True and Fascinating Canadian History


The Duck Lake Memorial

Duck Lake, SK

The opening battle of Canada's early North West Rebellion took place at Duck Lake, Saskatchewan. Fifty five members of the NWMP fought in the conflict on March 26, 1885.

The Duck Lake Memorial was erected to recall the members of the North West Mounted Police (NWMP) who were killed and injured at Duck Lake on March 26, 1885.

Reg.#1065, Constable George Pearce Arnold - killed

Reg.#852, Constable George Knox Garrett - killed

Reg.#1003, Constable Thomas James Gibson - killed

O.10, Superintendent Lief Newry Fitzroy Crozier - wounded

O.48, Inspector Joseph Howe - wounded

Reg.#1045, Corporal Alfred Manners-Smith - wounded

Reg.#532, Sergeant Thomas Haddon Gilchrist - wounded

Reg.#1117, Sidney Francis Gordon - wounded

Reg.#935, August Miller - wounded

Reg.#425, Arthur Thomas Murray - wounded

Reg.#1048, John James Wood - wounded

Source of Names & Appreciation: Hulgaard, William J & White, John W. Honoured In Places. Heritage House Publishing Co., Ltd. Surrey, BC. 2002. p. 210.

Memorial to the Volunteers
who were killed at Duck Lake


The Memorial above lies in St. Mary's Cemetery, Prince Albert, SK. It was dedicated to all the Volunteeers who were killed in the North West Rebellion of 1885.

I express my appreciation to S/Sgt. Ewen Booth, RCMP Prince Albert, SK. and to Jack O'Reilly, RCMP Vets Toronto, ON for the photo.


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