.#10269, G. Robert McDowell was creamated,
with his ashes intered in the Oliver Cemetery, Lot 6, Block G, Pine Section.
- "...that Reg.#2153 Geoffrey Hardale Ashton, (NWMP) born
April 1, 1860 is buried in Fairview Cemetary, Penticton, BC. His date of birth
was supplied by Vet Jack White.
- "...that Reg.#16504 Hugh Lynch Drybrough, date of birth
of March 4 1924 and died November 22 1978 in Penticton, BC. Buried in Lakeview
Cemetary, Penticton. Information provided by his Hugh Drybrough's widow,
- "...that Reg.#21168 Thomas Alexander (Bud) Cumming, DOB:
September 15, 1940, died August 15, 1992 in Kelowna, BC. 'Bud' is buried
beside his father in Evansburg, Alberta. Information provided by his widow,
*Dear Bill, I am deeply appreciative of your help and support. Thank you. I
have also sent everything on to Jack White.
New: February 15, 2009
- Hi Joe,
I've recently been looking at the RCMP Graves site and I think
it is great that you are putting the effort into developing and recording all
this information.
When I was stationed in Inuvik, NWT we made skidoo
patrols to Herschel Island, Yukon and during the patrols we inspected the
following graves:-
Reg.#3948 Sgt. Stafford Eardley Aubyn
Selig, RNWMP: 1880 to Jan 30, 1911 and Reg.#5548 Cst.
Alexander Lamont, RNWMP: March 1897 to Feb. 16, 1918 (Honour Roll
Regards, Vet Ted Pettit, Bridgetown, NS
*Dear Ted; thanks for your
note of support. Your contribution is invaluable. I'll also add the photos of
the two graves soon.
- Reg.#23513 Wilson Noseworthy sent us a photo of
Reg.#17314 R.C. Stevenson's stone marker in 'H' Div. It will
be added to the website soon.
*Thanks Wilson and all 'H' Div. Vets for your
great support!
- Reg.#31540 Lonnie Grant Neely died under unusual and
suspicious circumstances in Mexico in 1978. Reg.#33898 Mike Duffy, Sgt.,
Medicine Hat, Sheriff Highway Patrol writes that deceased member Neely is
buried in the Swan River Cemetery, Swan River, MB.
A Memorial to Lonnie Grant Neely exists at the RCMP Crowsnest Pass
Detachment including his photograph and a summary of his death.
- Reg.# 23856, Jim Simpson writes that: "...Reg.#22986 Mac
MacCallum is buried in a grave with an RCMP headstone on the Brackley Pt.
Road, PEI across the street and just north of the family homestead.
Thanks very much Jim. I've added your location of Mac's grave site to the
New: February 14, 2009
New: February 13, 2009
- Reg.#1197, NWMP, George Frederick 'Skinny' Adams is the
subject of a short story by RCMP 'HQ' Div. Cpl. K. M. Derkson.
Click: Vets'
Corner then go to 'Contributions from Vets'.
- Reg.#15740 Doug Watt (dougwatt@telus.net) notes: "... a Troopmate,
Reg.#15734 Supt. Joe Collins trained at 'Depot' and 'N' March
to November 1949. He died in Edmonton, AB in late 70' or early 80's.
Doug, thanks for your note. We believe that Joe died on Feb 10, 1984 and he is
buried in Kelowna, BC. I do not have a snap of his grave stone.
- Stephanie Gillis (sg2898@telus.net) writes ..."I have been looking for
information on my father, Reg.#13367 S/Sgt. Michael A.
Gillis. His database file is not complete. He was born in New Waterford, Nova
Scotia in 1914.
I was hoping to find out his years of service, when he
started in Regina. If there is any information you could send, I would be very
grateful." His daughter, Stephanie
- *Dear Stephanie, I trust the information which I sent to you will be
- Reg.#22666 Arthur Frederick Slade, DWS is buried in
Corner Brook, NL wrote his brother Reg.#23371 Sid Slade.
- Reg.#19372 W.L. Donahue, 'K' Div. and Reg.#23685 J.J. Healy are compiling
a list of members who joined the Force from Charlotte Co. NB. A partial list
can be seen under 'Bufflo Joe's Corner'.
- Reg.#34165 Paul Matheson, (paul@ncsd.ca) reports taht " when I was
stationed in Cartwright, Labrador from 1979 to 1981 I did upkeep on an RCMP
member's grave. I cannot recall his name and I could not find any clues in the
*Thanks, Paul. I will ask the RCMP in Cartwright to send us a
New:February 12, 2009
- Mary G. Patterson, spouse of Reg.#21252, Denis G.
Patterson sent in new information for her husband's database file.
- Note of appreciation was received from Ottawa Div. President Al Rivard.
Click: 'Comments Corner' then Feedback.
- Reg.#17500 William Gordon Fleet is buried at Canyon View
Cemetery, Summerland, B.C. -- with thanks to Reg.#22172 W. M.(Bill)
*Dear Bill (Newhouse); I'd sure appreciate any help I can get
from the Okanagan Vets.
- Reg.#oo224 John Bonn Lyon, NWMP joined in Toronto, June
05, 1877 and was discharged in 1878. He died on Sept. 15, 1929 and is buried
in the Transcona Cemetery, Nr. Winnipeg, MB at site: S 1 #145. This
information came to me from a possible relative by the name of of Ron Lyon of
Smith Falls, ON. From what I am told there is no name, only #145. With thanks
to Reg.#17950 Ed. L. Burnell.
- Joe, you show Reg.#21543 Terry Kehoe's POD as uncertain -
either Oshawa Ont. or Oliver, B.C. I can confirm that he passed away in
Oliver, B.C. He was a member of this RCMP Vets Division and his wife Mary
still lives in Oliver. With thanks to Reg.# 22172 W.M. (Bill) Newhouse,
President, South Okanagan Division.
- Thanks Joe for making the changes in the database; Got word of this
website from our Edmonton Vets. I did not know it existed. I say, a great site
to have in place!
- I spoke with Reg.#20516 Hank McLaughlin's wife. She is
very appreciative and very happy about the site.
Yours truly, Reg.#25016
Barry Lindsay
- Vet Jack White reports: Reg.#547, NWMP Joseph McCARTHY
died at Ottawa in his 79th year. According to McCarthy's file he was born in
1862. DOD might be 1940 or 41? His death notice only says died on Sunday in
his 79th year as a retired motorman with Ottawa Electric Railway.
- BuffaloJoe; Reg.#3082, NWMP Cst. Nicolas Kunzli is buried
in the cemetary outside the former Town of Aden, Alberta, about a mile west of
Secondary Highway 880 on Secondary Highway 500. Aden as a town no longer
exists. However, there is a Canada/US Border crossing nearby - the Canadian
side is called The Port of Aden; the US side is called The Port of Whitlash.
The cemetary is still 'in service' (if that is the correct term)?
The amalgamated detachments of Bow Island/Foremost (in "K" Division) were
maintaining a file for inspection of the grave. Up until my departure the
grave was checked annually. As of July 2003 the grave and Regimental Head
Stone were in good repair.
I have contacted Sergeant Greg Squire, the new NCO i/c of Bow
Island/Foremost. He will inspect the grave when the snow melts - in 6 to 8
Yours truly, Mike Duffy, Cpl. (Retired) Reg.#33398
New:February 11, 2009
- Reg.#19067 George Frame died Feb 10, 2009 in Winnipeg, MB
- Reg.#12352 Donald F. VanBlarcom died Feb 10, 2009 at Kelowna, BC
- Reg.#22305 W. Norman Peters died Feb 10, 2009 at Medicine Hat, AB
- Now hear this! A strange but facinating note was received from a Vet. who
related this tale!
The Vet said he had a distant cousin who was a member and he died. His body
went missing on his last train ride while under RCMP escort! "...his remains
disappeared when the casket was sent by train. Somehow the escort lost track
of it and it ended up in Montreal. Time has passed and I don't remember all
the details as it took place many years ago. The church service had to be
postponed until the casket was found and returned. It was very embarrassng for
the RCMP. His family no longer want to talk about it!"
- Mr. Earl M. Lutz at (elutz1@cogeco.ca) wrote asking for help: 'Would like
to locate the grave site of NWMP member Reg.# 1469 Boaz Albert Lutz. in North
Battleford Sask.
Three members (NWMP) were on their way for a weekend of fishing at Jackfish
Lake when their horse got spooked and bolted throwing all three from the
wagon. My great uncle Boaz was the only one that died as a result of the
accident. It happened on April 27, 1895 and he died on May 2,1895.
Read more about NWMP Boaz Albert Lutz under Vets'
Corner' then go to 'Vet's Contributions'.
- Notes of appreciation were received from Reg.#22858 Dave Service and from
Reg.#20654 Rod Macdonald.
Another kind note was received from Ms. Kathy Maurice whose husband
Reg.#40876 was killed in an 2003 MVA and is buried at 'Depot' See: Feedback
under 'Comments Corner'.
- Ms. Gloria Harvie, Chairperson, Ancestor Seekers of Kenora wrote to say:
"I searched your database and found 6 graves located at the Lake of the Woods
Cemetery in Kenora Ontario. Our local genealogy group photographed the entire
cemetery this past summer and we would be glad to email you photos of the RCMP
graves located here".
*I replied to Ms. Harvie saying that we would be very appreciative to
receive the photos.
- Curious? Q1: Ever wonder the name of the first Officer-In-Charge of
Canada's largest detachment circa 1962? See: 'Contributions from Vets' under
'Vets' Corner'. Q2: Who followed him as subsequent OIC's?
New: February 9, 2009
- The Chaplains List has been updated: See: 'Chaplain's
- Ashes of Reg.#12844, Sgt. George W. Elliott were spread over wide open
spaces of Manitoba reports Vet. Murray Adair.
New: February 6, 2009
- Several new contributors have sent information about family grave sites.
Click 'Comments' on Home Page.
- Reg. # 22690 Dennis Isfeld wrote to say 'thanks'.that the website was
helpful:"Got your reply. Thanks very much. Very helpful and good work
New: January 26, 2009
- The January 2009 Vet of the Month story (See: Vets'
Corner) has been published.
- Obituary references from The Quarterly continue to be added to the
graves database. Thus far, about 10,000 obit references from years 1933 to
2001 have been added.
- Reg.#19512 Cpl. L. G. (Gary) Clement is buried in
Dickson, AB. A photograph of his grave was sent in by his friend Reg. # 19480
Ted Hersh and with permission of Gary's spouse. See: Grave Photograph Database
on 'Home Page' - scroll down to 'K' Div.
- Vet Murray Adair of Bruce Peninsula, 'O' Div. reports there is no damage
to the grave of Reg.#817 Andrew Edington, NWMP (DOB: June 8,
1860) buried in Edgehill Cemetery, Colpay's Bay, ON. The Cemetery is presently
closed due to flood damage.
New:January 15, 2009
- RCMP Historian Glenn Wright reports he did a complete file review
(National Archives) of deceased Reg.#1626 Bernard Lasswitz
(Mystery of the Rogue Regimental Number - See Buffalo Board). The plot
thickens as Glenn says there is no reference in the Service File to Reg. # 90
which is stamped on the Lasswitz grave marker which lies in a small Ucluelet
Cemetery, Vancouver Island.
- A new, up to date list of all RCMP Chaplains has been received from RCMP
'HQ'. It will be added to the 'Chaplains Corner' soon.
- A 'Letter of Blessing' to all deceased Police Officers was received from
the Papal Nuncio in Ottawa. Archbishop Luigi Ventura is the Holy See's
Ambassador to Canada. The Archbishop's letter will soon be published.
- Several e-mails are received daily from the families of deceased members.
Each note contains valuable information about the location of a member's grave
and its condition. The information is added to the deceased members file in
the graves database.
- This website averages 25 to 50 hits every day from all over the world --
Canada, US, England, France, Ireland, Singapore, Germany, India, United Arab
Emirates, Switzerland and many other countries. Web hits originate daily from
93+ Canadian cities.
- Central Vancouver Island Vets Association have begun their Grave Location
and Maintenance Program -- see report from Vet Laurie Jamont under 'Vets'
New:January 6, 2009
- Thousands of obituary references from The Quarterly have been added
to the database
- Photographs of graves in ‘J’ Div have been added and updated
- RCMP Vets such as Paul Young have sent photo’s and new data on graves for
inclusion on the website. Reg.#16910 Paul Lawrence Geisler
died Feb. 18, 2006 and is interred at Capital City Cemetery on Prince of Wales
Dr. Ottawa.
New: January 1, 2009
- Kirby Anderson, grandson of Reg. # 10501, S/Sgt. C. W.
Anderson wrote to say that S/Sgt. Anderson is buried at the Capital Memorial
Cemetery at 3700 Prince of Wales Dr, Ottawa. S/Sgt. Anderson was also the
Riding Master for the Musical Ride during his service.
- An e-mail was received from a deceased member’s daughter. She asked that
the Division Coordinator of Grave Inspections be advised that the lettering on
her Dad’s grave was becoming illegible. She was seeking help and direction to
have some work done on her Dad’s graves stone. The request was sent to the
Division Coordinator.
- Ken Cornforth of the Toronto Division sought information about a deceased
member in the Legion Magazine. He received a reply from a Mrs. Buckerfield who
was able to provide Ken with new information on Reg.#7409 C.
O. Heming. Mrs Buckerfield said that that Heming died in 1952, possibly at
Brandon, but is buried in MacGregor, Man.
As well, Ken learned that Heming was born in Grey Twp., Ont.
(Bagnor-Meaford area). He once had been a bank manager and he had been a
member of "B" Squadron sent to Siberia 1918-19. His Army Reg.# was 2772594. No
information was available on Heming’s wife or family, but Mrs Buckerfield said
she would call Ken again if she ‘digs up’ anything else. Our thanks and
appreciation goes to Ken in Toronto.
- A letter was received from Vet Jack O'Reilly, Toronto Div.