True and Fascinating Canadian History

The Fort Steele NWMP Memorial
Fort Steele, BC
Dear Joe,
Five NWMP members are buried in the Fort Steele Cemetery at Fort Steele, BC.
Four members died in 1887 of Typhoid Fever during the construction of Kootenay Post at Fort Steele then called Galbraith's Ferry.

Cst. Abraham Warner Fisher,
Cst. James Mason,
Cst. Herbert Mitchell,
& Cst. Henry Owen Lasenby

The fifth NWMP member who died was Cpl. Duncan Roderick MacNair. He was born on October 11th, 1864. He joined the NWMP at Killarney, MB on May 18 1892 and he died on April 27th, 1898 at Wardner, BC. Corporal MacNair committed suicide with his revolver while delirious from Typhoid Fever. It is also known that his father lived in Edinborough, Scotland.
There is one head stone of marble with the four names of 4 NWMP first mentioned. Cpl. MacNair has a separate headstone. Both monuments are close together and when I visited this site many years ago the wooden enclosure was rotting and falling apart.

In 1995, I donated wrought iron railing and had these graves enclosed within this new fencing. I acquired crushed white marble and pressure treated wood with funding from the local Cranbrook Detachment through Insp. Howard Cox now retired at Cranbrook.

In Memory of Reg. #1848, NWMP Constable Henry Owen Lasenby

Reg.#1787 A. W. Fisher,
Reg.#1788 J. Mason,
Reg.#1836 H. Mitchell,
Reg.#1848 H.O. Lasenby
*Reg.#1848, H. O. Lasenby's name is spelled incorrectly (cited as Lasmby) on the marker. The correct spelling is Lasenby. (by Joe Rose, great grand son)

Contributor & Appreciation:
Mr. Ian Randall (
I have maintained this special memorial site since 1995 and I will continue to do so.
Best Regards,
Vet. Barry Beaulac
Reg # 18517
PS: Also please read my letter of explanation attached.
Vet Historians and Researchers of RCMP/GRC Graves
(R) Reg. #18047, AJH 'Joe' Collinson
This photo of our two Vets was taken at the NWMP Fort Steele Cemetery, a bc Provincial Heritage Site which gains thousands of visitors annually
Due to his engrained respect for deceased members, Vet Barry Beaulac has taken personal care of the Fort Steele Cemetery since 1965. Vet 'Joe' Collinson is also a full time dedicated historian and researcher of RCMP grave sites - Joe has contributed thousands of photos, obituaries and articles to the National RCMP/GRC Grave Discovery Location Database.
I extend my warmest regards to my two friends; Barry & Joe for their deep interest and continual support for the National Graves Information Website. My heart says 'Thank you!'
'Maintain Our Memories'